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Posts posted by Henroid

  1. That's awesome.

    Also, stop talking about this, I love this game, but my visual side really wants graphics and a better interface that I'll never get, so I have to make a stand and not get sucked back in!

    The interface is the thing that hurts this game for me. Visuals I don't care; the tilesets people have made are charming enough. Another issue with the game is that it doesn't support multi-cores. Toady supposedly brought someone on board to help make the game support that, and after a month they gave up.

  2. True story: When I was looking for roomies when moving to Portland, OR (which was a brief few months) I stumbled on a Craigslist entry that mentioned bonus points for knowing what Dwarf Fortress was. My email to the guys was a story about one of my forts dying to carp killing everyone and the dwarves getting depressed and having various tantrums / suicides, the latter including one infant.

    And then they disregarded all other applicants and I moved in with those guys.

  3. Don't MS operating systems generally alternate between being good and bad? 2000 good, ME bad, XP good, Vista bad, 7 good, 8 bad...

    Using this brilliant line of deduction, I say "Wait to get the game on the next OS." You'll probably get it in a $5 Steam sale or something too.

  4. You like Zelda 2 more than MM? My favorites are A Link to the Past or Majora's Mask, depending on if I want a 2D or 3D game.

    Yeah, I do. The only games in the series I haven't played are Twilight Princess and Minish Cap, oh, and Four Swords. But I'm confident I'll like them over MM. Something about that game just didn't sit right with me at all. And no, I didn't finish it. But it takes a lot for me to power through something I'm not enjoying.

  5. For all the talk Sony has been doing lately - especially to investors about how the Vita is the company's saving grace - they sure didn't make a strong case for the Vita. And considering Nintendo is apparently focusing on the 3DS tomorrow Sony may have just handed them that market. Tomorrow morning is going to be brutal.

  6. I've been passing on watching anything live this year, but I have been watching responses in real time across the net. And while Ubisoft apparently had the single most obnoxious thing within their conference I'm under the impression that, overall, it was positive for people. Especially that new game they revealed. Everywhere I was looking went apeshit for it. Good on Ubi, since the last few years have been odd. Not bad, just odd.

    I don't begrudge MS for their conference's focus, since this show is more mass-appeal / general audience / business driven these last few years. The show floor still exists so game stuffs will come from there rather than be a focal point on a stage. Frustrating for being different, yeah, but video games still exist! That said, don't get me wrong - nothing terribly exciting from MS. I just don't feel like they're killing people's dogs and families, as the net so implies.

  7. Sorry to hear that Henroid.

    Are you into strategy games? Tropico, Civilization and so on could work.

    I sorta am! Those are good ideas. Also I just remembered I have Afterlife. I can totally play that too.

  8. Part of what I'm looking for in games at the moment is nothing twitch based. Or things that are flat out turn based, so I have time to do what I need. Like even Full Throttle has time sensitive actions that would just frustrate me.

  9. Sorry, but I laughed. That's a slapstick classic.

    Was it your good hand or bad one? (i.e. your writing/mouse hand) Because that really sucks.

    My right hand, the one I use for everything. So far, I can play like Myst and Dungeons of Dredmor with my off-hand-only.

    And it's fine if people laugh. I mean, it was truly some Home Alone shenanigans.

  10. Well that sucks. What'd you do?

    My mother mopped and slipped on the tiles, screaming. It woke me up and I came running to help her, not knowing the floor was wet, and took a dive of my own.