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Looking for non-game related podcasts

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Hello, all:


I've realized how much time I've invested solely in podcasts with hosts discussing what games are hot and what games they've played during the last week.  It's great and all, but it feels like I'm missing out on a lot of different topics going on outside of gaming.


I already listen to some non-game-related podcasts: 

  • RadioLab: their stories are absolutely eye-opening, but they're few and far between
  • Planet Money: learning about how economics effect our daily lives and the world around us is great, but the amount of content has been receding recently (at least it feels that way)
  • Laser Time: is a pretty great look into different aspects of pop culture
  • This is Only a Test: a decent show discussing numerous consumer electronics and other weird things they tinker around with in their spare time
  • Still Untitled: The Adam Savage Project: a show where members of This is Only a Test talk with Mythbusters' Adam Savage about topics that interest him

Aside from that, I have nothing else in the non-game spectrum of non-gaming podcasts.  


What I'm looking for are podcasts that cover the following topics:

  • current events in the government (mostly to keep up to date about worldly matters)
  • movies (used to listen to the Screened podcast back when Alex Navarro and Matt Rorie ran the site)
  • improvements in robotics, online security, etc. (basically anything covered in Ars Technica)
  • discussions about jobs within computer science
  • discussions about developing, programming games 

I know that last one is a bit of a cop out on the "non-gaming" spectrum, but I truly want to learn how it is to make a game directly from the people who make them; not filtered through a feature on Polygon; not a one-on-one interview on the Sup, Holmes stream or on an article on Gamasutra; maybe not even the new podcast hosted by Steve Gayner via Idle Thumbs.


I want a podcast featuring game developers just "shooting the shit" about what games they've made in the past or are making currently and how they went about designing or coding for them.


The podcast I envisioned above may be a stretch, but I would appreciate it if anyone could refer me to some podcasts held up to the aforementioned criteria.

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