I think I'm done with Dark Souls. I don't think I got super far - I made it to some underground cavern place with tree monsters and felt the weight of the million years it would take me to explore the place and learn its ins and outs and said to myself "I'm not really enjoying this." I don't know if there was ever a point in my life where getting better at a video game for the sake of getting better at a video game was rewarding, but that's not where I am right now, so, goodbye, Dark Souls, I can sort of see what people like about you but it's not something I like about you.   I just upgraded my computer so I decided to play Far Cry: Blood Dragon which I've owned for a while but which didn't run super great on my old computer. I beat a few missions and liberated a few outposts and decided I was done. I like some free-roaming sorts of games - Far Cry 2, for instance! - and I really like shooters generally, but Blood Dragon was just way too much like Far Cry 3, way too unfocused, and not quite funny enough to hold my attention. I think I'm a larger fan of games that either do something interesting with the free roaming around (or that at least break up the tedium a bit - Blood Dragon is just the same thing over and over in different locations) or much tighter corridor shooters where the action is more consistent and I don't have to loot every body for money and grind animal quests to unlock attachments to buy at vending machines I can access at outposts I've fast traveled to once I've liberated them... over and over and over... so yeah, I'm slightly sad to not be able to see the rest of the largely mediocre but still sometimes amusing story unfold, but whatever. Life's too short.