
Jolly Rover, the perfect game for Talk Like A Pirate Day?

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Talk Like A Pirate Day is only a few days away, so we all know that the Monkey Island games will be on sale, but... you already have those, right? RIGHT?

Well then, me laddies, why not give Jolly Rover a try?

As a comedic adventure game set in a pirate world filled with sea dog... LITERALLY! It's got a few influences from Monkey Island, some things might seem a little too similar to MI, specially a certain puzzle (You'll know which once you get to it) and plot-wise? It doesn't really take anything from MI, although it does feel like it took some things from it and reversed them, but I can't really say much without spoiling it...

It does have a subtle MI reference at the beginning, and one which is... hard to explain? If you've played MI, when hero mentions a certain something you will obvious assume that it will be like in MI and wait for it to happen, but it doesn't, which is what you deserve for thinking it would blatantly rip-off that part(I did)! :mock:

The comedy isn't too bad either, to me the funniest part is the "quest info" at the top of the screen, pay special attention to it to get an extra laugh!

The greatest thing about this game is the feature that tells you if you're "done" with something, if you see the text is blue it means you can use, talk or simply talk about an item more and when the text is white it mean there is nothing more that item or person can offer (Unless it's with another item).

It also has a retro feel with the score looming over you like a Sierra game, but more or less as sensible as a Lucasarts one.

There is also a parrot that you must feed to get clues which I never used and a few collectibles for an unlockable gallery.

And since this game is also on sale because of TLAPD, it's the perfect moment to try it out!:woohoo:

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