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Halo 3 Co-op

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a mixture of Ikaruga and Eternal Sonata

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I may be up for some gaming tonight, if anyone else is? I'll blurt on Twitter as well.

Not wishing to spam twitter. I might be going out to a film screening tonight, contingent on how much work I get done today. Er. So I'll let you know nearer the time - is this 9pm CJD?

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After several aborted attempts, n0wak and myself had a jolly good romp late last week. We took on the whole of the Covenant in a couple of Scorpion tanks, and n0wak managed to expertly grab me a skull I hadn't retrieved the last time I had played through Halo 3. Twas ace!

I'm up for some more co-op tonight, 9pm STD, if anyone else cares to join me. :yep:

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Ooooooh, well that was fun, except for all the time we spent waiting for the game to resume.

Sorry about schooling you all in the multiplayer bit at the end. I couldn't help it, though. When me an my krew play Halo 3, we go for the win. We let the goose loose. We aim to kill for the thrill. We rule the duel. We explode the mode. We slay the fray.


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You "shit and quit," more like. :mock:

Having gotten that sudden NAT-related message flash up after so much lag in the co-op game this week, I've a horrible suspicion it could've been me causing those awful delays.

Helpfully, Microsoft directs you to - but click the link and see just how helpful that really is! :(

Stupid cunts... anyway: I used Google (lol) to find the actual settings I needed, have just fucked about with my router, and now my Xbox 360 connects to Live in a split second. It used to pause for several moments before registering connection to the network.

Curiously, this has never been an issue when playing Grand Thumb Auto, and it certainly didn't slow me down in matchmaking tonight either (unlike co-op). Regardless; I think I owe you lovely, patient people an apology... :getmecoat

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You "shit and quit," more like. :mock:

Having gotten that sudden NAT-related message flash up after so much lag in the co-op game this week, I've a horrible suspicion it could've been me causing those awful delays.

Helpfully, Microsoft directs you to - but click the link and see just how helpful that really is! :(

Stupid cunts... anyway: I used Google (lol) to find the actual settings I needed, have just fucked about with my router, and now my Xbox 360 connects to Live in a split second. It used to pause for several moments before registering connection to the network.

Curiously, this has never been an issue when playing Grand Thumb Auto, and it certainly didn't slow me down in matchmaking tonight either (unlike co-op). Regardless; I think I owe you lovely, patient people an apology... :getmecoat

NAT is a weird beast, there are 3 types (open, moderate and strict), If there is an open host then everyone can connect, those with strict or moderate may not be able to hear those with the moderate or strict. If there is a moderate host then only moderate and open can join. Finally if there is a strict host then only those with Open may join. As far as I am aware it does not affect connection speed. Although with host there certain objects and players may appear differently to those with a different NAT type, I think.

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I had no idea. :getmecoat

As I mentioned, it's never been an issue in the past. But then maybe that's just the way Bungie in particular choose to write their net code for co-op; if their synchronisation instructions are more NAT-dependent than e.g. GTA4... :blink:

Meh, hopefully things will just be a lot smoother next time out.

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I had no idea. :getmecoat

As I mentioned, it's never been an issue in the past. But then maybe that's just the way Bungie in particular choose to write their net code for co-op; if their synchronisation instructions are more NAT-dependent than e.g. GTA4... :blink:

Meh, hopefully things will just be a lot smoother next time out.

Not many people do, it's one of those things only those who have had the problem will understand.

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