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Grand Thumb Auto XXXIII: Starting to See Why Roman Numerals Has Been Phased Out...

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You do realize that the Y button only starts you climbing, and pushing it again will make you fall off, yes? If you want to climb faster, tap A. It's like running, but with a ladder.

Sincerely, your Canadian tormentor.

I do realise that, but it wasn't working very well at all. Then I started doubting my vague memory of the one time I'd climbed a ladder in the game, and started doing a jig instead.

Also, I heard running with a ladder is dangerous. An adult told me so.

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...I think my favourite bit was Toblix's off-road, stunt driving flourish of the week, somehow managing to vertically climb a chain-link fence in a car.

I think that was a round of cops and crooks where I was driving the police car in pursuit. We didn't see it, but got there just after and I was thinking "WTF?" as I tried to get through then drove around :)

One for all is definitely better than the all for one setting: prolonged matches, splitting up can work better, more action, and much less likely that a lucky passing shot by the cops can't end the game immediately.

Toblix also managed another bit of hilarious stunt driving while we were crooks, taking a stunt jump in Bohan far too slow, sending us plummeting toward the water, then actually landing on a tiny dock and following up with a moment of Austin Powers reversing to try and get the car up a ramp that was far too thin (That was the game that ended up with Nevsky chasing just me).

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[...] landing on a tiny dock and following up with a moment of Austin Powers reversing to try and get the car up a ramp that was far too thin
I almost fucking had it, too, but nooo, LETS SHOOT HIS CAR!

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I was introducing tension! Because of me we got to shoot back at the police!

It was a very good evening. Toblix's firetruck manoeuvre was glorious. There were also some very entertaining explosion and side-swiping hijinx later on, which I was on both the delivery and reception ends of. It's pretty amusing to be tootling along on your scooter only to suddenly find yourself travelling laterally at speed, still seated and upright (kudos, Nevsky).

Also: Nevsky's ladder antics were a delight.

I think that was a round of cops and crooks where I was driving the police car in pursuit. We didn't see it, but got there just after and I was thinking "WTF?" as I tried to get through then drove around :)

For a second or two I considered the possibility that they'd smashed the fence down and it had repaired itself in the minuscule interim. Even GTA doesn't have a memory that short, though.

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Miffy managed a good ambush on me in the industrial district, which was also the precise moment you heard me muttering "Oh you bell end" :)

I'd managed to stay on my Sanchez for the whole race, was in 1st place on the last lap, and Miffy (a few places behind and at least one lap) had positioned himself near a corner on a part of the course that went off road and inbetween buildings and pipelines. There weren't many options for avoiding him while still getting the checkpoints, so he popped me with an SMG and took my bike, leaving me with a Faggio and second place :violin:

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One of the greatest joys of GTA multiplayer is the ability to sacrifice your chances of winning for the glorious schadenfreude of really buggering up the people who are still going for first place.

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Also, I was a bit sad that I had just killed Wrestlevania, and that was sad, even though -- and I am quite sure he would agree -- it was totally worth it.

It's an upgrade from the last two sessions' obligatory patrol-car-to-the-head, so I suppose I should be thanking you.

Probably, but then this happened:

I almost fucking had it, too, but nooo, LETS SHOOT HIS CAR!

What you failed to mention is you fucking mowed down your fellow Occifer Vania in the process, you savage c_nt! :(

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