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Everything posted by SGP

  1. Neptune's Bountiful Pride 2

    10/12 have joined. Let's hope the last player joins at a convenient time for everyone. I'm Ethos in the game.
  2. Neptune's Bountiful Pride 2

    Might be a little speedy with 2x pay for my tastes but whatever works for you all. How large is large?
  3. Neptune's Bountiful Pride 2

    Hey thanks for setting things up. I appreciate your contribution.
  4. Neptune's Bountiful Pride 2

    I'd like to play. I prefer all default settings, 12 players, with alliances on. Never tried it like that, but I think the defaults work very well! Let me know. I know I'm not a regular (yet!) but I'm an avid thumbs listener. If you guys prefer to take an elder wizard I understand.
  5. Neptune's Bountiful Pride

    I've been doing this with every large change in the galaxy. Wish I had done it regularly though. You can see it here and click the pictures to see each frame.
  6. Neptune's Bountiful Pride

    Those of you in the 12-player game, could you post the race-avatars that aren't in 8-player games?
  7. Neptune's Bountiful Pride

    You wake up from a good nights rest, log into Neptune's Pride, and then: aJvYZXUT5Bk
  8. General Video Game Deals Thread

    Yeah they're like terrible flash games...