
Phaedrus' Street Crew
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Everything posted by Thompson

  1. Enjoy.
  2. Could just cut them out of the podcast.
  3. Nifty browser games (inc. Flash)

    In the vein of 'That elephant, that music, I just couldn't stop'. Tredmillasaurus-rex
  4. Happy Birthday!

    The moon was unbelievably beautiful tonight, it must be a sign Chris, the moon is your true destiny. Also, happy braidday... I mean birthday.
  5. Call of Duty: Black Ops

    Knife porting has always been a source of The Bugle levels of bullshit, from what i've seen of BO it looks like they've toned it down a little and the addition of the ballistic knife is really a game changer.
  6. Call of Duty: Black Ops

    Black Ops: You might stab a dude too.
  7. Video games

    I've had slight lapses where i've not really been too interested but some of the stuff I do besides video games require me to either play video games or do things that relate to video games so I sort of have to brute force my way through those and I get my mojo back eventually. Proof of my addiction is attached, dear reader. (When I typed attached it made me think of dear reader, I don't know...)
  8. After listening to that podcast I can't fucking wait for the video. Oh, and Sean: That was my favorite story that was ever told on the Idle Thumbs podcast, you are officially awesome. *Sings in a melancholy tone* Iiiiiiiiidle thuuuuuumbs It's over... I'm off to download and listen to every single episode over again, thanks for the memories Thumbs, you were something special.
  9. Portal 2

    Here's some footage from PAX. Looks so damn awesome. Also, .
  10. Call of Duty: Black Ops

    I'm in an unbelievably biased position on this game because i'm in a CoD gaming clan and have played all the CoDs since the early days. I'm a CoD fanboy. Let me state a few things first: 1. MW2 can go fuck itself. 2. CoD3 was an abomination. 3. Black Ops looks amazing. 4. The people who made CoD1 and CoD:UO are almost all at Treyarch. 5. IW made CoD2, the greatest Call of Duty game of all time in the eyes of almost all CoD fans. 6. IW also made CoD4, my personal favorite game in the series. 7. Treyarch made WaW, a mediocre yet innovative installation in the series. Now, let's talk about IW. The studio managed to put out the two best CoD games and kept the series above water while Treyarch did their best to kill it, now that IW has imploded (Mostly due to MW2 and their belligerence) Treyarch has to step up to the plate and put out something that Infinity Ward might have made. Infinity Ward is apparently still a thing so who knows what the hell is going to happen there (Maybe an MMO?) but I have to believe that the CoD series has pretty much come to the end of it's golden era once Black Ops is out.
  11. Bioshock was great, haven't gotten around to Bioshock 2 yet but when I do it will be on the PC. So no DLC for me apparently.
  12. Obligatory comical YouTube thread

    22AWPW5s4EA There are hundreds more, the true power of Microsoft has been revealed.
  13. Obligatory comical YouTube thread

    The best: qIoG4PlEPtY Also, this is awesome. kKrtbUinWOU
  14. Obligatory comical YouTube thread

    Dude, that was simultaneously some of the most simple yet great kinetic typography i've seen in a long time and one of the catchiest tunes i've ever heard. :tup: UPDATE: That sound became my musical equivalent of a day one perch, had to get that shit on iTunes.
  15. Obligatory comical YouTube thread

    Huh, I actually agree with this guy but i'd never really thought about it. I don't really know why I enjoyed the game but I did somehow despite the fact that everything this guy says I agree with. Scratch that, I think it's the immersive gameplay that really made me stay with that game. I can't say I agree with the additional RPG elements that the guy wants in the second video, an inventory? Fuck that, talk about wanting to ruin the game. Although friendly NPCs and good AI would be nice. I played it before I discovered thumbs.
  16. [insert name here] writes....

    I must have cleared my sent mail history, but I sent an email about a dream I had that involved Big Bird, a rising sperm floor room, Bioshock and Chris' apartment. Also, a Wizard.
  17. The Dancing Thumb (aka: music recommendations)

    Anything by Billy Reid, it's a shame that he focuses mostly on his comedy stuff. While it is undeniably hilarious I wish he did more songs. I particularly love 'What We've Got', so catchy. 's his YouTube serious song playlist.If you're in the mood for funnies go watch Guatemalean Sinkhole, I'm Typing LOL and Lip Syncing To The Song and Mall Santa Claus. Or my personal favorite Hot Girls Plunging. 0Wv7hYHErrs
  18. Shank! It's stabby time!

    Alright, I want say peroid like that anymore. PERIOD.
  19. New people: Read this, say hi.

    Why hello there!
  20. Shank! It's stabby time!

    If World of Goo taught me anything it's that no matter how you try to release your shit if it's on the PC platform it's going to be pirated. PERIOD.
  21. Other podcasts

    True, that question is a high bar to be sure.
  22. Other podcasts

    As a testiment to this podcast I am the person who sent in the question at the end of episode 19!
  23. Life

    Holy crap, that's awesome.
  24. The threat of Big Dog

    I bet he looks at the thread name constantly re-appearing and every time he hovers his mouse over it and the cursor just shakes more and more until he's forced to just click something else.