
Phaedrus' Street Crew
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Everything posted by Thompson

  1. General Video Game Deals Thread

    I was considering it, that game looks like the best NFS in a long time (since Underground 2 to my mind). Both of those will destroy your life.
  2. Games News and Gaming News

    See you're totally wrong because you Read more»
  3. Universe Sandbox

  4. Sony Shitshow

    Totally agree, although I do have to take issue with one thing.
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    Infinite iPhone looped.
  6. Games News and Gaming News

    I visit Game Rant, IGN, N4G, Techspot and Giant Bomb regularly.
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    Page space wasted.
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  9. Sony Shitshow

    What a total debacle. This is why you don't piss off the internet.
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    I woke up and saw it on TV at home, then went to school and watched it live there. I believe the second plane hit while we watched and the teachers had to explain what was happening. They turned off the TV when the towers collapsed and we spent the rest of the day talking about it instead of doing school work.
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  16. Awesome podcast, do more! There are 2 Pandemic flash games, but they're kind of opposite to what you might expect. You are the disease. Here's the second one.
  17. The great Valve re-play

    At least Gabe has a sense of humor about it!
  18. The great Valve re-play

    Oh man, just had a weird flashback. Does anyone else remember that Half-Life 2 trailer/teaser that had you fighting a stalker one on one in a city street? There was some kind of hotel with cyrillic characters on it, and you use the gravity gun to pull one of them off the building and the character falls onto the stalker, killing it. That trailer got me so god damn pumped for that game, then that bit was never in the game.
  19. + = Ruination Excellent recommendation!
  20. Variety

    Try ramping off a pterodactyl. I dare you.
  21. That's totally awesome! Also easy to create complete disasters, so maybe i'll give it a miss.
  22. Gemini Rue

    GB QL I've never been interested in adventure games (pause for shock) but this game has caught my eye, the whole rainy night aesthetic is really appealing to me for some reason. I may play this video game.
  23. I don't care what anyone says, I think Minecraft's 'fluid' system is total crap.