
Phaedrus' Street Crew
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Posts posted by spdiscus

  1. Shot in the dark here. Any thumbs in Vegas for re:Invent? I'm here for a few days and looking for compatriots. Anyone feel like grabbing a drink or meeting on the show floor? I'll be the tall, lumpy, bearded fellow. It's camouflage 'round these parts.

  2. Nice timing. I've been thinking of getting back into running. Elbow surgery in the next month or so, so I'm busy postponing all exercise. I like couch to 5k programs. Also considering jumping directly into half-marathon.

  3. From the Twitch chat - I actually didn't catch as much as I'd hoped. Started after the Bay talk. Rehash whatever you remember. We'll start the Kickstarter in a few hours.



    Chris Remo's Spelunky Daily Challenge

    ChrisRemo playing Spelunky

    Mrshmearo:  lmao
    Mrshmearo:  this music 
    Thecineaste03:  What would an art house version of Spelunky be like
    Lebloc:  I like that Chris is inadvertently giving us material for the Bay film. Shia's jetpack explodes. He looks at his hand with the cursed glove, which he can't remove. "I guess it's good I have this glove..."
     Loiosh:  some speed running influence there
    Tychocelchuuu:  Yeah, that's pretty much perfect
     Loiosh:  "nononononononono" - shia
    Thecineaste03:  Lol
    Lebloc:  Haha!
    Tychocelchuuu:  "DON'T WALK TO THE DOG"
    Tychocelchuuu:  BOOM
    Tychocelchuuu:  Great dramatic moment
    Thecineaste03:  Shakey cam
    Turgidbolk:  Oh god, Spelunky horror film Blair Witch Project style
    Turgidbolk:  Every level is a dark level
    Thecineaste03:  Oh god
    Mrshmearo:  vomit farming?
    Thecineaste03:  "Do you guys see him?"
    Thecineaste03:  "OH MY GOD"
     Loiosh:  -sniff- I'm so scared -sniff-
    Thecineaste03:  They start running
    Thecineaste03:  And you can see
    Thecineaste03:  A teleport croc
    Thecineaste03:  Behind them
     Loiosh:  It's coming from inside the cave!
    Lebloc:  Nothing but Giant Spider dark levels.
    Secretasianmann:  needs a wicker man style bees scene
    Gritfish:  guys
    Gritfish:  GUYS
    Thecineaste03:  Yes?
    Turgidbolk:  Gritfish get that flashlight out of my face, god
    Turgidbolk:  WHAT
     Loiosh:  lol
     Loiosh:  that poor dog
    Thecineaste03:  The art house film based on Spelunky would be called
    Thecineaste03:  Spéléologie
    Thecineaste03:  Because that's spelunk in french
    Turgidbolk:  Haha
    Thecineaste03:  ART.
    Thecineaste03:  *spelunking in french
    Turgidbolk:  Kind of a Run Lola Run recurring thing
    Thecineaste03:  With a sad french man narrating over it
    Yamayamadingdong:  okay, did he forgo the jetpack or did it get crushed on the moai level?
    Yamayamadingdong:  just got here
    Tychocelchuuu:  Crushed
    Mrshmearo:  the book? no?
    Turgidbolk:  Just a man repeatedly dying beyond his control and being resurected
    Tychocelchuuu:  He killed himself via one of those falling platforms
    Mrshmearo:  oh niceee
    Yamayamadingdong:  wow that is so silly
     Loiosh:  I didn't need that platform anyways - Chris
    Thecineaste03:  Perfect Tycho, the movie would be about the monotony of life symbolized by the ever changing levels
    Mrshmearo:  yama 
    Thecineaste03:  "I die and die..."
    Yamayamadingdong:  hey shmearo
    Mrshmearo:  yo
    Thecineaste03:  Olmec represents the Spelunker's inner demons
    Mrshmearo:  #beatklepek
    Lilpmo:  BAD END
    Jamesgrosch:  nicely done
    Thecineaste03:  lol
    Turgidbolk:  Eventually he discovers there is a Jungle level and is puzzled
    Turgidbolk:  Then goes on a surrealistic journey into his own mind as he uncovers more strange environments
     Loiosh:  wow that jump, brave
    Thecineaste03:  Spelunky, a David Lynch film
    Lebloc:  David Lynch's Spelunky would certainly visit the Worm
    Thecineaste03:  Who would be the obligatory white faced creepy guy
    Thecineaste03:  In the movie...
    Thecineaste03:  OH ***, THE GHOST, OF COURSE
    Mrshmearo:  chris "oops" remo
    Thecineaste03:  He'd be the creepy guy who pops up and says cryptic ***
    Mrshmearo:  The Ghost says " Im at your apartment right now"
    Thecineaste03:  And then he sings a Roy Orbison song
    Thecineaste03:  In all honesty, if there was a Spelunky movie
    Thecineaste03:  I'd like the Paranorman people to do it
    Mrshmearo:  nicely donee
     Loiosh:  Nicely done
    Yamayamadingdong:  i managed to get the plasma cannon into the city of gold on this daily and died right after i died to a hawk man throwing me into a mummy 
    Snipehockey:  bravely done
    Thecineaste03:  I always imagine a Spelunky movie stop motion
    Mrshmearo:  that really stunk man
    Spdiscus:  should grab one of those capes
    Mrshmearo:  vlads cape hype??
    Mrshmearo:  wonder if hes used it before? loll
     Loiosh:  lil remo bat
    Turgidbolk:  He used it once
    Lebloc:  I've seen him use it at least once
    Mrshmearo:  oh ok
    Thecineaste03:  Count Remo of Wansley Manor
    Tychocelchuuu:  Vlad attacks the heroes, it looks like maybe he has killed the main character, and a shadowy figure appears wearing the cape
    Tychocelchuuu:  But it turns out just to be Shia LaBeaouf
    Thecineaste03:  haha
    Tychocelchuuu:  Who has taken the cape from a vanquished Vlad
    Turgidbolk:  Nice
    Thecineaste03:  No no
    Thecineaste03:  He plaigarized it
    Tychocelchuuu:  hah
    Mrshmearo:  i wish patrick still played this 
    Thecineaste03:  The last line of the movie
    Thecineaste03:  Shia Laboof stands alone
    Thecineaste03:  In the hell level
    Thecineaste03:  "I *** up"
    Lebloc:  He has a bag over his head with "I'm not a Spelunker anymore"
    Thecineaste03:  FIN.
    Lilpmo:  Patrick said he would consider CK2, I'd like to see that
    Fooms:  vlads cape has such weird sound effect
    Mrshmearo:  whats that?
    Lebloc:  Yes, it does
    Mrshmearo:  crusader kings
    Secretasianmann:  I like it
    Mrshmearo:  ?
    Lilpmo:  yeah
    Snipehockey:  crusader kings will eat away peoples lives
    Mrshmearo:  how would work as a lets play on giantbomb? I just got it on steam
    Mrshmearo:  during the sale
    Mrshmearo:  havent touched it yet
    Thecineaste03:  I hope someone screencapped our Spelunky Michael Bay conversation 
    Thecineaste03:  That *** needs to be patented n ***
    Tychocelchuuu:  Jesus
    Lilpmo:  Chris and Nick played it on a stream a while back on the Idle Thumbs twitch
    Turgidbolk:  Chris and Nick Breckon played it on the Idle Thumbs channel for a bit
    Lebloc:  That dodge was crazy close
    Turgidbolk:  It's all on Youtube as well
    Fooms:  Yama easy peasy with a shotgun
    Mrshmearo:  yayyyyy
    Tychocelchuuu:  And just like that, Shia triumphs
    Lebloc:  Congrats, Chris!
     Loiosh:  grats, Chris
    Spdiscus:  nice work
    Getwhitey:  Nice run Remo!
    Fooms:  no rubies?
    Mrshmearo:  BEAT REMO??
    Turgidbolk:  It's true, keyboard makes you a better player
    Yamayamadingdong:  gg
    Thecineaste03:  Yo won...BUT AT WHAT COST?!
    Thecineaste03:  BWAAAAA,
    Thecineaste03:  S P E L U N K Y
    Thecineaste03:  A Christopher Nolan film
    Turgidbolk:  Money isn't important anyway
    Secretasianmann:  you win this round Remo
    Getwhitey:  thanks for streaming
     Loiosh:  Spemento
    Secretasianmann:  but I'll get you next time!
     Loiosh:  It plays in reverse
     Loiosh:  It starts with the death in Hell
    Thecineaste03:  Lol
    Thecineaste03:  Perfect
    Lebloc:  Spementos -- the fresh maker.
    Udimsumulosesum:  thanks Chris


  4. Howdy, everyone. I think this is my first post. I've been getting back into adventure games recently, and based on the podcast I'm assuming that interest will gel well with this forum. Long time listener/backer/reader; I've just never spent much time on the forum.

    I specifically dropped by to see if anyone was playing A New Beginning - Final Cut, so I'll be scanning the threads for mentions of that. It just popped up on the Steam announcement and looks promising.

    I should finish the Blackwell Deception in the next day or two, and I'll finally launch into Gray Matter after that.