
Phaedrus' Street Crew
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Everything posted by Sully907

  1. Obligatory comical YouTube thread

    We definitely need a certain amount of regulations, and some of the rights corporations have are over the line, but let's not pretend like big business is the cause of all the country's problems. Everytime I hear someone talk like that I think of the hippie in the coffee shop who just blames his own situation on the politicians and the corporations all day long.
  2. Life

    Is it possible that OssK now has the greatest job of all time?
  3. Recently completed video games

    I played it on PS3 and I think it plays fine with a controller. Especially considering that you don't need to make a lot of quick movements. It's all about solving the puzzles but once you do, you don't neccesarily need a lot of quick jerk movements to complete them.
  4. Recently completed video games

    Had Dead Space 2 from Gamefly since tuesday, finally finished it Sunday. It really is a fantastic game. The thing it does best is maintaining the fast paced feel of many modern shooters, while somehow also maintaining the tension of old school survival horror games. The types of weapons you have access to, their creative alternate fires modes make you feel like a badass, but you're always low on ammo and health. It's just perfectly paced the whole way through. I'd also have no problems reccmending this as a purchase because of the improved new game+ mode, the multiplayer, and the new hardcore mode for you masochists out there(three saves in the whole game, no checkpoints. You die, you go back to your last save)
  5. Wizaaaaaards!!

    Whenever I require any sort of witchcraft, during the bargaining phase, I always ask the bearded gentleman if he is a smart wizard first. I don't waste my gold on just normal wizards.
  6. Sony NGP (PSP 2)

    not to mention naming a game like phoenix wright, where it takes you a good 30 seconds to navigate to and save, isn't a great example either. I could save just as easily on some PSP shooter game for "quick burst" play
  7. Sony NGP (PSP 2)

    Yea I agree with you man, it doesn't really make sense exactly what people want from these games. What's the problem playing a console style uncharted game on PSP2, because what, you'll only be able to make it through one or two checkpoints before you have to put the device away, instead of a whole level?
  8. I know it's not directly related to this particular episode, but I have just purchased a box of puffins cereal at my local food emporium today, specifically because of Idle Thumbs.
  9. Sony NGP (PSP 2)

    I don't think I understand what people are talking about saying they want games to be "designed" for a handheld. What are you looking for exactly? No analog control? Only games designed with simple 2d sprite art that can be controlled with a dpad and four face buttons? Is that all people want out of a handheld? Or do they want dumbed down experiences that can be played in 5-10 minute chunks? Ideal for commuting or something?
  10. Recently completed video games

    I'm getting towards the end of darksiders myself. Best 10 bucks I ever spent.
  11. Sony NGP (PSP 2)

    The conference video does make it seem like a very sexy piece of tech, and as someone who never owned a PSP, the backwards compatibility on the digitally released games is a definite selling point. If the price is reasonable, after hearing some of the more negative impressions of the 3DS, I will definitely consider getting one.
  12. Life

    sucks about the graphics card man, I guess you'll just have to live with us console peasants until your new card gets here Now you have me worried about my 9600GT that I bought about a year back heh.
  13. Starcraft II

    I tried playing a game last night for the first time in like a month, it's like I lost all of my skill or something lol. I used to be low diamond, now I feel like I wouldn't even make it into platinum. This is such a muscle memory, mechanics based game you really can't stop.
  14. The Wire

    I finally started watching HBO's The Wire after all these years(yes I know I'm lame for waiting this long) and even just three episodes in, it's already as great as everyone said it was. Believable, gritty, endlessly entertaining with characters that seem familiar by not cliche at all. I've got a lot of catching up to do!
  15. Portal 2

    Portal 1 actually played just fine on a PS3 pad, the only time where it became an issue was the last few advanced levels where you had to turn extremely fast to shoot a portal in mid air. That's a situation where M+KB would make things a lot easier.
  16. Movie/TV recommendations

    Just finished watching Right at Your Door on netflix streaming. It's about a BioTerror attack in LA and one family's struggle to survive it. It's actually very enjoyable. The main protagonist has to struggle with the choice of letting his infected wife into his sealed off home or not, as the infected toxin cloud spreads across the city. I believe it's on Canada streaming as well.
  17. Life

    Yea that's what's kind of holding me back, I have a degree and internship, but I haven't really built much of a portfolio yet. I really need to get with a talent agency to get good VO scripts, or just get off my lazy ass, write and record things myself. A lot of it is on me I'll aknowledge that.
  18. Life

    Been working as a waiter for some time now while I tried to break into the radio/VO industry, but just recently got an interview scheduled to be a customer service rep for progressive. Decent pay and benefits to tide me over until I decide where I really want to go with my radio career. Much more stable income then waiting as well.
  19. Internet Comics

    That's the one Tanuki, thanks.
  20. Internet Comics

    Does anyone know the same of that crazy webcomic with the stick figure girl that will tell stories or do something crazy in a long series of panels? I remember one about "being an adult" and one about a dog?
  21. Starcraft II

    damn I stayed up late for the Idra Jinro match but it sounds like I missed the most epic match ever from the way everyone is going on about it. Anywhere that has a replay I can watch for free?
  22. Portal 2

    if by cheaper you mean 50 dollars as opposed to 60, sure, but I wouldn't expect anything more then that at launch
  23. Movie/TV recommendations

    I suppose we all don't have your supreme intelligence and presence of mind.
  24. Movie/TV recommendations

    I finally got around to see the new predators movie. Pretty slow to get going and mostly empty characters, but it had an interesting climax that was unexpected and enjoyable.
  25. Swarm

    Yea this game is totally enchanting going off that quicklook. Can't wait to play it. I hope they do the smart thing and price it at 10 dollars.