Justin Leego

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Posts posted by Justin Leego

  1. Can link the multiplayer now I'm at home - http://ets2mp.com/


    It reminds me of the Just Cause 2 multiplayer mod in how it's a launcher that runs the Steam version of the game and does fancy stuff behind the scenes to get over a 1000 people on to a server.

    I am a terrible driver, so I'm especially afraid of multiplayer, but the excitement of everyone here makes me wonder...



    Ok, I'm updating my game to 1.12,1, the latest version supported by ETS2MP (upgrading / downgrading is possible by right clicking on game in Steam Client > Properties > Betas > temporary_1_12_01). I see a couple of you on right now, unfortunately this download won't be fast enough for today, but how about same time next weekend? Woo woo!

  2. Awesome. We should go trucking together sometime.

    I haven't played this in aaaages since an official update came out and would have broken my save because of mod compatibility, but I will put some time into patching it all up if there is the prospect of some Thumbs MP.

  3. I don't know myself (and the Steam page tells me I'll need to upgrade my computer's CPU to find out, boo, I hope that's not true), but the PC Gamer review did have a few notes on performance:

    AMD 2.80 GHz processor, 16GB of RAM, and an NVIDIA GeForce GTX 750 Ti on Windows 7

    Somehow I played the entire game on Ultra settings, chiefly for the sake of the screenshots around these words, although there's no difference between that and the High settings unless you download the Ultra HD texture pack that was just released. I wouldn't recommend it if you're in my situation, but oddly enough, most of the time my PC actually fared well despite running hot. However, my framerates would plummet to slideshow rates when Talion was in cramped villages, surrounded by dozens of orcs, and bombarded with many explosions.

    These moments aren't that common, and I found the occasional stutter worth it since Shadow of Mordor approaches Witcher 2 levels of beauty when pumped up on graphical adrenaline. I'd hope that Mordor surpasses it with the texture pack installed, but at the time of writing, I don't know. Considering the demands the High setting put on my system, the Ultra texture pack must be a beast, indeed.

    But Shadow of Mordor still looks stunning on lower settings...


    edit - RPS said it wouldn't have a review up until Release Day + Time It Takes To Play The Game because review code for the PC versh wasn't being released alongside console code. I guess PC Gamer got special treatment. Well, huh.


    edit edit - From the RPS forums: "[Total Biscuit [who rated the game well]] has also mentioned in a few recent videos/Twitter statements, that it was difficult to get review code pre-release without signing a branded "don't say anything bad" deal [which apparently he didn't]. so more than usual, don't trust early reviews." Though Destructoid and Ars Technica managed to avoid complying with that stipulation, if applied across the board.

  4. Puzzle Bots aside



    Puzzle Bots was actually created by Erin Robinson of Lively Ivy, for whom Wadjet Eye was the publisher. (Erin did however contribute art to Blackwell Unbound.)


    Gravity Ghost excitement!



    New computer game from the studio that brought you Puzzle Bots! January 25th! "The little indie Mario Galaxy that could!" says August 2013 friend of the podcast Kirk Hamilton! More on Gravity Ghost at GravityGhost.com!


    True, but if you look into it, Dave and Janet from Wadjet did a lot on Puzzle Bots too. So there's that.


    And then there's this Puzzle Bots concept art


  5. Ralph Koster fielding questions at /KotakuInAction, one of the #gamergate hubs:






    Thanks for this Flynn. I think this shows that there is opportunity for healing on all sides. (I admit that I corrected myself from saying "both sides". As Raph says, "I am not even sure there are less than eight")


    Illuminating in particular Raph's summary of the discussion


  6. Puzzle Bots aside


    Puzzle Bots was actually created by Erin Robinson of Lively Ivy, for whom Wadjet Eye was the publisher. (Erin did however contribute art to Blackwell Unbound.)


    Gravity Ghost excitement!


    New computer game from the studio that brought you Puzzle Bots! January 25th! "The little indie Mario Galaxy that could!" says August 2013 friend of the podcast Kirk Hamilton! More on Gravity Ghost at GravityGhost.com!


  7. That said, to actually say anything of substance related to video games and the discussion thereof, just wanted to chime in about the Steam Curators thing. Maybe I'll have to re-listen to the discussion of it, but I honestly think everyone is making it out to be a way bigger deal than it actually is.


    Welcome to the forums!


    Please bear in mind that when we discuss Steam Curation, we are not discussing Steam Curation as it is now, but Steam Curation as it factors into the Big Dog Future under the (o course, correct) assumption that Boston Dynamics will establish a method for co-opting Valv3's algorithms and user data, hand in hand, as a crucial step on the way to establishing our inevitable flesh-slave existence in its terrifying new world order.


    Again, welcome.

  8. Only 13 of the 24 games have individual discounts, check it out:



    Portal 2
    Team Fortress Classic
    Half-Life 2
    Half-Life 2: Deathmatch
    Half-Life 2: Lost Coast
    Half-Life 2: Episode One
    Half-Life 2: Episode Two
    Half-Life: Blue Shift
    Half-Life: Opposing Force
    Half-Life: Deathmatch Source
    Half-Life: Source


    Hint: six of them are sequels or content associated with a sequel.