a purple future

Phaedrus' Street Crew
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Posts posted by a purple future

  1. I think if you could prove that he's spent all this time on codebase then I would shut up instantly, because I do understand that. Like what happened to the poor Project Zomboid team- they had to completely re-code their update system and have spent the last few months on tools and mod support.

    I think I sounded angrier than I actually am (not at all really) because I was really tired when I wrote that.

    My original comment was more along the lines of how it seems like dude works maybe 4 hours a day. I could be wrong!

  2. He's not obligated to stick to a schedule in any event.

    You see, I don't buy that. I know this falls into unexplored waters a little bit, but buying a pre-release product (essentially helping to fund the production) should come with some kind of assurance that said product is worked on pretty steadily. There looks like there's a lot of new stuff in 1.8 and the halloween update was pretty substantial but there's been a lot of fuckall between. Making Scrooge McDuck sums of money so you can fart around and make multiple other games while occasionally working on what brought you that money seems a little... off.

    This would be a lot less of a problem if they would just set up the mod API already. The mods that are already out there are mindboggling, and I can only imagine how awesome they could be if people had more/easier access.

    I'm not trying to sound entitled or anything but it's just odd having been around when he was adding stuff weekly to get to the point where months pass with a scrap here or there.

    Also considering that the game is supposed to be "done" in just about two months, this is a little troubling, especially since he just announced that he's starting another project in the meantime

  3. yeah it's one of those things that has become kind of a niche cultural touchstone, and is probably worth trying for that reason alone.

    the other reason being that it's pretty fun too

  4. I believe it's called a T Pose, in modeling parlance.

    that's so blatantly obvious that i'm surprised i didn't think about it, and a little disappointed that it's not something more clever

  5. around 50 hours on pc, constant alt+tabbing, never a single crash or game-freezing bug

    in fact the only bug i saw more than once was NPCs stuck in "default pose" with their arms at their sides. is there a better term for that?

  6. so I guess notch said that 1.8 is so big it's going to be two updates :erm:

    I don't think that's how patch numbers work?

    Also I know this is brought up all the time but I swear if pretty much anybody had his work ethic they would have been fired eons ago. what a rock star.

  7. That's what I did as well, though sometimes when given the option, I'll just punch holes in walls, cause I can.

    that was the other thing i learned from my first playthrough, you should invest in the wall punch, icarus system, high jump, and super strength augmentations as early as possible because it opens up pretty much the entire map. everything else can wait because mobility makes everything easier.

  8. There are a few things the game just kind of expects you to know from the previous games. It never tells you how to disarm mines, for example. (Crawl up to them very slowly and hit the use key on them.)

    you can do that??

    i tried to do that but they always blow up in my face. it must be easier with an analog stick :frown:

  9. i'm on my second playthrough and this time i dumped all my points into hacking right off the bat. so i'm barely into the game and i have level 5 hacking and the -45% detection and it's basically god mode. i have no other augmentations but it hardly matters because i can go anywhere i please.

  10. jake played a game?!

    I just started on this.

    First door code is 0451.

    That makes me like this game way more than it probably should.

    it didn't even occur to me why at the time but I seriously had to think about it for a second like "why is this number so easy to remember?"

  11. attachment.php?attachmentid=739&stc=1&d=1314246112

    "...therefore it's OK for me to break into my co-workers' offices and steal all their candy bars. I'm in grief!"


    "oh there's that wacky Jensen again, climbing through air ducts and reading everybody's email..."

  12. game is awesome, and I'm having a blast sneaking and hacking my way through.

    the option to tranq gun/melee takedown makes sneaking a much more viable option than simply staying hidden the whole time. and more fun.

  13. I guess you hit the target with the "artificial tedious crap" thing.

    Fallout has a world where they put of work and is worth exploring, other games want you to find 200 "generic item #54" just for an achievement or the ever popular "you can't leave this area until you're fight monsters for 20 minutes".

    that's why I never finished Infamous. I cannot fathom the appeal of that game, it's the same 5 missions over and over and over, and I'm not trying to sound like a neogaffer or anything. The missions are literally exactly the same. I can only do so many repetitive escort missions or "knock the flashing lights off the side of the building" missions

  14. kind of an interesting topic. When I buy a game that I really want (i.e. pay full price or almost full price) I almost always finish them, even if I have to bump the difficulty to "for babies" just to finish it.

    Then again, when I buy something off of steam because it's <$5 sometimes I don't even install the stupid thing. Other times I'll play through part of it before throwing in the towel.

    So if there's a significant amount of people out there that drop $60 on a game to not even finish it, I can't say I understand the mindset.

    It did take me over a year to beat Demon's Souls (and then about a week to beat it the second time), but that's not really the best example.

    I still haven't beaten Minecraft.

  15. Dude, I just watched the episode. You are NO douche. You have my respect :tup:

    Glad you're back :tup:

    EDIT: I just watched the last 10 minutes...DUDE!!! HIGH FUCKING FIVE MY MAN!! You deserved that motherfucker!!! Man, that's the best bit of telly I've seen in ages. I'm stoked for you Signor. Holy shit! Stuff like that never happens. Amazing.:tup::clap::tup:

    ok, for people who aren't in the UK and can't watch that, what happens in the last 10 minutes?

  16. I don't really understand the necessity of region-locking. They claim it's to keep prices even? But I mean I don't think there's ever been any problem with PS3 or DS games being region-free, right?

  17. I preordered through Green Man which is in the UK. I really hope this doesn't fuck me when they send the Steam code...

    edit: oh thank god, it looks like it's only the boxed copies.