a purple future

Phaedrus' Street Crew
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Everything posted by a purple future

  1. Mein Thumbcraft—IdleT Dedicated Minecraft Server

    I know a lot of us have been digging at bedrock level, but I've found 12-16 z to be the most profitable area by far. Use /getpos to see your height. Iron and diamonds everywhere.
  2. Mein Thumbcraft—IdleT Dedicated Minecraft Server

    I've been on pretty regularly, but most of what I'm doing right now is mining and building underground rather than making buildings or whatever
  3. V The Elder Scrolls

    game looks like it's so packed with fancy HDR and stuff that my video card is already cringing. i'm assuming (hoping) that since it's also on consoles that it's pretty scalable on the pc side, because i'd certainly prefer to play it that way. let me put it this way: my computer plays Crysis on high at 45 fps. the HDR lighting in BF:BC2 made it run at 2fps until I shut it off. this is basically the one game i'm dying for this year (assuming diablo 3 doesn't come out), so i want it to work well...
  4. Mein Thumbcraft—IdleT Dedicated Minecraft Server

    protip: you can run both versions easily by having the 1.1 and 1.2 bin folders both in your minecraft directory. just name the one you're not using binadsfsdfsdf or something until you want to use it, then swap the names.
  5. Mein Thumbcraft—IdleT Dedicated Minecraft Server

    ewFrgDPCgGA amazing.
  6. Mein Thumbcraft—IdleT Dedicated Minecraft Server

    RAD i'm gonna try that when i'm less drunk and can understand what i'm looking at but in the mean time
  7. Mein Thumbcraft—IdleT Dedicated Minecraft Server

    like sheep, you dont have to kill the squid to get their goodies. bummer about the hmod/bukkit situation. hopefully it wont take too long
  8. Mein Thumbcraft—IdleT Dedicated Minecraft Server

    just wool, and here's a chart http://www.minecraftwiki.net/wiki/Wool_Dyes oh and i got my wish and paintings work in SMP now. get to decorating! so since it looks like hmod is essentially dead (being replaced by this http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/welcome-to-the-bukkit-project.5/ ), what does that mean for the server? i'm looking right now to see if old hmod works with this update also better lighting/minimap has already been updated: http://www.minecraftforum.net/viewtopic.php?f=25&t=55700
  9. Mein Thumbcraft—IdleT Dedicated Minecraft Server

    new things: water mob = octopus. he is friendly and drops ink sandstone = 4 sand on the crafting grid. doesn't fall like sand sugar = reeds on crafting grid dye = comes from many things. flowers, ink, blocks lapis lazuli = new ore. only works as blue dye right now spiders climb walls now DISPENSER = stone stone stone stone bow stone stone redstone stone fires arrows and ejects items placed inside it. can be operated by switches, etc multicolored sheep cake = milk milk milk sugar egg sugar wheat wheat wheat cake is placed like a block and is eaten with rmb. has about 6 slices skeletons drop bones now. bones can make bonemeal which is a dye and supposedly a fertilizer (haven't tried it yet) music blocks = wood wood wood wood redstone wood wood wood wood tune with rmb, play with lmb. makes different sounds depending on what type of block it's sitting on new tree types (don't act differently) charcoal = smelting wood. apparently acts just like coal
  10. Mein Thumbcraft—IdleT Dedicated Minecraft Server

    hahah i was idling too, watching The Right Stuff. maybe we weren't working hard enough so while the server's busy being broken, i finally managed to get my custom water working
  11. Mein Thumbcraft—IdleT Dedicated Minecraft Server

    i think el muerte broke the server...
  12. Mein Thumbcraft—IdleT Dedicated Minecraft Server

    i was on the path. maybe treetops?
  13. Mein Thumbcraft—IdleT Dedicated Minecraft Server

    I built a VERY simple one directional train in that tunnel, FROM spawn, TO jennoa's. if someone wants to improve it later, with a launcher or proper station, go ahead obviously. I used almost all of my iron reserves making hundreds of pieces of track. also be careful because apparently that grassy area outside of the community chest leading to the tunnel IS NOT SAFE from monsters, as evidenced by the creeper/zombie combo that left me minus several stacks of track and an entire set of diamond tools. I'm not amused by that loss.
  14. Mein Thumbcraft—IdleT Dedicated Minecraft Server

    cake = 3x milk + 3x sugar (bamboo) + 3x wheat update is out thursday
  15. Mein Thumbcraft—IdleT Dedicated Minecraft Server

    what, just come in one block per layer down? because if i have to look at charts then no way, jose. also the damn sand caved in on one side and i fell to my death. i should sue for hazardous work conditions.
  16. Mein Thumbcraft—IdleT Dedicated Minecraft Server

    ok you know what, i'll just dig and you can sort out the dome business, because yeesh...
  17. Mein Thumbcraft—IdleT Dedicated Minecraft Server

    i'm kind of bored of exploring right now, i'll be glad to help. how deep you you want the floor? i'll dig while i watch movies.
  18. Mein Thumbcraft—IdleT Dedicated Minecraft Server

    killstar, i fixed some of the "flowing" water near the base of your bridge when i was checking it out. just so you know. didn't touch anything else. in case any of you guys aren't already using them, here is the extremely useful mods for better light (ambient occlusion) and in-game minimap. http://www.minecraftforum.net/viewtopic.php?t=55700 they're easy to install and make things a little nicer. make sure if you install the minimap to go into the preferences file and change up to north. i screwed something up before realizing it. and while i'm on the topic, here's the texture pack i've been using, it barely changes much (which is good imo) but makes sand, dirt, and cobble look much nicer (and they tile much smoother), especially with the lighting mod. cobble now looks like stone bricks, which is nice. http://www.minecraftforum.net/viewtopic.php?f=1021&t=114491
  19. Mein Thumbcraft—IdleT Dedicated Minecraft Server

    I don't know about that but I would like to see that giant creeper statue get built.
  20. Mein Thumbcraft—IdleT Dedicated Minecraft Server

    from notch's blog paint water mob new stuff also can one of the admins spark the portal i built in the hill below the monolith? i can't do it without fire
  21. Mein Thumbcraft—IdleT Dedicated Minecraft Server

    this is the best idea. i'll bury one in the mountain
  22. Mein Thumbcraft—IdleT Dedicated Minecraft Server

    ah, i found another one like that but it was a pain in the ass. this one is so much better
  23. Mein Thumbcraft—IdleT Dedicated Minecraft Server

    for your consideration:
  24. Mein Thumbcraft—IdleT Dedicated Minecraft Server

    probably graph paper or something along those lines. jennoa said that he sketches his out first. trying to freehand something like that is a recipe for disaster/disappointment
  25. Mein Thumbcraft—IdleT Dedicated Minecraft Server

    I'm with Jake actually. Maybe put it out there (twitter it whatever) but have people register and post in this thread. On another note I have been saving up iron and stuff so if some big project comes up I will gladly contribute. Just let me know!