
Phaedrus' Street Crew
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Everything posted by dibs


    This is the greatest thing ever and you love it. I'm excited to learn about the great mystery of the game - will you be able to run around in the nip or not. If yes, will you be able to mix and match your peen type like other body parts? I'll probably get some shares since he is aiming to capture 25% of the $1.5 billion dollar MMORPG market by 2014.
  2. Post your face!

    Taken many moons ago, but there is space invader precident. Edit: was the onion ring shot taken in Eddie Rockets? I've seen that on the menu i'm sure.
  3. I'm nearly done with my circuits so i can donate what pistons and dust i have left over when i'm done. anything else you need?
  4. Thanks for the info guys and the wonderfully coded encouragement Kroms. I should have been more clear, I did my phd in numerical work and my bioinfomatics/data analysis job of the last two years through Matlab so I'm not exactly a newcomer to this (never actually took a programming class though). I'm also not too phased by new paradigms having been trained up in Labview and the magic of data flow. I'm in a better position than a lot of people realising they need to learn this stuff:) I had my hands on c++ primer plus for a few days but I had to given it back. I'll see what my library can provide from your recommendations tomorrow and take a browse. Also, I'll see can my uni can provide a copy of java. I'm sure some comp sys people use it.
  5. Great, thanks. I've just looked them up in the library and the C++ and java editions are from 1995 and 2000. Should be still ok for what I need I hope.
  6. Life

    Sometimes holding back on your imagination is a good thing:P I'm bored to the point of hounding my co-workers to hurry up and pass me some work so i'll have something to do.
  7. I've been going through job specs for quants and they mostly list Matlab as a secondary language with C++ and Java as the main development language. I was looking at C++ first since I come from an engineering background and have interacted with it a little, but I'll definatly check out Java too to see if it more to my taste. As for what exactly i'm going to be doing...this is all pie in the sky at the moment! I need to get my CV in order before applying to the pertinant agencies, and my known languages seems to be the biggest void. The HR woman at my current job last week cheerily informed me that out contracts were now extended until june (I have a contract of indeterminate length untill they don't need me anymore><). Whoop de fucking doo i said.
  8. Wait, so is there heaps of snow golems walking around somewhere?
  9. Books, books, books...

    TLDR: I'm a secret facist trying to get you to read propaganda by posting gibberish.
  10. Books, books, books...

    Ah yes, a typo on the “for”. There are a few sequels to the Forever War as well. I didn't enjoy them as much as the original, but they are worth a read. There is a very good novella about Marygay when they are separated too. Troopers is indeed rather gung ho - i just read on its wiki page that it is recommended reading for the US Marines. In what way would you find it difficult to read? I always find a good science fiction book removes me enough from the proselytizing that I can discover what the author is putting forward without being turned off the book by the arguments presented.
  11. It's gonna wait till it gets dark and sofly and ineffectivly rub your leg. Using an elaborate pison sequence.
  12. Boobs, boobs, boobs...

    Oh snap. i saw this and then came into the forum to find that first post was books, books, books. But it wasn't, it was only the 1st sticky. Emotional rollercoaster.
  13. I believe you misspelled amateur porn stars. Ys, how high did you say we could build our houses in the central square?
  14. Minecraft

    Just to warn you, there may be extended periods of me asking stupid redstone questions on the next few days. Never touched the stuff before.
  15. Well, first make a lush minecraft honeymoon suite. plant roses and tulips and flowers all around it. Light it as romantic as you possibly can. Turn the music on low and sensual, then lead Nick into the room wearning a blindfold, lay him down on the heart shaped bed, whisper his hearts every desire in his ear and then you are going to fuck him. you are going to Congrats Nick.
  16. Mists of Malaria, more like

    I miss Karazhan. Karazhan was fun. Soon after hitting 85 i just decided that i didn't want to play anymore. I just lost all sense of fun in the game. My guild used to be awesome, but they were getting less intactive as time went on, and a lot of the older members i knew moved on or left the game. While considering moving guild or looking for more raiding options, i realised i just didn't actually enjoy the game anymore and very abruptly bailed right after a holiday. Also, i was already sick to death of the level 85 dungeons a few days after my ding. looking at them for another 2 years would have baked my noodle. Anyhow, not playing any more, not going back for pandas. I got a months sub back in november to try it out again and played for around 3 hours before quitting.
  17. I reached the 4th level through a hole in the ground. does that count?
  18. I think a monster followed me down a hole:(
  19. I generated my own party.
  20. Ah, i was going to recomend the spears for the back row untill you find (hopefully) something better. I put my first level points into ice, but wasn't able to find an ice spell scroll untill i had figured out and skilled my fire spell at level 2:( Does anyone else notice that they seem to encourage I noticed this mentioned in one of the reviews too.
  21. DOTA 2

    I hope you spammed that in /a:P Me and patters won a game where our inhibitor was half dead and they had their mid barracks and 2 inhibitor towers still up. Pretty epic even if it did take over an hour! I thought i was very clever getting refresher orb on shadow shaman until i discovered that i didn't have enough mana to ult -> refresh and then ult again.
  22. Bedtime already ruined by one more level syndrome. I'm around halfway through level 2 (estimate by finding a crystal) and loving it. The mouselook is a bit jankey and i wish there was more explanation of how to use some systems but i'm happy to overlook that stuff:)
  23. DOTA 2

    at the moment it's just a direct port of Dota afaik, so he will be as good as ever. At the level i'm playing, any day where my deaths is less than my assists is a good day...i didn't manage that on witch doctor.
  24. Molyneux interview about 22 Cans

    and i still haven't forgiven him for my dissappointment at it. I don't know what it is, i just can't get behind him and his ideas.