
Phaedrus' Street Crew
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Everything posted by dibs

  1. Super Meat Boy! Boy is it hard!

    I can't get past the bloody race boss. I get to the upper part and explode on the 3rd or 4th jump.
  2. Outwitters (iOS)

    IT seems rather like that other game i enjoyed very briefly and then uninstalled. I like the Spongebob theme though.
  3. Life

    That's cool, if he is bad at cooking he can turn up ready branded and the ceremony will go that much quicker.
  4. I'm in Berlin! Tell me what to do.

    i once went to an all night bar in berlin. i missed quite a lot of that conference...
  5. I used to love doing perspective drawings in school. every so often my doodles wander into doing them, but vanishing points aren't easy to get to by hand. also, i love how sexy george lucas is in that video above.
  6. A carp watches with his cold dead eyes.
  7. The Horse Whisperer - A Relaxing Rythm Game
  8. Neptune's Bountiful Pride 6!

    Diplomacy is a board game where the aim is to take over the map. Since there are seven starting European powers, the way you do this is through mutual cooperation and respect followed by a crippling stab to try and take all power. There is no random chance involved in the combat, so situations can only be resolved by clever manoeuvring and the application of ones diplomatic prowess to ensure support is given where needed. Will England play ball with Russia and stop short at Norway, or will they convoy their army into scandaniva signalling a direct attack? Will Austria and Italy respect their mutual border and head elsewhere, or will there be a double cross and an early exit for one of them? Will turkey vow to head into the med and leave the black sea empty? Probably none of the above, because thy are all liars, but history is written by th victors and recorded in a PDF. It's really great.
  9. Neptune's Bountiful Pride 6!

    I used to use dpjudge. I love that game. I think I could keep up to date on a 2 day move game.
  10. Oh yes, i do like the colonization version. Actually, maybe somoen could answer, are the Anno games like Colonization, with the trading and the new world and whatnots? Just before you go spend a tenner, Settlers 2 is very oldschool. The combat will likely infuriate you. I relaly do love the econimics chain in it for reasons unknown though.
  11. We really left Orv on a cliff hanger above. Who is up for it again? Sign ups starting.
  12. If you pick a random server its more than likely just going to be a free for all for the lulz. People don't really seem to care as long as they are having fun. Your ping might get you auto kicked thouhg:(
  13. The iDecive settlers is a later gen. Settlers 2 is the be all and end all of that series for me. It's ancient and awesome, but since you didn't have any issue playing Civ 2, i guess you are ok with graphics etc. Have you tried Civ IV?
  14. Recently completed video games

    I just finished Braid. I got a little weepy, but i don't know why. Puzzles were insane on the last two rooms.
  15. McPixel

    If you created this toblix, your friends and loved ones must get kicked in the nuts a lot.
  16. McPixel

    Hark to the tale of Toblix. Thanks a million.
  17. McPixel

    Ooh. I'll take one if you have them.
  18. The Dancing Thumb (aka: music recommendations)

    I was hoping that was going to be a Kate Bush cover:( Pretty epic nevertheless.
  19. Life

    Everyone is loosing their job the end of next month. Here we go again>< Quote of the meeting "Ah sure, we're used to it". (Got made redundant last year, a bunch of us got hired back by the former owners of the company we got made redundant from doing exactly the same thing.).
  20. The Mojang Scrolls

    Ya, that video did nothing for me. Holding out for some more info though.
  21. Man, i played that game to death on the Amiga(?) and i was so terrible at it. I just can't enjoy the new Simpsons. The characters just became grotesque reflections of their former glory. Homer becoming a cruel idiot was a sad sad change. These guys often compare an contrast new and old Simpsons under a theme (bart falls in love or Childhood Existential Crises for instance) and show why they think the new Simpsons is shite. They also nitpick each new episode as it comes out, which is a bit too much for me. http://deadhomersociety.com/ I can sympathize with Chris's reaction to teh German attack. I generally play a game of Civ until someone declares war on me (because i build 2 archers to defend 4 cities and its the Medieval Era) and then quit. I'm trying to break the cycle in Civ 5.
  22. The Hunger Games

    I do like how ridiculously detached Effie their carer is from the conditions in the district, and the feelings of her wards who were facing a pretty huge chance of dying in the next few weeks. Added to what Sal says above, the teenagers from the districts have the option to add thier name to the pool extra times to recieve a pittance of food for the year. I thought it was a particularity nasty touch to force people into the competition to feed their families.
  23. SMITE

    Super Monday Night Combat is played from the same perspective and is F2P. Might be worth a look if you are interested in the change. I think i'll stick to Dota2. My mind can only hold so much info.