formated 4 tv

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Posts posted by formated 4 tv

  1. Actually... that is possible, but very unlikely. There have been non standard audio CDs that would brick modern CD players. This was caused by the garbage at the beginning of the CD (which would make the CD non-compliant to the red book standard). Old or cheap CD players would skip these parts, but high-end or CD-Rom players would barf on this and refuse to play it. However, various CD high-end CD players would get stuck and crash the internal system. The only way to fix it would be to perform a hard reset. Anyway, it's very improbably that this drive breaking stuff would appear by accident on the disc. It would need to be specifically created, and it's not easy to do. And when it does happen, it would only brick the disc player, not the whole system.

    It's almost like those old warnings on the CD-Rom's for PC's that said like "Do not stare directly into the drive read light on the front...You will go blind" or something along those lines.

  2. Hey everyone!

    I'm a pretty avid 26 year old gamer dude, who signed up for the forums after listening to the Podcasts at work all day.

    Feel free to shoot me a friend invite on XBLA (formated 4 tv), and I'm down for multiplayer in any game I have.

  3. I think the most important part about the Star Wars comparison that is being missed is that they weren't all sequels. Think about all the back information we can learn about the Rapture crew!!!


    Isn't everyone interested in seeing how Andrew Ryan used to be a little slave boy who raced his way into freedom?

    What about his abnormally large ADAM count, leading to his genius and the creation of Rapture?

    Or, the greatest moment of Ryan's life, meeting Jack's (your character's name, if I recall correctly) stripper of a mom as a young girl, when she used to frolic around, flashing her parts to the playground boys for a nickle.


    There are so many great moments that we're going to miss out on by these games not being made...Who's with me for an online petition?