
Phaedrus' Street Crew
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Everything posted by Hermie

  1. I find the best merc shirts are the ones that contain a good visual joke, regardless of origin, but still references where it is from. Like the WaChe shirt, it works for people who know who Che is, and why it's funny to deface him. It works on an additional level for people who know who Wario is. Then for yet another group of people who make the connection to the Revolution, and finally as an identifier of a Thumbs fan. The Space Asshole shirt would only work on the very last level, maybe second to last if it includes something identifiable from the game, like the main character. Sidenote: The best line from Space Asshole has to be "Minding my own business, mining my own ore" :3
  2. Would YOU pay money to play games with girls?

    lol ther r no white knigts on the internet. U is probly just a squire or a peasant or sumting pretending 2 b a wight nite. but for real, r u a wite night? is ur armor shiny?
  3. Gabe Confirms Episode 3 Cancelled

    This is really sad, I loved those games. >< At least Tycho has confirmed he will try to put out the rest of the episodes as books or in some other med
  4. Would YOU pay money to play games with girls?

    lol girls dont play video games go back to your fucking barbys. ill pwn u n00b cos every1 nose only guys R good at games, and im the best of them all lol. no srsly, r u rlly a girl? r U hot?
  5. Thumb Fortress 2

    This! Lets find out where Jake's allegiance truly lies.
  6. Thumb Fortress 2

    Like I said in the life thread, I'd be more than happy to arrange some kind of TF2 class classes. :3
  7. Thumb Fortress 2

    Wheee TF2! I play a lot on the UK-TF server, knowing a lot of the guys there. They're the admin team from Jolt, a name you should know and respect if you saw a server browser in Europe between now and 1995. Good servers for UK and EU peeps, and I don't think the Americans should get too shoddy ping either. Of course, ideally we would have our own server, where we can just turn alltalk on to bullshit and Wizard while we play. Anyone have a server they can set up? 0=) PS: Patters, was this you? http://twitter.com/ja2ke/status/11126419743
  8. How would you survive the zombie apocalypse?

    That was great! I love how the only way to survive is if you are Marty McFly.
  9. PAX East Meet

    Nono, this will (hopefully) be an Expansion PAX
  10. Ok, I know last episodes' Phaedrus pic raised the bar for me, but I hope this still amuses:
  11. Life

    Yeah, I'm a total noob too. =| (Actually, those hours are just half of the stats I see in game...) In all more seriousness, would love to play with you guys, maybe help you out. ^^ Anybody have a server they can set up? (also, maybe we should move to the networking forum..?)
  12. Hey remember when Jake mentioned those pictures of Chris having a seizure from the Virtual Boy? Bam: http://old.idlethumbs.net/images/showimage.php?id=232 http://old.idlethumbs.net/images/showimage.php?id=222 (If those don't work, go here: http://old.idlethumbs.net/display.php?id=48&p=2 (Jake wasn't far off with the bullshit url) )
  13. Would YOU pay money to play games with girls?

    Apparently girls can sign up and make money off of this. So my thinking is to find a proper female gamer to sign up for this, and instead of being playful and flirty, she'll just destroy every opponent, smacktalk them, and make them cry. And they'll be paying for it!
  14. Plug your shit

    I recently started writing for The Gaming Vault. Now, it may be just another Wordpress gaming blog, but it's a nice way to get some writing done, if I want to build on it at a later date. I'm quite proud of my StarCraft II Beta Diary. Ohh, I (and I bet a lot of other people) would love to hear the horror stories about completely broken games, both known and unknown. :3 Also, your opinion on The Tester TV show? xD
  15. Mice for gamers.

    Yeah, I'm in the same boat. I find the quality to be really good, and it's quite comfortable. And it has something I have yet to see in other headsets; the microphone detaches from the headset, so if you're not using it, and it's in the way, just take it off. \o/
  16. Nintendo 3DS

    Ah, but that doesn't lend itself to my joke, so I ignored that. =)
  17. Tax Breaks for UK Games Industry

  18. Movie/TV recommendations

    The trailer for Scott Pilgrim is out! http://trailers.apple.com/trailers/universal/scottpilgrimvstheworld/ It will punch you in the face so hard you orgasm (-ign.com) Now, I might be a raving fanboy of both Scott Pilgrim and Edgar Wright, but I found this trailer to be pretty much amazing. Alternately, watch this trailer if you want to see Captain America hammerthrow Michael Cera into a castle.
  19. Movie/TV recommendations

    I don't think it's AS funny as top-of-the-game old Scrubs, but it's still good. Way better than seasons 6 and 7. <.<
  20. Oh my god what a description. I have to listen right now!
  21. Life

    "What's your specialization?" "Wizardry" "..." "What?"
  22. PAX East Meet

    A Thumbs meet-up should be called a Thumbs Up, damnit! I will not rest until this comes to be.
  23. Movie/TV recommendations

    Hermie attended a film festival! Here's a short round-up: En helt Vanlig Dag På Jobben [An Average Day's Work] (Norway, 2010) - This is a movie about a journalist that begins in a renowned Norwegian gossip magazine, and gets pressured into using their unethical practices, like paying celebrities for getting to print rumors about them. He's not very successful, until he becomes friends with the father of the Norwegian Prince's new girlfriend. While the old man thinks of it as a true friendship, the journalist has to keep exploiting him. It's based on a true story, this journalist wrote the book with the same name, in which he layed out all the shady methods the magazine was using, cause quite a stir. The movie appears softened at first, to adapt it more into the "naive journalist gets thrown into the big bad world" trope, but the writer makes a couple of clever twists to elevate it above that. The movie is good, but very Norwegian, I doubt anyone outside of the country will appreciate it much, since it has plenty of in-jokes. So this recommendation is for Toblix only, I guess. Sergio (USA, 2009) - This is a documentary about Sergio, one of the most successful diplomats in UNs history. It details his work in Africa, Cambodia and East-Timor, while parallel telling the story about how he reluctantly had to go to Iraq, only to have the UN base attacked, and detailing the mission to rescue him from under the rubble. Even though this was made as a pretty standard talking heads-documentary, it became powerful simply from the testimonies from the people around him, and how much they have been affected by Sergio. Well worth a watch. Kanikosen (Japan, 2009) - Kanikosen is based on a proletarian novel from the 1920s, detailing workers on a crab fishing ship who have to toil away under almost slavish conditions. That's basically all I have to say to let you know if you're interested in this movie or not. The movie, and I assume the original book as well, takes a very pro-labor standpoint, and it's not shy about it. So if you're not frightened by this, I say you should watch it if you have the chance. The crew is very likable, and in addition to succeeding dramatically, it surprises you with the trademark Japanese goofiness from time to time. Dang, this is getting long. Guess I'll break it off here and write up more later. ^^
  24. Life

    Gaming with dads: My dad gave me Ocarina of Time for christmas the year it came out. He beat it before me.So I would ask him to help out at the most annoying parts. xD He also got me The Longest Journey, where he would also help me occasionally. =) (He couldn't figure out the blow-up duck + clamp + band-aid puzzle, though. Nobody could.)
  25. Hey OssK, forum says you have a birthday today! Happy birthday!