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Posts posted by Sombre

  1. Okay, so I just beat the

    dark star

    in what was yet an amazing and clever fight. It's amazing how Alphadream manage to come up with so many different foes and attacks that remain fresh and surprising throughout the game. I like how each type of enemy start out only using their "simple" attacks at first, but later on start using variations of combos. The only enemy I could do without is that god damn guy who barfs up a stack of bricks and throws it at you. It's not that they're hard to beat, it's just that it takes so much time, and there's never any variation.

    Also, I could probably do without the huge number of enemies in some areas. If they reduced the total foe count by 25%, I'd be fine with that.

    I saw you mentioned that Bowser got the spike ball thing close to the end. I've been using it for a while now, and still haven't gotten to Bowser's Castle (which I assume is where the final showdown will take place).

    Anyway, awesome game.

    Did you find yourself pretty much only ever using 2/3 moves by the end though? I was only ever using the pipe thing really, because everything else seemed like wasted MP

  2. So I have heart gold, yet no working DS. Second hand DSi ordered which hopefully will arrive tomorrow, did I buy a DSi for Gold alone, kind of, Goldensun DS should be out this year also.

    My DS recently had broken sound. Thank God, I have a backup DS for just this occasion.

    Geodude, represent!

  3. I LOVE Spelunky.

    On an unrelated note, I find it amusing to look at screen shots of peoples desktops because my impression is people make conscious decisions what icons and tabs should be visible. Not universally true, but it's funny to think about.

    Programs left side, Whelps right side... I mean games. I have like, ten desltop icons :(

    I'm trying to City of Gold run, but hell, it's hard!

  4. Hey friends!

    So, who's been playing Spelunky? Do you have any stories? Need any advice?

    I think you should ALL play this game, because quite frankly, it's absolutely outstanding. You can download it here:

    Please, please download it. I apologise for my lack of a real thread and content, I am exceptionally giddy as I have FINALLY beat Spelunky. I have never had a gaming achievement feel so good.


  5. Huh, really? Something like Chaos Theory or the majority of Lucas arts adventures use music better than any rhythm game.

    I meant something like Rock Band. I only play baby games like Spelunky, and that has the BEST music. I think that should win. Or the Ork combat barks from DOW2

  6. I didn't know people still played Animal Crossing.

    I need a soulless void to throw my destitute life into now that I'm bored of WoW. This scratches the same itch, only with fruit and funny hats.

  7. Okay, so. Last night(?), I slept from 10am-1pm, after an incrediibly successful night of Spelunking (Opened up second shortcut after 2 weeks, heck yes). So, I wake up at 1, annoyed, tired and irritable. I think to myself, "I'll just check my fucking animal crossing mail" then. "Oh Hey, Matoya!! You're just in time for today's fishing tournament... See More!!"

    My heart jumps up into my throat, as I forgot all about it. Booked it top speed to the beach, caught 2 sea bass, and got to town hall. "Oh hey buddy, sea bass only day". Things were already in my favour. I rode into town on my fucking trusty steed, threw the fish at the beaver judge. "Oh Sorry, this is 33inches, and the record held by Goldie so far is 36.4, better luck next time, nyuk nyuk nyuk"

    I gave him my second one. 48 inches. Excuse me while I sip my victory coke, boys!


  8. Between Will Wright's talk at the end of GDC and us going back to Chris' to record the episode, a bunch of folks got together for drinks and food and things and there was way too much horrible discussion of that sort of thing. Basically an entire unpublishable episode of idle thumbs was had in that sandwich shop, entirely themed around horrible industry stories involving feces/bathrooms and other horrible body themed things. It was horrible/excellent. So you could say we got most of it out of our system before sitting down to record.

    So wait, you got most of the poop out of your collective systems, which includes "Two hot scoops"?

    Aaaah, I'll get my coat.:getmecoat