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Posts posted by Sombre

  1. I can't tell if I like the no mobile support or not. I would certainly use it should there be an iPhone app, but I kinda like the nervousness of, shit I need to get back and move my fleets around.

    Also, I LOVE the fact that the diplomacy system is just a message/inbox system. After so many other 4X games, the simplicity was just kind of stunning when I realize that's all it was.

    The game seems to be a WWI simulator for me. Build-up, border tension with backroom dealings and alliances, and the defender always having the advantage.

    I encourage everyone to download PC Gamer UK's podcast- Number 38. They talk extensively about how the diplomacy works and stuff, it's riveting.

  2. I'm in. Alias is Irishjohn (currently playing in a free game as rockbear22 but it's easier to have the same alias as my thumbs name)

    Any idea how time difference is going to affect our global thumbs community? I am in Texas now, but I'll be in Taiwan for a few weeks starting soon.

    Will make it more interesting I guess. Different time zones mean different timescales to attack. Or it means we'll all ruin our lives with not sleeping. One of those!

    Do we have enough to rock and roll? Lock and load? Weapons hot? Stay frosty?

  3. Random hilarity I just noticed on Jake's Giant Bomb page: The browser headline says "Jake Rodkin (video game person)".

    It does say that on all the developers, but I found this amusing applied to Jake. <.<

    Also, this is beautiful:

    [edit]Success! Chris Remo is now a (video game person).

    (Somebody stop me)

    I was going to add this, but I didn't know he was credited on any games. Now all the thumbs exist, AND BM Bronstring Marek Bronstring.

    Everything's coming up Milhouse!

  4. Double on the "Where are you from" part. I'm sure we can help you out if you're near us in the UK!

    For me, I'd go with:

    -The Half Life series (Might seem cliche but hell, it's perfect)

    -ScummVM and all associated games (In other news, my friends brother just found a mint copy of Curse of Monkey Island in a charity shop last night for 50p, jammy bastard)

    -Without knowing a preferred genre, it could be a bit hard to recommend, but if you give us a quick run down of what you like, it might be a bit easier!

    -That said, here's a list I made a while ago which I think is pretty great.

    -Dwarf Fortress is something that's really definitive of the PC. It's an incredibly rogue like game that's frankly the most indepth and most realistic sim I have ever had the joy of playing.

  5. Good thread idea, can't help on this one but figured I'd put up my own.

    I remember getting a demo disk of games with either windows 95 or 98, it featured a 3d menu where you'd walk around and go up to the picture of the game you wanted to play to play/install it. It featured Mechwarrior 2 and other stuff.

    Anyway, there was this puzzle game that consisted of a 3d grid plane with colours and you rolled this coloured cube around to match what was on the floor then I think the the floor panel was removed when you did that. It had an awesome sound track too.

    No idea what it was though, but it was a lot of fun.

    edit: Actually maybe I can help; it'd be odd there was two games with a reindeer in the shower:

    Holy SHIT this could be it. To the download internet!

  6. And I suppose this could apply as a catch 22 "What game is this" thread.

    All I remember, was that it was a PC game that I played in the late 90s. I believe it was a point and click adventure game (Not sure if it was 2d, I remember some sort of 3d), and it was some sort of christmassy game, there was a lot of...reindeer NPCs and I think you walk in on a female one in the shower.

    I can't stop thinking about it, help me out thumbs!

  7. People pay rent in the middle of the month?

    I can only report with what I've read from reading their forums, but that's the kind of thing people are flagging up. Just general lifestyle fuck ups. Rent/bills and so on. Not entirely sure on the semantics

  8. Agreed, not a good thing for the industry in general- The last thing we need is people thinking that it's unsafe to buy/subscribe to game services online. ...Thanks EA Billing.

    The issue isn't refunding people the overcharges, I'm sure the records are quite clear and CS/Billing is all over that. The problem is that some of these amounts charged are going to cause overdraft fees. Not everyone keeps their checking account =>$2000 just in case someone's billing systems decides to explode, and they shouldn't be held responsible for the mistake, but that's not how a bank is going to look at it.

    In general, overdraft fees aren't refundable, depending on the competence/friendliness/greediness of your preferred bank. They're going to get sued for overdraft charges, and few are going to accept game time or other games as repayment for fees their bank forced them to eat.

    I believe I remember seeing a quote saying Mythic were going to "Ask banks to waive these fees". Good luck with that.

    I've seen people who are not able to find rent, and other silly things.

    Also, I can't confirm or deny the legitimacy of this image. Not sure how to take it.


  9. Oh man, I totally read your piece back then because I had The Serrated Scalpel and loved it even though I think I could never complete the game because I couldn't get some event near the end to activate (according to a walkthrough). I remember that AG site design as well and now I also understand why you are calling it when it was changed to at one point for a reason I completely forgot.

    Also, this is my favorite podcast yet. It has everything I love, long talks about game design, the woes of loving single player immersive games, a general bad attitude, the ballsiest dialogue I've ever heard from someone who has had official contact with Jerry Bruckheimer (everyone else has to give him his dues and not speak ill), amazing stories about dads watching games, Nicolas Cage taking a dump (or more), and then a site history.

    Remo, is there somewhere I can read the new Jordan Mechner interview as well or was it a sort of private interview?

    The great majority of ANYTHING pertaining to him is on here: