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Posts posted by Sombre

  1. That alone is 15,000 words, on top of all the stuff I'll have to do in other classes.

    I should really find a place to live already. I will do that once I finish off this years work...

  2. what's the big box thing?

    Edit: mean the edition of MHT that comes with that funky new classic controller?

    Edit 2: I was really curious about playing this game and planned on getting it at some point, but then I watched the giantbomb quicklook of the demo, and it just seemed so cruel and grotesque. I guess I'd assumed the developers had a formula for making monsters so dispicable I wouldn't mind hunting them...but it gave me the feeling that reader mail described that was talking about the worm in Gears 2 (now...see, the worm in Gears 2 was something I didn't mind fucking up).

    They have a new QL up about the full game, if you're interested.

    Once I finish my uni work, I'll get it. ETA 1-2 weeks!

  3. The current game is all full Thunder.

    Why are you sending mail to people Sombre? theres a chat screen in the middle.

    Diplomacy :)

    Offering the olive branch with a knife on the other end etc.

    I linked a PC gamer podcast a while ago, and someone said "The mail send function is the most important button ingame"

  4. Oh...bummer. I just googled it quick and found that site but didn't really have time to dig deep. Well, I didn't download it, for what it's worth.

    Anyway: Deus Ex...It seems awesome so far, even though I've mostly just played the tutorial. In the very first actual mission, the first thing I did was jump in the water. I found some supply crates under the dock, but didn't have anything to open them. I tried to use the taser to see if I could electrocute myself by using it underwater but that didn't work. I got a kick out of smashthestate being the code for the revolutionary group's (I guess that's what they are, no?) security it's semi-plausible but also goofy and cute. Also, I like the fact that it seems a little like a cyber-punk version of X-Men. I've spent about an hour with it so far and I plan to keep going. Do you guys think this is an interesting game to be the first big title played by a relative PC virigin? Is anyone interested enough in my experience with it as a newcomer for me to start a thread, play all the way through and post my impressions as I go along RPS style?

    Note: when I say "relative PC virgin" what I mean is: I've played a bunch of games on a PC, but I've never played any of the kind of stuff that would be considered quintessential and sort of native to the platform (excepting a few hours of KOTOR and a few hours of Morrowind back when they were relatively new). And as I understand it, there's a flavor and style (and other things that would be described by equally vague words) to PC games that make them special and sort of set apart (not necessarily better, mind you) from console games. I've started Fallout 2 and some other stuff but I've never committed enough to get comfortable with the platform, so I always end up losing you guys think this game would be a good one for committing and diving in?

    Deus Ex is widely regarded as one of the best games of all time. Personally pal, I'd say to play it as early as you can. Because it's such a relatively old tech now (2001?), I'd say play it now while your tolerance for bad graphics and engine is low. It'd be hard to play a lot of super new really well designed games, then go back to play Deus Ex

    Not to say it's bad, it's just a very old game in terms of how games have developed!

  5. That one was just identifiers on what specific characteristics Japanese Horror Cinema has that other international cinema doesn't. I just dropped a bit of Akira in there for some body abjection horror, but nothing too inherently serious.

    I've ended up writing about Akira, however, in a great many essays I've done this year. I wrote a big piece about it for the construction of abstraction in animé, and I'm writing my final thesis next year on Posthumanity in anime and manga with relation to things like cyborgs/post-life culture. I need to propose this topic by Friday actually, but it's only Tuesday, I'll consider making it more eloquent. I'll no doubt come off like some pretentious neckbeard twat, but hey, I guess it's necessary!

  6. After finally putting a bow on what could have possible been the longest essay I've ever done (Timewise), I am now going to celebrate with a chicken sandwich, a cup of tea, and a shower before I potter off to uni in my dishevelled, sleep deprived state and live out the rest of my day. This could potentially be long.

  7. Jesus, you guys are spending so much time and effort on your education. That's awesome.

    I try not to fall into the common trope of "Hey, I'm a student. I drink liqour consistently and never go into classes. Give me a degree"

    I guess it's a weird personal thing where I feel like I need to personally earn my degree, instead of walk in the parking (?) it.

    Or I'm beyond the point of logical comprehension due to extreme fatigue:violin:

  8. Famous' Giantbomb page : Here

    Scoops Page: Here

    I think the evidence speaks for itself!

    ...I do like Mareks page though. The image selected is so...feisty and full of life. I am maybe thinking about this in more detail than I need to. Any. I do not believe I have slept in 2 days, however. Back to writing essay!:getmecoat