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Posts posted by Sombre

  1. Late as always, having finished Assassin's Creed 2 last night, I'm starting Dragon Age today. Anyone want to recommend a particularly good character type? I'm not asking for builds or anything detailed, but I understand there's a selection of opening section depending on race and... class, is it? Chris's lower-class dwarf sounded pretty cool. Any other suggestions?

    There is only one true "Healer" in game, and you CAN miss them, so if you're not confident in staying alive, a mage is a good idea. Despite that, it's all the same really. Dwarf common rogue is cool :D

  2. If you don't upgrade properly, you can lose up to three people right of the bat (all the ship combat and such right after using the Omega relay). I believe that you can also lose up to two people at each door, you can lose the guy you send back to the ship with your crew, and depending on loyalty/crew upgrades, you can lose at least one of the people you left to defend the door when you fight the boss. Also, I think you can lose one of the boss fight helpers to stray enemy fire during the final ship-boarding cutscene.

    That's what I assumed actually aswell, that he

    didnt upgrade the shields enough and he lost a few people there


    I wish I could play it again, but after one playthrough, I don't know how people can manage again. It was a good game, but I don't think I could do all that again.

  3. Just finished the game.

    I lost Jacob, Samara, Jack, Garrus and Thane. I'm really sad about losing Thane. He's such a great character. I hope he doesn't reappear in ME3 for people who got him to survive or anything or I'll be super sad. I did successfully manage to get Jacob, Samara and Jack (my least favorite characters) to die though so hooray.

    Great game, though mid-game I wished it didn't stick so much to a predictable flowchart-like mission/story structure. It became pretty lame that every character has an unlock mission and then a loyalty mission, all the main missions come from the Elusive Man, etc. I really liked the

    mission when the collectors board the Normandy, because it was actually unexpected and mixed up the pattern a bit, even though it was based on the massive conceit of all the main characters being off the ship for some reason


    That said, I like that everything led up to the "suicide mission" and that you had an explicit goal for collecting squad members rather than just having them around.

    Oh did anyone else think

    the endboss was super lame and didn't seem to fit with the overall style of the game up to that point


    But yeah great game. There's 33 hrs on my savegame but I feel like I just sliced through it.

    How on earth did you lose so many people?

  4. Just started it today, it's pretty excellent. About halfway through "Act 2" at the moment, I think. The ability to play as a Daddy is super fun, but you feel unbearably weak at times, even on normal. It feels like you die faster than you did as a normal human in the original.

    Would ya koindly talk about Bioshock 2 now?