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Posts posted by Sombre

  1. My internet/steam both went down, so I missed the real Video game time, hoorah! However, the new chaos units are bomb ass, and I finished the vanilla campaign. The CR campaign is balls hard so far, I died on the second level!

  2. Because our usual last standing is disrupted due to GDC and the like, Patters and I are gonna try and get a few of us together tonight to play some standard 3 on 3 with chaos rising. I'm not sure if you can play with us without it, but I think you actually can. If you're down for some thumbtastic multiplayer tonight, holler!

  3. They explain it exhaustively in the datalog but it feels like they are trying to reach some poetic height in their writing and it winds up being a pain to read through any of it.

    It just feels like, in a JRPG, they should explain it more, instead of making me read it in a seperate codex. In a game which EVERYTHING is speech, it just does my head in.

  4. Okay, so, I'll write up a real kind of thought process later, but here's some quick notes so far:

    Story: Somewhat contrived and...bad. There's just nothing really going on. Some talk of "L'ciel" and "Cocoon", but at no point in the game so far (Chapter 5, disc 2, 8 hours in) has anyone said anything about what they are, beyond passing references. You're assumed to either know what it means, infer what they are, or throw yourself into the extensive datalog, to try and discern it from that.

    Characters: Not really sure about it, because the game doesn't let me play as one for more than 30 minutes at a time before throwing me to another group. Think the splitup scene from FF6, except it's all the time. Nobody really stands out at the moment, apart from Snow, and that's because his VA is the guy who did Kanji Tatsumi from Persona 4. Although, I approve of the "Chocofro"

    Aesthetics: Something that the game shines on so far. The music is top (However battles are over so fast that I'm sick of the stupid "Fanfare" attempt). Everywhere I go is different, and this is something that FF13 does really well, it creates a real immersion in the world, with everything looking, frankly, absolutely stunning. Every game local, character animation and enemy design is at the top of its game. Sometimes, I've literally stopped and looked around at the amazing vistas, landscapes and bizarre industrial designs. A minor problem with the sound mix aside (Flavour dialogue in the field is meaningless, not exciting, and much quieter than it needs to be), it's very good so far.

    Combat: Not sure how I feel about this. Read any review or rabid FF hater, and you'll hear it's "Press autoattack, receive win". Unfortunately, this is true. Despite the fact that the game allows you to pick and choose actions, what's the point? Brad Shoemaker of Giantbomb said "As much as you can choose your actions, there's no point. The autocommand picks them much faster, more efficiently, and frankly better choices than a human ever could". As much as I like to pick my own stuff, I just make "Gamey" job alliances. I'm usually going for a pure caster setup, a pure melee setup, or a "Heavy and medic" setup, because there's no point in making a competent, debuff ready and buffable squad, the battles are over too fast. I've never had any problem with bosses so far, just because the game is too easy to get around. I'm enjoying the character job system so far, kind of. Not sure how I feel about it so far, it seems kind of seethrough, and easy to exploit so far.

    Concluding thoughts: S'alright, I guess. Not that far into it so far, but it seems a bit...well, standard. It's a normal JRPG intro, that looks really good and has the Final Fantasy name on it. Not sure what to expect, the game seems far too easy so far, or far too hard, it fluctuates I suppose. Making my way through it. Seems to be a lot of (Somewhat) boring combat and just...meaningless plot points. In chapter 4, I was on a beach, and a scene happened. From there, I had to run 20 feet forward, to initiate the next plot point. There's a lot of "What's the point in that" moments so far, however, this isn't to say I don't enjoy it. Making my way through it.

  5. Loving this combat system so far, super fun and fluid. Currently rolling with 3 main setups:

    2 rav and one medic for magic +healing

    1 com/one rav and one medic for damage with a bit of safety in the medic

    2 ravs and 1 commando for all out attack.

    Just reached chapter 4 and done an eidolon fight. Not sure how I feel about the FF6 style "Hey, you jump between people nonstop", however.

  6. PGC posted this earlier, which I think is interesting

    I think the thing to realise, regarding the cracking and piracy, that Ubisoft has a limited timeframe, limited funding, people and so on, whereas the pirates have infinite time, and infinite resources. It's eventually going to get cracked, so I think the fact that Ubisoft seem to have been doing several statements about "It's been a week and we're still going strong" (Never mind the actual DRM is kind of draconian!!) is somewhat....dumb.

  7. I know that Chris and Steve and I will be there, as well as Bronstring "Marek" B.M. Bronstring Marek Bronstring. Maybe others? I don't know if any meet-up is planned, but we will be roaming around attending things, for sure.

    This is the third time today I've thought/talked about BM Bronstring. Left, right. More men!

  8. Update: We rocked our previous high score and wave count, completely changing how we play the game with some awesome unlocks achieved over the night (thank you dead body teleporter!!)

    We made it up to wave 16, which was an evil version of us, who we faced off equally with until the end, until we just fucked up and died. Hot damn the last 3 and a half hours flew by, I love this game mode!!


    I am the dead one

  9. For someone who could never really get into the original, just because it was just so ballbreakingly hard and complex, would you say I should get this? I love the concept of stalker, but it looks for me. I'm all for divergent paths and player driven stories, but I need some kind of structure.

  10. Okay. I've turned down every possible grafic thing and I still get about 8 frames per second in multiplayer. The other theory is that brilliant matchmaking always connects me to someone from, let's say Brazil.

    Any ideas?

    Edit:And it happens only with this game

    I hate to be "that guy", but have you done the usual rigermerole of checking drivers and such? How do you cope with other modern games?