
Phaedrus' Street Crew
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Everything posted by shammack

  1. I'd be willing to make a bad game.
  2. I Had A Random Thought...

    If we're talking about shitty words, "gift" as a verb can go fuck itself. We already have a word for that; it's called "give."
  3. Life

    Humans are a pretty great species.
  4. Rusty's Real Deal Baseball [3DS downloadable]

    Everything about this seems interesting to me except that it's themed around baseball. Is it worth playing if you don't know or care about baseball at all?
  5. Twitter :)

    (this was back when Twitter prompted you for updates by saying "What are you doing?" or something along those lines)
  6. I Had A Random Thought...

    Turned into?
  7. Anyone Remember?

    I don't think that was on an episode. I think it was in one of Chris's Spelunky streams where Nick was there.
  8. GTA V

    Like the way you can flip your car completely upside-down and then just rock it back and forth a couple of times to turn it back over?
  9. Twitter :)

  10. GTA V

    Yep. The GTAV cars feel like toys. Possibly the biggest of that game's many disappointments for me.
  11. You didn't say the magic word

    It was actually IRIX.
  12. Idle Thumbs GDC Meetup 2014 - 3/20 9pm at Dear Mom

    Sadly there's virtually no chance I'll have time to participate in anything GDC-related this year.
  13. Animated Shorts

  14. Games giveaway

    I've got a Pool Nation steam key if anyone wants it.
  15. Gifts - Stuff for Free

    Have you checked the settings on the sidebar on the left? It might have accidentally gotten set to filter by something weird.
  16. I Had A Random Thought...

    Ah yes, Hong Kong Mahjong, in the fine tradition of OshKosh B'gosh
  17. I Can't Go For That (Game Series)

    Rogue Legacy. I keep hearing people saying this game is good, but I refuse to believe it. Everything I've seen of it looks like anti-fun to me. The Binding of Isaac used to qualify for this, but I eventually did play it and my prejudices were confirmed.
  18. Bioshock Finite: Irrational Games shuts down

    This is a digression, but I don't really agree that that's an apt comparison. A movie is basically a "work for hire" for pretty much everyone involved. When you make a movie, everyone on the crew is contracted specifically to work on that movie and only that movie. A director doesn't hire a crew saying "hey, come make movies with me indefinitely" and then fire everybody after the current project is done. Everyone knows going in that when the movie is finished they'll have to find another gig. (Also, movies have unions.) Finishing a movie is also generally a much more straightforward process than finishing a game. All the film is in the can already and you just have to put it together. A lot of things can change in the editing room, but you're probably not going to be creating anything new from scratch (unless you do reshoots, which is prohibitive because of the logistics of getting the cast and crew back together after production has wrapped). In a game, there's no distinction between production and post-production, so it's much easier for someone to say "hey, wouldn't it be cool if we threw this out and put in this other thing that I just thought of?" at any point in the process, and that can potentially go on forever if there's nobody who can tell them no.
  19. I suspect that was similar to the feeling of expecting Yoshi's Island to be Super Mario World 2.
  20. 3 questions for those of you who work in the Industry

    My answers to the questions are pretty much the same as hedgefield's (except the part about the girls and contact lenses). I wouldn't advise anyone to go into the games industry unless they're really, really passionate about making games. Even if the idea of game development excites you in the abstract, make sure you enjoy the actual process. And you either need to be super good at it or be willing to be exploited (or both), because people who want to get into it are a dime a dozen. That said, it can be great if you manage to end up working at the right place, but that's a big if. If you're at all uncertain about it, and those other fields hold any degree of appeal to you, you'd probably be better off in any of them. I'd say that if you're on the fence, studying computer science is probably a pretty safe bet so you could take a stab at game development but still be able to get a real job if it doesn't work out and/or you hate it.
  21. Wow, that Kotaku article is garbage.
  22. Anyone Remember?

    The game was across.exe (Action Supercross), .
  23. They'd just better keep their Power Gloves off our Breckon.
  24. Getting into the industry?

    This is true. This is not necessarily true. If you're the kind of person who actually enjoys making games (not just playing them), it's going to be pretty tough finding another industry that will provide that same feeling of satisfaction. Maybe I've just been really lucky so far, but I currently have no regrets whatsoever about getting into the industry and I can't think of anything else I would rather be doing for a living.