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Posts posted by Chuckpebble

  1. Nice! Do you have someone interested in playing multiplayer with you? It is the best.

    Actually, no, not really. I originally bought this game to play multiplayer with my wife when she was just my girlfriend. But she didn't like the vs mode. She didn't really understand the mechanics and didn't seem to want to learn.

    I think that if the challenge mode, which is co-op, was unlocked from the beginning of the game she might have taken to it a bit more readily. Then after a little of that she might have become familiar enough to do some VS.

    Now that I've unlocked challenge mode, I'd actually love to re-introduce her to the game but I fear I may have a tough time with that. She's recently said that she no longer enjoys games and doesn't understand why I'm still into them. :eek:

    As bad as that sounds, I don't think she's a total lost cause, she's got all kinds of games on her iPod touch. I don't think she's once used it as a music player either. Maybe there's hope. Or maybe there's some kind of gaming-roofie that'll make chicks game with you? Alcohol? I dunno. If that doesn't work out, I've got a 14 month old daughter that I could always train up. It may take 5-10 years, but damnit, I WILL play Pikmin 2 Multiplayer!

  2. Portal still alive, nice tidy and i just played through it again today just so i could get this song

    Haha, I'm surprised this wasn't mentioned earlier! Admittedly, I've never played the game and I've never seen the ending until just now thanks to you, but I've certainly heard enough about it.

    Full Throttle, a game that I love, is also a good one, however, I forgot the ending and I had to use Youtube as a refresher, so I dock it points for that.


    The end to Ocarina of Time is also very memorable to me,but I feel that's a cliche answer.


    OK, got it!

    I love blasting the snot out of the credits at the end of Super Smash Bros. Melee. That's my favorite ending. Eh, Maybe that doesn't count because its not really wrapping up a story.

    I really liked the ending to Final Fantasy 8. The only FF game I have ever played.

  3. I listened to the Listen Up podcast (is that sacrilege too? If so, just know this, I didn't enjoy it as much. It meant nothing to me. That other podcast was crap.) and from what I can remember of it, the points against Beatles Rock Band were:

    1. that it was not Rock Band Beatles, in a sense, it does not interoperate with other versions of Rock Band in any way, I guess DLC-wise
    2. there was mention of the virtual Beatles being static and lifeless, I think
    3. there seemed to be some sentiment that the tracklist was too short for the price
    4. the developers obviously had fun while they were making the game:eyebrow:

    But aside from those quibbles, they sounded mostly smitten with the game. I can't really compare this to what they said about GH5, though, I must have been working diligently at that point of their 'cast. Or, RB Beatles could just be the first rhythm game that I've been remotely interested in. Who knows?

    As far as review scores go, meh, who needs em'?

  4. I just finished Pikmin 2.

    Well, OK, maybe not finished. But I paid off my debt, which shows a "bad" ending and starts you up again with a nice "whoa WTF?!" that I wasn't expecting at all.

    Good game. I saved in an underground area about, oh, 2 years ago and all of this awesome stuff kept coming out and I had money then. Chris' recent mentions of the game kept floating around in the back of my head until I recently popped it in and gave it a spin.

    Turns out all I needed to do was finish a few levels on that one cave and boom, sweet ass cinematic time.

    Just wanted to say, thanks Chris for getting me back into this game, I'll be going OC 100% on it once I'm done doing the same to No More Heroes.

  5. Apparently. But on the other hand...




    Apparently, all ten of my fingers were idle this morning.

    Its funny, because the image originally conjured the same handlebar mustache, but I didn't think of the Beastie Boys until I realized what I was looking at and that he was "rockin' the mic with the panty hose" so to speak.

  6. minipod_39title.jpg

    11:42 "Chris is photographing this and I'm really sad."

    I liked SSX3 more than tricky. It was just a much bigger game. I seem to remember being able to just hop right to those new challenges by going into your PDA thingy. I didn't mind that, it just became too difficult for me to complete. I remember having to reach insane point levels and not having the brain power to keep each trick unique through the course of an entire run.

    Thinking back, RUNDMC did make Tricky pretty much awesome.

  7. Are you guys going to do one of these for Starcraft II 2 Two too when that comes out? (Sorry, this was the best I could do when I realized that photoshopping a tutu onto the guy in a space suit with a cigar was going to be a huge waste of time.)

    Also, can I just say, I have a Mac, a DS and a Wii, point being, there are complete podcasts that have no relevance to me whatsoever, and I still thoroughly enjoy every single one.

  8. Castroid makes me think of Cuba's secret army of robots and Wizardon is a magical dinosaur. That is all.

    Castroid sounds like another word for a eunuch to me.

    Someone showed this to me today. I think it is relevant maybe.

    Dave, holy crap, I'm trying to imagine playing all the Zelda games with that crap in place of all of the silence and grunting. Don't think I'd hold those games in such high regard if he said "excuse me princess" all the time. Although, it could be painfully awesome.

  9. Has anyone looked into the Zune HD?

    I think its pretty neat, and looks very promising.

    Here's the odd bit.

    - Apple has the iPhone/iPod touch and all these games to play.

    - Microsoft has the Zune HD, which has a few better features but is very comparable to an iPod touch. No mention of games.

    Does that strike anyone else as totally backwards?

  10. Anyway, stick with it, the second half definitely gels better than the first gameplay-wise, though the story reaches astonishing depths of hilarious awfulness.

    In regards to Bionic Commando, have you beaten it?

    I was listening to a 1up podcast and I think they spoiled this, but I'm not sure if its true or not. Its just too ridiculous:

    His bionic arm is made out of what used to be his wife?!

    If thats true its almost like I have to play the game just to see it. You know, for the train wreck factor.

  11. Everything about this is awesome.

    From the Bruce Lee guy demonstrating the ability to use it on the floor or a stool to the quiz boy in a one-sey demonstrating Petz Horsez 2. Its just dripping with pure internet win.

    Where the heck is section AA? I wanna see what's inside that thing!

    Can't wait for the websites dedicated to Wii-rhoids.

    OK, I'm finished.

  12. And the Suckbox is great, but it doesn't match this angry out-of-breath 10 minute Nintendo SHITCUBE review by this Russian guy:

    This is awesome. I was listening to this podcast and remembered how much I love ridiculous fanboy flame wars on gaming sites. One of the drawbacks to not frequenting those lame sites anymore.

    My favorite was one where an XBOX minion was bragging that the laser in the console was so powerful that it could burn right through a disk. :eek:

    That's like, three shades of WTF right there.

    Very much awesome, though, need more of these. I wonder what the guy from the e-mail would have to say about the Wii.

  13. Dur, I feel kinda like a doof for not looking through the Indie thread yet, thanks for that tip.

    Good call on the Gamasutra bit also. I'll have to check those out when I get out from behind this stupid firewall.

    And, Signor, awesome. :clap:

    This is the kind of thing I was looking for that I would've never found. Somehow our web blocker missed that one and I was able to download it. This is what I love about FOSS software, it runs on everything.

  14. Anybody know of any good open source games out there?

    This past weekend I played around with some free FPSes (Nexuiz, Tremulous, Open Arena) and I was wondering if there's anything good out there from any other genres that any of you fellow thumbs like to mess around with.

    Its kind of weird. All these podcasts I listen to, and this seems to be something that nobody talks about. Guess its a mainly a commerce thing.