
Phaedrus' Street Crew
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Posts posted by nademagnet

  1. I just discovered Idle Thumbs and this forum last week. I wish I had found it earlier than I did. I go by nademagnet on the Internets and the PSN. My XBL gamer tag is BL00DW0RTH. I've been playing games since I was old enough to realize if you press x then y happens on the screen. I grew up with the Apple II and the NES still play the NES occasionally.

    I am a big fan of Mech games (Earth Siege series, Mechwarrior Series, Battle Drome). I love the Half-Life and Halo series and tend to actually finish more FPS games than any other type of game. Never really got into the Pokemon games or card based games. Turn based and Real Time strategy games are great, but I tend to favor the ones based in a Fantasy or SciFi setting as opposed to real world based games. Racing games are sweet; I love the WipeOut series as well as Project Gotham and Forza. RPGs get a lot of love from me too. I'm currently playing Valkyria Chronicles and Diablo II :D

    I've spent way to much money on video games and I've enjoyed every bit of it.

    Again, Hey there :D