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Posts posted by Nevsky

  1. I guess I'd rather have versions of them, but I'll settle for anything at this point.

    I'd rather have GOG versions because of the bells and whistles. And, well, scans of the manuals. The booklet for the Last Crusade is a beauty:



    When I got the game, I must have been 4 or 5. I carried that thing around wherever I went. Who needs a fedora or leather jacket when you have *the goddamn grail diary*.

    Post brought to you by stupid nostalgia.

    (Oh, and one plus point of this is I might finally get to play Grim Fandango).

  2. Sweet. I'm glad they're going for that, I hope it pays off!

    Is there any bonus or benefit in getting these on Steam? I've got a few of the adventure games that I play through SCUMMVM (most of them, actually, not The Dig, though). GOG throw in extra material like scanned manuals, soundtracks, etc - do Steam do anything like that?

    I know, I'm coming off like an idiot. I've not logged into Steam since installing Half Life 2 on Christmas Day 2004. Apparently it's changed since then (understatement).

    Not sure I'm jumping for anything just yet. Always wanted to try out Battlefront. Once X-Wing or TIE Fighter are up there, though..! Couldn't get them to work with DosBox.

  3. Where in that message does it say the mystery thing is a game? Maybe they're releasing a compendium of old concept art or something.

    That's already been sort-of done, though, with the Rogue Leaders book.

    Yeah, maybe it's just a new re-release of the Lucasarts back catalogue on digital distribution platforms. Or Lucasarts' own download store. Would be great to see those games on GOG.

  4. Not really much to add to the discussion, so I'll chime in with the mid-to-late-80s births, and say I was 8-15 during the releases of Doom, Quake, Duke Nukem 3D, and the first bunch of GTAs.

    Hopefully the kids of mature/inquisitive mind will be able to make a good case for playing these 18-rated games to their parents. 'But, I'm learning about WW2! And there are zombies! Pleeeease?'

    Or, conversely, parents wishing to expose their kids to good mature games such as Mass Effect, will be able to do so too. [Or even more disturbing games like Call of Duty 4 - which can be presented with context and explanation]

    Wow, you hit an age gate when searching the classifications database on the PEGI website - you have to be over 18 to even be informed, it seems. (Of course, it's easily flummoxed, but it's the message it puts out).

  5. Urgh I hate how my room looks in halls after taking down all but 4 posters, packing all of my dvds and games, feels really empty, gotta do a 4 hour train journey today too. But on the upside I get to see Anthrax in a few days, and I'm going to 2000 trees in July.

    Man, university. I was always badly affected by that moment of silence at the end of term. Most of my friends were the go-home-at-first-chance type, so after exams were over, it would be so quiet.

    Can't argue with Anthrax, though! Hadn't heard of the 2000 Trees, but good to see Rolo Tomassi on the bill!

    In selfish news, this week I had an article published on Gamasutra. Yes, because the positive aspects of my life are governed by words, editors and websites (I'd put readers in there, but that would be presumptuous).

  6. Maybe we should hastily schedule in something Steam-based instead for this Tuesday? I've still not tried Team Fortress 2, and Left 4 Dead remains utterly essential. Thoughts/feelings/requests?

    Well, I don't have Steam and my laptop groans when I open Firefox, so doubt I'll be able to participate in that. But I say go for it if Live's down and the Thumbs are a-hollerin'.

  7. Nice vid, Vimes, but just when you thought L'Académie française would iron out all linguistic quirks and irregularities, even Yves Guillemot pronounces it yoobie.

    Yeah, Jake, you're right (even though 'ubiquitous' is another word that cooks up Latin flashbacks for me). That said, I'd like to think that one wouldn't get kicked in the balls for oobying your Ubisoft.

  8. You mean like Ubisoft? (All the execs at E3 pronounced it You-Be-Soft, whereas everyone I know pronounces it Ube-soft).

    Yeah, that's one example. I say oobie because of the Latin connection (years of hardcore dead-language study don't disappear easily). It was only once I started listening to podcasts/paying attention to gaming promo stuff that I heard anyone stick a 'y' sound on the front.

    Another one - I think it was a few podcasts ago that the word 'solder' came up, where one of the dudes hadn't heard it spoken before, and didn't realise the 'l' was silent.

    Linguistics can be fascinating.

  9. Can anyone link me to the video Nick was talking about which he took at E3? He said it was on Shacknews but I can't find it. Thanks.

    The L4D2 one? I think it's here. Not entirely sure, as I didn't watch all the way through and listen out for the conversation.

    I still read Natal as with the first syllable stressed, meaning of or relating to birth. [insert kid/baby sex joke]. I think it's going to be one of those terms I mostly read, and mostly read along with my instinct, and then be slightly confused every time someone mentions it, albeit for a second.

  10. Sorry to keep the BNP train going, but I saw this and thought it was an interesting idea. Trust crazy, genius, misanthropic Warren Ellis fans to come up with this, in a thread called 'How to fuck with the BNP':

    Right. Here goes:

    1. The BNP winning European parliament seats means they have a budget to employ staff and various sub-contractors.

    2. These budgets and staff positions are subject to anti-discrimination laws, as they come from public funds.

    3. Watch out for when these positions are advertised. If anyone sees them advertised, chuck the ads about on as many social networks, blogs etc as possible.

    4. Man the Harpoons - If you fall outside of the BNP's discriminatory membership criteria, due to being black, Jewish, whatever, apply. If you are white British and want to help out this plan anyway, just spread the idea about.

    5. When you/they don't get the job, take it to an employment tribunal.

    6. ????

    7. Profit.

    Even if you're not especially bothered about taking the BNP to an employment tribunal, spreading this idea about, and forcing them to consider it and raaage over how unfair to the poor ickle racialists it is, it's still funny.

    Not sure how successful it would be, even if it got the support necessary to even make it possible, but a nice angle to come at it. A bit more gleefully crackpot-aggressive than pelting Griffin with eggs, or posting pictures of your liberal face on the internet (not to criticise either of those plans of action).

  11. Very fun session indeed, apart from my 360 freezing as the boss on a round of Cops 'n Crooks. It sounded fun, though, the last I heard before the freeze was Miffy (?) saying 'Wrestle, that's not a road...'.

    Some hectic moments, indeed.

    Also, not once but twice did I kill Nevsky through the windshield of his car while driving. I've never pulled this off before, so either I was really lucky, or Nevsky was trying to catch my bullets with his head.

    Twice! It's so deflating when that happens - maybe at some point my character will catch the bullet in between his teeth...