Bork Laser

Phaedrus' Street Crew
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Posts posted by Bork Laser

  1. I feel like the first portion of HoL is just poor. I get what he's going for, and I was even engaged for a while, but it just becomes too much. I'd really be interested in reading a book that was just the Navidson Record itself, but layering an interesting story inside all the flak doesn't hold my interest.

    I think I would agree with this.

  2. I'm a huge HoL fanboy, but I do understand why some people hate it. I take issue, however, with the idea that it's convoluted just for the sake of being convoluted. The book is both about a labyrinth and itself meant to be a labyrinth (leaves = pages). It's not much of a maze if it isn't convoluted.

    Fair enough. Like I said, I only read about a hundred pages into it before quitting, so the concept likely didn't have time to really click with me I don't guess.

    Still, I guess I just prefer a plain ol' wall of text with my books.

  3. Just finished the game. Great fun.

    I thought the ending was okay. Because of all the bashing it had already received, I was fully prepared for Assassin's Creed II or Fahrenheit/Indigo Prophecy level of idiocy and was almost positively surprised by how average the ending actually was.

    Blocky sex scenes set to Theory of a Deadman don't do it for you?

  4. I just spent my evening buried in House of Leaves and I'm not sure what to make of it. I'm not even sure I'll continue reading, but it's certainly something.

    I've tried to get into this several times and I fall out completely after the first hundred pages or so every time. It's convoluted for the sake of being convoluted. I can just see Danielewski thinking about crap like printing the text backwards and then on the next page only having 3 words and thinking he's the most brilliant author of the century. I think people like it because of it's weird presentation, but it does nothing for me besides bring the story itself down.

  5. Oh no, I definitely am not suggesting they change their format and make it a video cast or anything. As an example off the top my head, there was this thing in RE5 where (I think it was) Chris played online and met this guy who had basically a giant robot tank on his back and just laid waste to all the enemies. I think there was a video of this, and it would be cool if stuff like that had a formalized place on the site, not just a random Youtube links.

    That I can get behind.

  6. edit: I like the idea of Shadow Run and I know there is a good game in it, but I'd really like to see a more modern interpretation, though kickstarter doesn't seem to be the place to get that done.

    We got one in 2007 and I'm pretty sure it sucked.

  7. I love video content, and I loved the Kickstarter intro/finale videos, but personally I'm way more likely to consume audio content than video content. I believe on the 3MA with the dudes on it, Sean made a point about how you develop a more personal connection to listening to guys as opposed to watching them. I think Idle Thumbs would feel less cohesive and personal if it ever went in another direction. I wouldn't want that to go away.

  8. If you like Aaron Sorkin's writing then you'll be interested in this upcoming series on HBO


    I've been watching through the West Wing for the first time and I'm in love with it. This looks like something that I'll love, as well. It looks like a TV adaptation of Network and I am perfectly fine with that.

  9. I'm kind of obsessed with bad job training videos. This one is kind of creepy. It's also funny.

    The top rated comment being "Soundtrack by Portishead" got a chuckle out of me.


    Now I'm going to be singing "Thiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiink Abouououuuuuuut Thiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiissss" all evening and my wife is going to punch me.

  10. I'm not poopooing people riding the Kickstarter wave, I just think that only a certain type of gamer would be willing to pledge to these types of things and if you throw up a million Kickstarters within a short time frame, they may struggle to stretch what they're willing to give out. After giving what I did to Idle Thumbs and Wasteland 2, I'll probably be holding off on pledging anything for a little while.

  11. I actually feel the opposite. I love Chris Avellone's projects, despite the bugs, but I am supremely unexcited about Wasteland 2. I'd much rather contribute to an original project than to a sequel and "spiritual predecessor/successor" of another franchise. Must kickstarter begin replicating all the problems of traditional publishers?

    It's the sequel to a 24 year old computer RPG that no publisher would ever touch. Doing something no major publisher wants any part in is hardly "replicating all the problems of traditional publishers."

  12. Life's pretty swell for the most part. Being a new dad is pretty awesome so I have no complaints there. The only downside is my job which I'm not too happy with. I have double the case load as others in my position at other agencies, and they continue to pile clients onto me without attempting to hire another person to help. On top of that, I had literally no training on my job duties when I started in November and none of the management does any follow-up to see how you're doing. The only time I get any feedback is when something I did months ago is suddenly discovered as being wrong. :shrug: I just got my BA last year, so my job opportunities around here are slim pickins until I get more work experience in the field built up. I start grad school this summer, so that will help me onto the path of something better.

  13. I'm pretty sure the co-op is all local, but I could be wrong because I have only played it solo on PS3.

    But I do think the game is absolutely worth it. The level design is constantly fresh and I'd be willing to say that it's one of the best looking games I've played thanks to the art work. On top of that, it's fun. It gets a :tup: from me.

  14. Lost was not without its problems or bad episodes, but the communal aspect that came from it among my friends and the communities I visited online will ensure that my experience with another show will never be as enjoyable.I was mostly fine with how things tied up, even if some of it was kind of goofy. I honestly thought pretty much everything "made sense" by the end, as well. Again, it's explanation may have been a little goofy, but pretty much every significant aspect of the series was wrapped up by the time the ending credits rolled.

    Even if I did have problems with the ending, I'm one of those people that really don't get worked up over endings I'm not happy with if I enjoyed getting there. If a TV series can keep me entertained for 120 hours and provide endless discussion between friends, then it was a successful TV series even if the last few hours aren't perfect.

  15. I'm going to use this opportunity to announce that my favorite episode title is "Don't Look at Me, I'm Hideo."

    I've never really understood this attitude. It's not about people needing x money for a podcast. It's about people willing to give y money for the podcast (and the rewards).

    Me neither, but I noticed it in a few places when the Kickstarter was initially announced (such as the NeoGAF thread).