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Everything posted by gdf

  1. (

    "I knew it was going to blow people's minds" -
  2. Nifty browser games (inc. Flash)

    I loved watching the buzz curve for this game over the few days or so. TIGSource and both posted it, then RPS, then I saw a couple of people post about it on forums, then Kotaku picked it up. It's worthy of the attention, but so are the rest of Adam Atomic's games, he's done a markup job this year.
  3. Powerless Wire

    I want this shit at music festivals. My fucking phone ran out out battery at T in the Park and I grudged paying a tenner for some dodgy power pack thing, so being able to walk into a tent, even if it didn't charge the phone, and getting some power, would be great. It would also definitely stave off some of the cable hell that exists behind and to each side of my monitor.
  4. I want someone to make a whole Spider-Man model.
  5. So.. Batman: Arkham Asylum

    I hooked my PS3 up to my PC monitor today and it looks great. However, I never realised just how low a resolution some games play at. Trash Panic and this game's demo in particular looked incredibly rough, and the difference between the PS3 and my PC running it at 1400x900 was striking.
  6. Warsow

    I tried this a long ass time ago and sucked at it, but everyone seems to be getting into it now for some reason. I'll still fail badly if I play it again.
  7. The sad sad tale of Tim Langdell

    Tim Langdell resigns from IGDA board of directors.
  8. (

    "Use "Nintendo" on "Giant Bomb" to get "Never"" -
  9. I have some desktop icons, all either game shortcuts or my most used programs. They're always nicely laid out, though. I also stick things I'll need immediately (images for upload, installers etc.) in the corner to remind/encourage me to deal with whatever it may be.
  10. Life

    I'm glad because I finished an article I've been meaning to write for weeks and pitched it
  11. Rage

    I think I can sum up here. *Clears throat* Fallout 3 looked fucking boring.
  12. (

    "Non." -
  13. Life

    Excellent, I've never laughed that much at a YouTube video
  14. So.. Batman: Arkham Asylum

    Sorry if I got you pissed or whatever, wasn't really my intention! I have virtually nil knowledge of comics so probably shouldn't have been so... fucking horrible The physics stuff seemed a bit dumb actually. The tearable cloth was cool for about five seconds, and the only other bits I noticed were the smashable tiles and bits of paper flying about. Those bits of paper were fucking everywhere in the demo. It's mostly jarring, because what is and isn't affected is very inconsistent and there appears to be little outside the aforementioned that uses the physics model. Definitely not worth a framerate drop for.
  15. Life

    I DID A SHIT!!!! I know that's a pretty pathetic thing to be proud of, but dammit... it's a big thing for me! I even managed to enjoy it, too! [Don't mean to bring you down, Peelio, just been horribly constipated for the last week and a bit, worse than usual even]
  16. Wizaaaaaards!!

    Coming back from the football I saw a poster for it in Aberdeen and burst out laughing again. Thanks for making me look like a mental weirdo for the umpteenth time Idle Thumbs. Because I'm the motherfucking wizard.
  17. Wizaaaaaards!!

    My mum is flicking through the local paper and just shouted through to me "Fraser, you should go to the Wizard Festival". I fucking exploded with laughter and babbled nonsensically about wizards and thumbs and THE MOTHERFUCKING WIZAAAARD! Checked out the website. WIZARD RADIO
  18. So.. Batman: Arkham Asylum

    I'm sure it's meant to be experienced with little more than a basic working knowledge of Batman canon. Isn't superhero canon basically a load of confused bullshit anyway? Batman's supposed to be dead right now or something. Anyway, I know nothing about Batman canon with regards to events/timeline and such, but I know the premise and some key characters, and I think most people will have that sort of vague but workable context to go into this with.
  19. (

    "I shot a game cock once, all over Manuel's delicate, silky lips" -
  20. (

    "Having mounted the horse bag... and then it singed my cock" -
  21. So.. Batman: Arkham Asylum

    In this case it was cover and at least a 9 for 'bargo busting exclusive. GamesMaster and OPM fulfilled those conditions, and even if they were going to give them those scores (which, one being an official mag and the other with a readership who "thinks everything below 90 is shit" was admittedly likely) in the first place the practice is still unacceptable.
  22. Rage

    EA's Wasteland as well. You're right, though. There are a few things that the wider public assume games to be about that have wormed their way into my perception of the medium, that being one. The untapped trope. And I think that LOPcagney's criticism is fair in terms of Fallout 3. It just ground me the fuck down with that green mist and blandness. I don't care if that's the intended effect, because there's no point turning people off completely. Fallout, which I've resumed playing recently, is far more tolerable. It struck the right balance in some weird intangible way that Bethesda's entry just didn't for me.
  23. So.. Batman: Arkham Asylum

    Being the one guy on the fucking internet who thought the demo was merely passable and having bleated constantly about the two corrupt UK mag reviews, I'm going to look like such a faking, tinfoil-hat wearing cunt because everyone in the rest of the known universe seems to have a huge boner for this game.
  24. Burn the Rope !!

    I think that was the joke
  25. Shadow Complex

    I couldn't read more than a couple of paragraphs. I wrote more cohesively at the age of ten.