Horticulture Tycoon

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Everything posted by Horticulture Tycoon

  1. Movie/TV recommendations

    I actually watched Transmorphers in its entirety. I'm still not sure why.
  2. Movie/TV recommendations

    Star Trek: A Motion Picture
  3. Another backlog thread

    Unfortunately (or fortunately), a limited cash flow forces me to be fairly selective with games that I buy, so I don't have too long a list: Far Cry 2 GTA 4: The Lost and the Damned Ikaruga Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade Final Fantasy XII Sid Meier's Pirates! (X-Box Originals) Shenmue 2 Also, I've started probably 20 different games of Jagged Alliance 2 over the years, and I've never once finished that game. It's not on the list because I have no plans to ever try. Still fun though.
  4. The Myth of Sisyphus (Trials HD)

    That's the bike I'm using. Maybe I have the fastest fingers. OH, SNAP!
  5. What does Nick Breckon look like?

    It's adorable how the earplugs match the blanket.
  6. Horror and surviving, but not survival horror

    Falling off a building in Mirror's Edge really disturbs the hell out of me. And I'm not even afraid of heights.
  7. Idle Thumbs PAX Meetup: Saturday at 5:15PM

    I've gotta say, I was expecting more from the Thumbs listeners. Out of forty people, nobody could pull off the full three-part harmony "Wizard" from the Ballad of Riccitiello? Shameful, Thumbs listeners. Shameful.
  8. The Myth of Sisyphus (Trials HD)

    You can watch the replays of all the top scores (pretty much any Platinum run gets saved, it seems), so if you're having trouble figuring out what you can do to improve your time, taking a peek at the top ghosts is always an option. As easy as can be expected. The camera can be a little tricky if you want to edit or move one object that's behind another one, but after about a half hour or so I got used to it.
  9. The Myth of Sisyphus (Trials HD)

    I'm enjoying the hell out of the game, though I can't imagine how people can possibly beat any of those Extreme levels, let alone get gold on them. Also I was messing around with the level editor and I'm enjoying just experimenting with it, there's a lot of really complex scripting stuff you can do that can result in some really fun and crazy levels. I have a level shared if anyone wants to check it out (I believe you can only see levels created by your friends, which is lame, so feel free to add me if you want...), and have some thoughts on maybe a wizard-centric track down the line. FYI, if you try my level, just be aware there are three paths through the course, only one of which do you not cross the finish line on fire. Also you will probably be crushed by giant steel balls on a steady basis.
  10. First game you remember playing

    Yes, my uncle had one and it scared the shit out of me. Especially this game: faWw2aY0j80
  11. Beatles: Rock Band

    Feel free to say plenty of bad things about his singing, though.
  12. The All New XBox Gamertag Exchange Thread!

    54,536 gamer points?! I'd add you, except I don't want to experience a minor inferiority complex every time I boot up my XBox...
  13. Post-mortems

    I sort of agree, I mean I'd imagine it's pretty hard to have a sense of what went right and what went wrong until you're able to look at what kind of response your game is getting from an audience. Not that the audience reaction is the final word on the quality of the game, but it at least gives the developer an opportunity to respond to (or concur with) a greater consensus, if there is one. I have a similar problem with director's commentaries on DVDs that are recorded before the movie is even released. If these things exist in a vaccuum and not as a part of a dialogue with the audience, then it defeats much of the purpose in my opinion. Not saying that it shouldn't be done at all, but to me it does make this sort of thing much less interesting.
  14. Recently completed video games

    I think all games need to cut back on the interface, regardless of the setting they're in. I've played two different games this year (Assassin's Creed, Ghostbusters) that I enjoyed so much more after I turned off all the HUD bullshit from the menu. But yeah, an Old West RPG would be awesome. But then, pretty much any RPG that's not set in either outer space or Tolkien fantasy land would be awesome too.
  15. First game you remember playing

    Kickman on Commodore 64, complete with unlicensed floating Pac-Men and Pac-Ghosts: qEbq82gV9F0 EDIT: Oh, I guess Bally/Midway made this after all, the resolution is so low on this game that the copyright notice gets cut off. Thanks for the clarification, internet!
  16. I haven't listened to the cast yet, but since everyone's giving the tup to the WIZARD-NO voicemail, I'll admit that it was me. Mind you, if everyone had been saying what an unfunny asshole jerkoff that guy was, I wouldn't be saying a word. Incidentally, I'd had a few adult beverages that evening. I'm glad it turned out funny, because in hindsight it's a miracle I was remotely coherent. :buyme:
  17. Beatles: Rock Band

    The Rock Band 2 kit is relatively quiet, at least not compared to the RB1 kit. I don't know how it compared to the ION kit though. Granted, the rubber pads will occasionally come loose, but it's nothing a little superglue won't fix.
  18. Heavy Rain

    Elmuerte pretty much sums it up. It's hard to recommend a game that goes out of its way to leave a bad taste in your mouth, but for 1200 points... eh, it's probably worth that.
  19. PAX '09

    I'd go if I wasn't so broke. I demand the official Thumbs meetup come to me, or I'll have none of it! Also, did I accidentally and subconsciously steal someone's avatar? I got ths jpeg from Google images, I swear. Anyway, sorry William, I'll change it when I feel less lazy.
  20. Idle Thumbs 38: Up On This Boss

    "Hey kids! Here's a ball you can play with indoors! But make sure you don't throw it! Even though it is awfully tempting!"
  21. Movie/TV recommendations

    Damn, and I love Film Noir too.
  22. Movie/TV recommendations

    Just got back from Inglorious Basterds. I expect this movie to really divide people into love-it or hate-it camps, but I think it might be my favorite Tarantino movie ever.
  23. Heavy Rain

    There's a walkthrough on Gametrailers (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3) that's pretty interesting, although it makes me wonder just how much influence the player is going to have over the story, since all the different scenarios the producer highlights in this video more or less end with the same outcome.
  24. Idle Thumbs 39

    Apparently. But on the other hand...