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Everything posted by Garple

  1. L.A. Noire

    I would think as Video game fans, we'd be used to cliches by now. I'm not saying that excuses them, but do you make a noir game without relying on genre tropes? It almost needs to be cliche in order to feel like proper noir. Besides, Red Dead Remdemption was a just a thrill ride through 70s Westerns and that didn't stop it from being a lot of fun. In fact, I would have been disappointed if the game hadn't featured a gatling gun sequence a la The Wild Bunch. Sure those are glorified turret sequences, but in this crazy postmodern world we live do you make anything that's not a re-skinned version of something else? I could say more, but I'll ease off because I sense I'm possibly being a little obnoxious.

    They could get a surrogate like in Arrested Development.
  3. Gaming In-Jokes

    Yeah...I feel like these references are more notable in games that are not focused on humor, though. When they come out of nowhere, they're more jarring and insane-seeming. In Comic Jumper they're just par for the course (do you get that Comic Jumper in-joke, guys? DO YOU????).
  4. Enslaved: Odyssey to the West

    The ending (while not exactly original) impressed me by being rather audacious in light of the game's obviously high budget. Toblix:
  5. L.A. Noire

    Shadow, Colossus, My office: NOW!
  6. Xbox 360 Exclusives? (!)

    Trials HD and Shadow Complex are two more excellent exclusives for 360.
  7. Gaming In-Jokes

    Oh yeah...that's probably the most egregious one ever. Can't believe I forgot about that.

    Awful awesome, that is. Congrats Steve that's damned amazing. Now you're a hot scoop of Big Cheese.
  9. Life

    Thanks for all the advice guys...I never would have even asked about that if I hadn't had a few too many beers and I feel kind of awkward about it now, but I figured you guys would have a good perspective due to being an eclectic group of intelligent dudes who tend toward being a (?) like myself. The responses were really valuable, so I'm glad I asked.
  10. Life

    You were until your most recent post, IMO...hence my reaction.
  11. Life

    Shut up please, sir.
  12. Life

    This might be a stupid question...but how should I hint? I know it should be specific to the girl/situation...but is there any general advice you can share?
  13. I am disappoint with the internet... Sprite spite!

    Most if not all of us will probably exist tomorrow and the day after that...
  14. Poor India. They provide all our tech support...why don't they have all our tech?
  15. iPad gaming

    It's not horrible at all...we're all human beings here who (mostly) care about each other...if anyone's done's good for them to let us know so we can check it out...
  16. Life

    So is that still a good thing? In other I just deluded...or am I on the right track? I'm trying to have more respect for my body and my a long-time's pretty hard but I'm really honestly working at it...doesn't that make me a better person?
  17. Life

    Cool...I like this advice...and you seem pretty serious about your girlfriend (yes?). I try to talk to girls in a way that doesn't make a big deal about anything. It seems they can tell when a dude is just trying to talk them up and get laid (They're not I'll talk to them about whatever the conversation leads to...whether it be philosophical pragmatism or free jazz (brainy girls are sexy as hell). Unfortunately, the closest I ever got to a girl was with one who already had a boyfriend she was already serious about. She was amazing in about 100 ways and I feel like I could have dated her if she wasn't already committed. So is not really trying to get a girlfriend the best approach? Do you guys feel like it's something that just happens? What if I already know a girl I really like...what should I do? I feel like these are pathetic questions for a 22 year old dude to be struggling with...but that's honestly where I am in life. Should I hang it up or is there hope for me?
  18. What news are you talking about, exactly? I think it's amazing how apparently committed he is to his work and I like that. His movies are probably shit, but he seems to have balls, which is many directors in his position seem to toe the line...I'm thinking of Brett Ratner etc...There's no way for me to know whether he's right or all I can do is admire his tenacity.
  19. I am disappoint with the internet... Sprite spite!

    That's correct. I never intentionally insult anyone...I mean, who the hell am I anyway? I hope my posts weren't offensive to you...I assumed you were upset about this guy's fan art and couldn't understand what the big deal was...but I guess that's not the case (?). You have as much right to rant as anyone else and I wouldn't oppose that...I only seek to understand.
  20. Life

    This is one of those sentences that would be especially wonderful if read out of context. Also: I've always wanted a girlfriend...probably more than anything, but I don't know how that situation you guys have any advice? I've been working seems women are noticing me a bit more...
  21. WTF is Telltale's new game?

    This makes me long for the Idle Thumbs Podcast. How many times will we let these guys break our hearts and still take them back? Note: I'm a little drunk, so I'm being actuality, I'm very happy for Nick and Chris and wouldn't want them to hold back their careers for us...What podcasts do you guys use to take their place? I'm into Giant Bomb and Select Button.
  22. I am disappoint with the internet... Sprite spite!

    Two of the funniest posts I've seen on Idle Thumbs are above this post. Also....Tanukitsune...What the hell is your avatar from, I want to EXPERIENCE that cactus...
  23. I am disappoint with the internet... Sprite spite!

    Oh...I thought you were serious about lamenting this guy's work, in which case I thought you were making a big deal out of something that really didn't matter in any way.
  24. L.A. Noire

    They have fucking trailers for books now, isn't that nuts? Also: While they trailer isn't great IMO still looks fairly unusual as the subjects for video games go...furthermore, using the Noir concept in a game instantly makes me want to buy it no matter what. Also, I like the fact that I can't quite imagine what the gameplay will be like. Red Dead was the same way...I wasn't sure what to expect until I finally put in the disc.
  25. I am disappoint with the internet... Sprite spite!

    Do they have a history of this kind of virtual high-fiving? I think it would be awesome if Idle Thumbs played a prominent role in two people falling in love.