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Everything posted by Garple

  1. Left 4 Thumbs 2

  2. Red Dead Thumb

    If you know what I mean:eyebrow:
  3. Mount and Blade: Warbands

    Sorry to be this guy once again, but I want to ask: the original game runs decently on my laptop...has the sequel become much more extensive to the point that I probably can't run it (on an integrated card).
  4. Red Dead Redemption

    I love the PS3 but for multiplayer it's no match for the 360. It would be a real pain trying to organize everything for that. Not as many people own that console, nobody has a headset, the friends system doesn't seem as well integrated. I'm not trying to be overly negative, it's just that I'd caution against buying a game that you hope to play in multiplayer for the PS3
  5. XBLA Strategy

    You're the only other person I've heard of who has Greed Corp. so I'm adding you on XBL and you can expect an invite to play sometime soon.
  6. Uncharted 2

    I've been playing a whole bunch of this...Deathmatch, specifically. It's really really good. Thanks for reminding me it exists.
  7. Life

    You're living to the fullest, sir, I envy you.
  8. The Dancing Thumb (aka: music recommendations)

    I thought he was pretty popular in the mainstream..."Two Tickets to Paradise" and stuff like that.
  9. Fucking PC gaming!

    Actually, I should wait and see what happens with OnLive and make a decision after that. I know it almost certainly won't match up with having a real gaming PC, but it might be a good alternative for someone like me. Also...I'm truly sorry about how much I've moaned about not having a good PC. I'm extremely lucky to have what I do. It's just that the thumbs community can be a little PC-centric sometimes and it makes me feel left out. But it's not a big deal and I've gotten used to it and tried to stop myself when I'm tempted to complain about it.
  10. iPad

    Toblix, I remember you saying a long time ago that you bought an iphone largely for gaming. How is that working out now that you've had it for a while? Note: I'm not being snarky...I'm just curious. A lot of iphone games look pretty cool to me.
  11. The Dancing Thumb (aka: music recommendations)

    And creative vision. Although I suppose talent encompasses that too. I was interpreting talent as technical proficiency, because a lot of people (rock fans anyway) argue for the music they like from that angle even though that's probably not the main reason they listen to that music.
  12. Fucking PC gaming!

    Thanks guys. as soon as I have enough time to really investigate, I'm going to check out all your suggestions and links (which I've perused at this point but not deeply). Patters, the thing about a PC, while it's really a better idea for lower priced gaming, is that I don't want to go back to using a PC for my other tasks, so it would basically be a $500 to $1000 gaming machine. The thing is, I'm looking to replace my laptop eventually and when I do, I want to buy something that is better able to accomodate some gaming.
  13. Fucking PC gaming!

    What do you guys think is the best laptop available for around 5 or 6 hundred dollars (700 is probably the upper limit)? I want to play games, but it doesn't have to be superpowered (obviously that would be impossible). If I can run the Valve games, most of the buzzworthy indie games that have come out over the past couple years and continue to come out and maybe some games that were a big deal a few years ago but have been outpaced by average hardware...I would be happy. I assume there's no hope of running big, recent titles like the new STALKER or Dragon Age, but I do have to there technology coming that will make for a much better laptop in this regard, down the road? In other words...Is there something coming that would be worth waiting for? If someone (or a few people) can point me toward a few specific computers I'd appreciate it. The amount of hardware available is quite overwhelming to someone who's basically clueless like myself.
  14. Movie/TV recommendations

    The problem with the Jacket is that it's military issue, and the sheriff thinks Rambo is just some hippy wearing it ironically or something which would be seen as an insult to the he has no right to wear it if he didn't serve. He doesn't know and can't imagine Rambo was actually in the military. He goes nuts because he has post-traumatic stress disorder from having fought in Vietnam. It's triggered by the situation he finds himself in and he suddenly thinks he's back in the war. I'm not sure he's "the good guy" per se. Also, a town is not private property, so the sheriff really has no business kicking him out.
  15. Uncharted 2

    Actually, now that my ISP upped our speed...I seem to be doing pretty well and the multiplayer is a lot of fun. Should we set a specific time? Also...anybody got a link to something cheap that'll work as a ps3 headset? Edit: Also Also: Do you guys who posted in this thread have Little Big Planet?
  16. Plain Sight

    Oh. Well that works for me too, so I'll check it out when that happens. I would play it now, but I've got an integrated graphics card...anyway, congrats. It looks really awesome and I'm glad to hear people are liking it so far.
  17. Plain Sight

    You guys are working on an X360 version aren't you? Can you give us any word on when that might come out?
  18. Street Fighter IV

    I'm play fighting games only intermittently, but I have a stick for which I paid less than $100 and while it doesn't quite feel like real arcade hardware, I certainly never feel like it's going to break. I suppose if you dropped it off a roof or something...
  19. General Video Game Deals Thread

    Me too. Multiplayer some time? I'm Strummer521 on XBL
  20. Uncharted 2

    Maybe I need to do that as well...but I don't even know where to start. What kind of stuff are you talking about here?
  21. Uncharted 2

    I would like to play, but I get so much lag when I take my PS3 online that I try not to do so too often.
  22. GDC 2010 for thumbs?

    What you need when you need it. click here to compare prices on Marek Bronstring at
  23. Interesting stuff that might get you laid.

    I'm amazed. What the fuck does that have to do with Easter? Don't get me sounds awesome.
  24. Keeping your data safe

    Everything sometimes fails. God is dead.