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Everything posted by Garple

  1. Anybody Played...?

    That breaks my heart, because...a steam-punk action game with verticality to the should be awesome. Are you absolutely sure it's not?
  2. Deadly Premonition

    How so? It seems at least fairly similar.
  3. LittleBigPlanet

    Just because nobody seems to be stepping up to the plate on this...what say we try this on Monday...Maybe like 8:00 PM Eastern Standard Time US? I can certainly go earlier if need be.
  4. Deadly Premonition

    Has anyone played much of Siren:Blood Curse? This game looks like a terrible version of that.
  5. Sam & Max: The Devil's Playhouse

    Hey, I said, "just teasin.'" :grin: well you can always make me pay for my transgression in GTA next week.
  6. Sam & Max: The Devil's Playhouse

    And what's with all these fancy 3D graphics and such! Please make the next Sam and Max game as a text adventure. Just teasin'
  7. Books, books, books...

    McCarthy's Child of God is short, easy to get into and features as its protagonist one of the best psychopaths I've encountered in literature.
  8. Life

    Also from The Freewheelin' Bob Dylan of course. "Great car for after a war."
  9. Red Dead Redemption

    No console?
  10. Thumb Hunter Tri

    what's the big box thing? Edit: mean the edition of MHT that comes with that funky new classic controller? Edit 2: I was really curious about playing this game and planned on getting it at some point, but then I watched the giantbomb quicklook of the demo, and it just seemed so cruel and grotesque. I guess I'd assumed the developers had a formula for making monsters so dispicable I wouldn't mind hunting them...but it gave me the feeling that reader mail described that was talking about the worm in Gears 2 (now...see, the worm in Gears 2 was something I didn't mind fucking up).
  11. The Best of PC Gaming

    I would like to play a Russian PC game called "Time Prisoner".
  12. LittleBigPlanet

    My imagination went wild thinking they were going for extreme having an opinion and had a blind, black, female, Jewish president in a wheelchair who only spoke French.
  13. The Best of PC Gaming

    Good advice, thanks.
  14. The Best of PC Gaming

    Oh...bummer. I just googled it quick and found that site but didn't really have time to dig deep. Well, I didn't download it, for what it's worth. Anyway: Deus Ex...It seems awesome so far, even though I've mostly just played the tutorial. In the very first actual mission, the first thing I did was jump in the water. I found some supply crates under the dock, but didn't have anything to open them. I tried to use the taser to see if I could electrocute myself by using it underwater but that didn't work. I got a kick out of smashthestate being the code for the revolutionary group's (I guess that's what they are, no?) security it's semi-plausible but also goofy and cute. Also, I like the fact that it seems a little like a cyber-punk version of X-Men. I've spent about an hour with it so far and I plan to keep going. Do you guys think this is an interesting game to be the first big title played by a relative PC virigin? Is anyone interested enough in my experience with it as a newcomer for me to start a thread, play all the way through and post my impressions as I go along RPS style? Note: when I say "relative PC virgin" what I mean is: I've played a bunch of games on a PC, but I've never played any of the kind of stuff that would be considered quintessential and sort of native to the platform (excepting a few hours of KOTOR and a few hours of Morrowind back when they were relatively new). And as I understand it, there's a flavor and style (and other things that would be described by equally vague words) to PC games that make them special and sort of set apart (not necessarily better, mind you) from console games. I've started Fallout 2 and some other stuff but I've never committed enough to get comfortable with the platform, so I always end up losing you guys think this game would be a good one for committing and diving in?
  15. The Best of PC Gaming

    It's free now, apparently.
  16. LittleBigPlanet

    Does "24" really have a female president?
  17. Life

    Because of your avatar and also because it has the feel of something like "Tombstone Blues" or "Bob Dylan's 115th Dream", I couldn't help reading this with Bob Dylan's voice in my head
  18. of 2010 perhaps?

    Giant Bomb gave a great unintentional salespitch for it on their podcast.
  19. Good point. If fact, Kotaku has wrote an open letter to Ebert which included a picture of that Valley of the Dolls movie which Ebert wrote and which was directed by Russ Meyer. I'm not saying that being responsible for shlock automatically makes someone's opinion moot, but I'd think he'd be a little more open-minded about this. I mean, does he think that his work on B-movie trash as a young man made it impossible for him to have had a valuable and distinguished career since then (I'm guessing the answer is no). Why does he think...even if stuff people are making right now is not high art...that this somehow proves no one could make a high art Video game in the future. Also...where the fuck does he get off trying to definitively decide what is and is not art? I know he's made a career out of sharing his opinion...but does he really think that means it is in any way definitive? Hasn't he been involved in the world of art/entertainment long enough to know that one man's art is another man's bullshit and vice versa? If Jackson Pollack or Marcel Duchamp get to be art, why not Stephen Lavelle?
  20. The Best of PC Gaming

    Good news, friends: both Deus Ex games are available together for $5 on Steam. I'm downloading the first one now.
  21. Fable 3

    Check out this Video game lord:
  22. It seems it will take me a few sessions to get comfortable with GTA multiplayer, especially since you guys have been playing once a week for like two years. I'm just glad I was finally able to connect and I look forward to future Tuesdays.
  23. Red Dead Redemption

    Super Saver Shipping (aka free shipping) for orders over $25. Or maybe Amazon Prime.
  24. Life

    Sorry to hear that. This is the second time in a couple days I've heard of people simultaneously using multiple monitors. Why do people do this? I'm sure there's a good reason, I'm just curious.
  25. Temptation

    How do you deal with the temptation to buy every game that's ever released. I find myself wanting to buy stupid things like Tomb Raider: Legend and Condemned on Games on Demand. I buy games constantly, I think we all do, that's one of the things that make me wary about getting a gaming PC. Steam would probably obliterate my bank account. Video Games as a hobby have so much compulsion involved. Compulsion to spend all your time playing games and especially compulsion to drop large sums of money all the damn time. How do you guys deal with it? I'm not just asking this for the sake of shooting the shit. I'm looking for advice that will help me keep my spending under control and I'm asking becuase I think we all deal with this and it's something we should talk about as a community. Frankly, one of the ways I deal is: used games. I'm sorry Chris, but even a small savings makes a big difference to me. Also, I try to pad out my repertoire of gaming options with freeware indie stuff. When I first started college, it was the first time I didn't have a current gen system, so I sought out all kinds of stuff I could play for free on a "student-grade" (if you'll allow me to coin a term) laptop. Aside: that led me to stumble onto a brilliant adventure game called Eye of the Kraaken which I recommend to anyone who likes TellTale (it captures a similar tone to what I've played of their games, and it's free). Has anyone played that or played the noirish adventure game they were working on and I assume have now released? Sorry this post is so tangential.