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Posts posted by modeps

  1. This weeks Bombcast revealed that this game may possibly be based on the title character of the greatest movie ever made, confirm or deny?

    McPixel is based off of MacGruber, Sos says it in his documentation.

  2. I have 2 15 minute breaks and a half hour break every shift at work. I just finished an 8 day work week, so that hour a day of reading means I actually do get through books at a reasonable pace.

    When I'm at work, my lunch usually consists of me eating something quickly while perched in front of my monitor. I need to stop that and add some reading time. Good suggestion.

  3. I don't know what you can do regarding your wife and kids other than committing to being a terribly neglectful husband and father - have you considered that?

    Hmm.. No, I hadn't considered that. Interesting thought!

  4. Neil Gaiman wrote American Gods, so your suggestion there pushes me in that direction. I started reading WATCHMEN before (not The Watchmen), and wasn't immediately hooked. American Gods I also started, and just got sidetracked.

    Here's a question for you all... With all the distractions in today's world, how do you read? I've got 3 kids, a wife, an iphone, computers everywhere, game consoles, other stuff coming at me from every direction, it's hard to stay focused.

  5. After reading through The Walking Dead (up to volume 9), I got the itch back to read done things I bought but never got around to reading. So, what should I read?

    - Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius

    - Americsn Gods

    - Dark Knight Returns

    - The Watchmen

    - The Name of the Wind


  6. After playing through Episode 1 and being completely thrilled at what Telltale did, I went and read up through Volume 9 of the trade paperbacks. Those books are pretty great if you haven't checked them out yet. I've only watched the first season of the AMC show, but i thought it was pretty funny that everything that happens in that season takes place during the first volume... except that CDC crap. That was garbage (and what made me uninterested in the second season).

    Haven't gotten into episode 2 yet, but I've got it ready to go. Did anyone run into the save issue where apparently your choices from #1 didn't carry over?

  7. Like i said, i only played the demo, but it seemed like a bad shooter.

    Control had a real loose feel to it, the cover system was bad, and the enemies were major bullet sponges. It just felt really muddy, nothing about it really clicked.

    Ammo scarcity and selectable firing modes are not bold new features, and definitely not something to hang your hat on in the face of the above.

    The fodder enemies go down in only a few hits, and if you headshot they're done in one. The only real sponges in the game are the "Heavy" soldiers who walk around carrying a SAW. They aren't particularly awful either. There are some "elite" type soliders, that are more fully armored, but again, nothing crazy.

  8. I haven't played this, but that's the prevailing opinion I've heard as well. It doesn't really bode well for the dev team, because as far as I'm aware the story was pretty much written by writers on the publishing side of things.

    As much as I loved the story aspects, yeah... I can't see this game selling very well commercially. Two years ago, it would have been on the top of everyone's list. Now though, not quite as a sure thing.

    Walt Williams self identifies with 2K, so yeah, I guess Yager just "made it work" for them.

  9. Since joining this forum several years ago, a few of my cronies and I have started up a new website called Splitkick. It's about video games amazingly enough. We only do opinion pieces, reviews, interviews, and podcasts, not really news (some of us have done that before and it's not our thing). After being their podcast host for a couple years, I went on to host the weekly Rocket Jump podcast.

    I'd be interested to hear what you all have to think about our content.

  10. The demo they put out was pretty legitimately awful.

    It's a very subpar shooter, it plays like total shit.

    People keep saying the story takes some really great turns though, and some of the character stuff they've apparently done sounds neat. (For example - Multiple animation and dialogue sets for the main characters, detailing growing frustration and exhaustion as the game progresses.)

    It seems like a game that is perhaps worth taking a chance on once it hits bargin bins.

    That game has had a really weird, protracted development cycle though. It went through a bunch of hands before finally hitting store shelves.

    Awful? Not at all. It's just a third person shooter. They've attempted to do a few things to make it a little different, like having ammo be something scarce and have selectable fire modes for weapons, but there's nothing that says it's any worse that other Unreal Engine based TPS games out there.

    The story is really well done and honestly, it's a bit of a commentary on both war, heroism, and how dumb third person shooters are. I've heard others refer to it as more akin to Apocalypse Now.

  11. Finished this game over the past weekend and I've gotta say, despite it being a fairly generic TPS cover based shooter, the story really drove it into awesome territory. Strange to see that kind of attention paid to it. Really fantastic work by their writing team.

    Anyone else give it a go?

  12. Apologies if this had been mentioned, but has Chris uploaded the clip of Dragon Age where there was this wizard who was constantly casting spells at the background while the npc was talking real slow? I imagine that would really be hilarious.

    I don't *think* he has uploaded it yet, but prior to hearing him talk about it, I got to the same part in Dragon Age and thought the exact same thing. That Wizard in the game is going NUTS with his casting while the Tranquil is just chillin' emotionless. It's pretty hilarious.

  13. I think I'm in a minority, but I can barely stand playing these adventure games anymore. I got a copy of S&M:Save the World for Xbox Live Arcade and really had to force myself to get through it. I'm rethinking playing of the new Monkey Island as well as, and considering not touching any of the titles that were recently made available on steam.

    This is contrary to what I thought was going to happen in my head. I grew up playing adventure games, specifically the * Quest titles from Sierra (which went from graphics/text to point-and-click throughout the years) and absolutely adored them. Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis was one of my all time favorite adventure titles... Even liked The Dig and Loom... but that was like 15 years ago.

    Today, I find the style completely boring and unintuitive. I don't enjoy trying to interact with people using every item in my inventory and hear them say the same shit over and over. About the only thing I really like is the art style. I know Jake is here, so this may be sacrilege, but... am I alone here? Or can you really never go home again?