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Posts posted by JoannaDark

  1. "Help Rigby get rid of the pesky blocks who are ruining the perfect aesthetics of his curvy kingdom."

    that is the exact same starting premise as hello kitty:roller rescue.

    not that i've played it :shifty:

    (but its a good premise except when you ask why skates are allowed in kitty's platonic circular world)

  2. NIN Fucking TENDO should be added to this list.

    further to the epic bricking of the wii, we sent it away to be fixed. it got back yesterday. we were so happy, and checked the drive and everything was still there, saves and miis and all. then we tried to put a game in. it made this sickening wurrring sound. couldn't eject, couldn't turn off, nothing. unplugged it and it still wurred for a while. also nintendo (or whoever does their repairs in the uk) say they'll pay for p&p but even though we have an irish address they sent us english stamps, genius! so we'll have had to pay twice to carefully bubble-wrap it, box it and send it away to the wii-spital again.

    on the plus side i have some bubblewrap now.

  3. thanks for that. feel better now. life could always be worse.

    except for the fact that i don't have a galaxy pre-order - i'm not sure what prevented me from getting one. now i'm worried.

    people who should not be allowed live: kids who pre-order galaxy, buy it, play it once and go back to fiddy-theft-getaway, failing to realise that this is probably the major defining event of their era, while i'm at home with fucking mysims. i don't have metroid yet either. i'm so behind! ;(

  4. there's no reason you can't write about your cat now and then without having to explain too much. Unless your last name is Schrödinger. THAT WAS A PHYSICS JOKE.

    fnar! i heart physics jokes. i am going to write a blog....about my 3dsmax software DISAPPEARING. and no, it wasn't a trial. wtf?!


    my 3dsmax software disappeared today. i am sad to the core of my black rotting heart that is filled with the bile that used to be your sweet buckfast love. i am unable to render bowls, those bowls that used to overflow with joy and um, buckfast.

    will it ever come back? perhaps was there a driver clash, like the clash between you and me in those last hollow words? i ache. i yearn.

    perhaps the virtual drive just evaporated. other emorific simile.

    i really miss 3dsmax.

  5. Sounds like someone had some MDMA :)

    i said joker smile!!! ->


    not manic gnashing! nah, i was just hideously drunk and stoned. hence the hiding of everything. har, my old flatmate found a bottle of vodka in the oven while he was preheating it.

  6. help!!! how do you make ff7 and an xp laptop love each other? i'm not even talking about the chocobo race, i just mean installing the fucking retard of a game. how do you get around the whole not-having-a-numpad thing? i've looked this up on sooooo many forums (fora?) but each one seems to say i need a different patch. i know i could hook up a keyboard but i couldn't be arsed. what's more frustrating is i've also recently avquired the ps2 version but my scarts got lost in the move!!! GRRRRRR its like cake trapped inabox.

  7. .. Having little support from one's spouse's olds only adds to the misery, but it looks like they may be clearing off back abroad when the time comes (Thursday next week in fact), which is somewhat of a relief.

    hah, freakin bizarre, we moved last weekend and my boyfriend's parents were in greece on holiday. my mum and dad now hate me for the 85 round trips we had to make in their cars as a result. still, it's done now.

  8. canada does seem to have the monopoly on cool geekiness alright. apart from newfies, i hear. they just sound like us irish. bear in mind that i'm basing this on the episode of southpark where ike gets returned to his birth parents. "french canada is the best canada!"

  9. friday: birthday party! spent the first hour worrying that no one would turn up. then too many people showed up. got a camera for my birthday so spent the evening taking photos, and smiling like the joker for some reason. buckfast brougth on some shocking level of paranoia which saw me hiding my alcohol/phone/camera/cigarettes in the oven in case anyone stole them. in general, a fantastic night.

    saturday: die a little. then move most of the contents of my flat into my mum's very small car to go to our new home. unpack in new abode. lots of ppl over with alcohol playing some confusing dice game. brain gives up.

    sunday: wake up in pain. go back over to flat and move rest of contents over to new home. grocery shop. unpack. watch new housemate play battlefield for a while. realise i've forgotten to pack all manner of scarts and connections.get brought out for dinner - birthday weekend yay!

    birthdays rule, except i'm old now. moving sucks.

  10. hmmm, your words say no, but your emoti-eyebrows..don't worry i won't tell spaff on you.

    yes, that's pretty weird that the name was joanna. in response to the question of the authenticity of my costume, yes i will be wearing (yellow) clothes. ms pacman was also perfectly round and usually 2d, i won't be aiming for total likeness.

  11. saturday

    woke up late and went shopping. went into game and bought mysims, suffered laughter and mocking of game geeks, then listened to them wank on about the fact that they'd played mario galaxy and metroid and they're AMAAAAAZING. cunts. got home and played mysims, upsetting. went to see knocked up, v good, went to captain america's and drank a pitcher of cocktail and some free shots. had to walk home very slowly as if i was a very full jug of vomit. tried to throw madden out the window (see previous rant on flatmate obsession with madden)


    v hungover today. went to play something to distract myself from hangover. wii bricked. cry a little. try every single wii and gamecube game in the flat. still not working. go through new dispatch of pc games recently given to us by an emigrating friend. try to install sims 2 university to compensate for lack of maxis in my life.

    laptop crashes when it's installed.

    i've suddenly become the grim reaper of technology.

    (addendum - install firewire pci on monday morning in work. how wrong can this go? i broke - physically broke - the card. )

  12. haha! yeah i absolutely love having a white brick beside my tv! gee thanks ea! it pretty much is a rip-off, the design element and simlish coming from the obvious, and the task type intro from - well, everything ever, and animal crossing, and the hint of faeces from harvest moon.

  13. it's just kind of...empty, really. i was so excited about this game, and it's just a bit meh. it's nothing like animal crossing, which is what it was kinda marketed as. it's just really really repetitive and there's not much to explore. Also, it actually did seem to kill the wii. We keep getting the "unable to read disc" message which apparently means the drive's been fucked.

    I'm fucking depressed.