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Posts posted by Longhorn

  1. Hello to all - I have read each of the posts in this entire thread and see that I will be better received if I tell a little about myself before giving my Wii number and requesting to make new 'friends'.

    I am assuming that I am probably older than most of the people in the thread. I owned an original Atari system and I believe have had almost every gaming system since that one (many now in storage - but figured that they may be worth something some day). Have three children and they are all into the games as well (gameboy advance, ds, etc.).

    I was lucky enough to find a Wii about 3 days before Christmas and honestly bought it specifically for the new Zelda game - which, sadly, I have already logged over 100 hours playing (with the Wii tracking times - it really makes you realize how much time is spent and what other productive things I could be doing). I am nearing completion of it and am just now looking into the other aspects of the Wii. I read instructions on how to join the Mii parades and figured that I needed to make some friends out there.

    I will not be a jerk and you definitely will be receiving no spam from me. I don't get to play that much other than on the weekends - but would enjoy having a list of friends for these Mii (only made two so far and I am sure that they are pitiful compared to what I have read about here) sharing and future online gaming.

    I have already added everyone on this thread so please add me when you get a chance.

    Wii Number: 1150 0399 1836 6416

    Thanks :yep: