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Posts posted by Thyroid

  1. I'm wondering about the "holy shit" books, not all of them. Unless you're selling all of them are holy shit books, to which I say "Holy shit".

    Disclaimer: I'm not perverted or anything. I'm just curious as to what insane censorship went on post-Daggerfall.

  2. There is a lot of overlap, but there's plenty of books in earlier games that haven't returned in later games, or have actually been revised or straight-up censored. (Because... Man, Daggerfall. Holy shit.)

    This should be just about every book in the series.

    What books in Daggerfall were "Holy shit"? I know about The Real Barenziah, but is there anything else?

  3. Yeah, Yufster: I sincerely doubt there's anything wrong with you, and I know this isn't the point of the thread, but Armchair is right about you checking-up with a professional. It might help sort-out the last odds and ends of that particular experience, in case there's anything left to sort-out.

    more effort into sorting yourself out so that your funeral is a less humiliating event for Finn to attend.

    Yufster's dad got burned.

  4. Man, New Hope for the Dead is funny. The story and characters are great too. I'm only 100 pages in, but I think I like it as much as I liked Miami Blues, and I liked Miami Blues a lot. Charles Willeford is the man.

    I just added Kroms

    Accepted! And sorry for my crazy-long wishlist. That's just the result of much, much, much procrastination and is only on the internet for me to reference when I need it, but without having to pull a .txt file from my email on connections I'd rather not sign into my email from and hey what a run this sentence turned-out to be.

  5. I only have one thing to offer: a Valve coupon, 50% off. Only giving to forum regulars, mind you; sorry, lurkers.

    Also, Operation: Flashpoint is off the menu. Kroms got that one.

    I did! The first time I ever ask for or take something on offer! I feel like I've slightly grown as a person.

  6. The final episode of Community season one was disappointing: the show forgot to have fun and started taking what it occasionally parodies seriously. The first season is still great great comedy, however, and I highly recommend it. I hear season two is even better, so I'm renting that today and making a small event out of it. Woo!

  7. PS - How long does it take to run 10 miles?

    A little over two and a half hours at my speed. I should say "jog"; I average at 7.4 km/hr on my treadmill, which is a slow job, though I'm getting better results (i.e. sweating more) by sticking to 6.6 km/hr, which is essentially walking in a hurry.

    My dad does it at 10 km/hr and it takes him ~2 hours.

  8. But I started running recently, and for the first time ever I almost ran a full mile without giving up! I made it to .9 according to the treadmill thing. (I'm actually running for time, rather than distance, until I can reliably run for 20 minutes without dying, but it's nice to see that number, anyway.) That is easily a record for me, as sad as it is. Even when I was a kid, and we'd do the mile-run in PE, I'd walk over half the mile.

    I used to do this too. Hence the slow increase. I remember when running 2 kms was such a pain in the butt.

    I should have clarified that my ten mile runs used to break down to five miles in the morning, and five miles at night. I didn't do them in one go. My dad, on the other hand, who is over 60, does 10 kms in the morning, 15-20 at night, and in the middle is busy with a clinic and checking-on patients he sends to various hospitals. I have no idea where he gets that kind of energy. He eats to make-up for it. Yet three of my uncles work-out more than that. Crazy over-achieving family.

    This time, I stopped not because of pain or exhaustion, but because it was getting too hard to breathe. Although once I did stop I realized how exhausted I actually was, and also maybe not being able to breathe as easily has to do with being exhausted, in the way that running exhausts me, anyway. Hmph.

    On the plus side, my shins no longer hurt after running, which is what has always made me quit in the past. That is good. It's encouraging to me that I'm actually noticeably getting better. X: (It also helps that my friend is dragging me along, even though he's undeniably in better shape than me.)

    Give him a run for his money! Show him what's what! That's what I do with my friend who somehow manages to maintain a great shape. We've made it into a challenge.

    (I'm so tempted to do that Insanity Wolf meme right now and say this, "Shins hurting you? Hurt them back.")

    And it's OK to hurt. It's a pleasure to see that pain slowly stop happening.

  9. I'm starting to get back into shape. Aw yes. Not back to my 10-mile daily run, but took it up to four today. Ah, sweet endorphins. How I've missed you.

    I tend to have a problem with my weight, because I can gain or lose anything between 5 to 25 kgs in a year and I've gone from being woefully underweight to obese and then underweight again, only to get at a point where I'm fat now but not quite jumbo yet. Well, now I need to get thin without overdoing it and/or ending-up in hospital again. So I'm seeing a dietitian to make sure I eat right. I feel like that made me grow-up a bit or something. Maturity point increase. Ka-ching.

    The best thing is remembering how much I like exercising after the first ten minutes. I only stop so I force myself to gradually increase my daily distance as to not wear myself out.

  10. I sent her a text asking if she'd spoken to him yet, whether she was all right and, though I didn't want to put pressure on her or her time, if she could let me know whether there's a time in the next few days when we would be able to speak face to face

    My thought here: "She's not going to reply for a while, and when she does, it's going to be colder than usual."

    She hasn't yet responded. I'm trying not to worry about what that might mean, if anything.

    And my thought here was "Ah".

    I know how you feel, but I wonder if you asking her questions will do more harm than good. There's a good chance she's starting to abort too, which is why

    the only things I'm sure of are that I don't want to be without her,

    is something you need to come to terms with, since you know that

    but the current situation makes me unhappy.

    is a fact.

    Her having told you that she loves you is super weird, since she was in a relationship at the time. Maybe you misinterpreted that?

    All that having been said, good luck dude. You do the right thing.

  11. I was watching episode three of Community. This tickled me. Arabic and English subtitles pop-up together to say: "I think the wrong person just left." However, the Arabic subtitles say, "I think the wrong person is left," meaning the direction. Hee.

    </probably stupid but whatever>

    Oh man the Arabic in this thing is the weirdest mix between Google translate and extremely accented classical Arabic. Kinda like saying, "Verefoor art thoo Roomeo innit." It's cracking me up.

    The show is also funny in a good way, mind.

  12. Hmm, here are some recent stories that happened with my five year old cousin. I thought they might lighten the mood of some of you. Tomorrow I'll write-up a decent post on a funny and slightly sad love story that I went through recently.

    Anyway, my five year old cousin spends a good percentage of her time hanging around me (their family live upstairs) We watch My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic together sometimes. Here are some choice quotes from our viewings. She drops so many good ones it's hard to remember them all, but here are some semi-recent ones.


    "Woah," she says, "Rainbow Dash can fly? If I was a pony, I'd be her. Woah! Twilight can do magic! I'd be her! I'd also be her!" She points at one pony. "I'd be this pony! And that pony! And that pony!"

    She suddenly stops, gets off my lap, and announces to no-one in particular: "If I was a pony, I would be all the ponies."

    "You would be all the ponies?" I say.

    She comes over to me, stands on my knees, looks me intently in the face, and nods before staring off into space again. "I would be all the ponies."


    "When I grow-up, I'm gonna be a princess," she says.

    This annoyed me. I've never liked how cartoons and media in general seem to tell boys they could be awesome engineers or scientists or Action Man soldiers or whatever, but girls always get stuck with the princess angle. So I started telling her how cool it would be to be a scientist, like Twilight Sparkle, or an artist, or something. This was a five minute talk that ended with her concluding: "Fine. When I grow-up, I'm gonna be a princess-scientist." I gave-up, figuring that was, at least, a start.


    "Are you saying that Princess Celestia can fly and do magic? Woah, woah," she says, suddenly looking like her mind has been blown. "Woah."


    Another moment that blew her mind: "Are you saying even the SUN talks? Woahhhhh."


    "What's your favourite cartoon?" I say.

    "My favourite cartoon is Jim Jam," she says.

    "Jim Jam is a channel. What's your favourite show?" I say.

    "I like all the cartoons on Jim Jam that have shooting in them," she says, looking annoyed, "and all the ones that don't have shooting in them."


    Hopefully these are actually funny and not just to me.

  13. Edit: everyone else's advice is better than mine. The essence is, chances are it'll turn to shit, so put up your emotional defenses and get some distance from it. I'd learn to row if I lived in Europe. Always wanted to row. No rivers here to row in.

    Original post (sort of):

    You need to start thinking that this won't work out at all for you - chances are, it really won't. Save yourself the heartbreak and try to start moving on emotionally. Get a hobby; hell, learn Russian or something. But begin putting up your shields and prepare for the worst. This might be the end of an era for you. It might hurt, but know it gets better and, with time, bittersweet.

    I wish I had more practical advice apart from "Try very hard to not feel bad", but that's the best I can do. Good luck.

  14. You know: Community isn't bad. It's still trying too hard to seem quirky in an off-handed way, but it's funny.

    Three random things:

    1. The Arabic Abed's family speak is weird. It's a super accented take on classical Arabic that nobody ever uses anymore. Also, the way people say "Abed" is, like, weirder.

    2. Writing some of these scenes must have been very difficult. I can only imagine how hard it is to write something with seven or eight people in a room and give them all something fun to do.

    3. I kind of wish the voice of reason would float in every once in a while. There's one particular scene in episode three that could have been resolved had someone simply said that different cultures sometimes clash.

    But good show. It's finally growing on me.

  15. I'll try seeing if I can find that on my next trip through the Hall of Wisdom's secret library.

    Is it that poorly written, though? I think it's merely bland, most of the time, purely serviceable to the game. You shouldn't try to raise it to any standard of literature, that's not what it's about. They're ingame items, no different than the kettles lying around.

    Oh yeah. I'm not comparing them to Herman Melville here. I just think they could have had more flavour added to them.

  16. Elder Scrolls books are great. Not greatly written, but it's great they're there. They bring so much interesting stuff to the world, and some of them are really nice. The whole story of Barenziah is a nice fairytale fantasy.

    I was reading The Real Barenziah yesterday. It's poorly written, but made for a fun story. I did spot a Biography of Barenziah I might peek through.

    It's interesting how some of those books add to the lore (which has been surprisingly rich), some add to the clarity to the storyline, and some are just pseudo-religious texts that make me laugh.

    The Citizen Kane of Elder Scrolls books is The Lusty Argonian Maid, obviously.

  17. Yeah, it's very overwhelming when you first step out into the sunlight in a TES game. I've been playing Morrowind; the strange alien vibe of the place did not help. But once you get into it, it's very addictive. I've been pouring at least three hours a day into it, which is insane, considering I usually need to shut down a game and go do something else by the first hour. It's why games take me so long to play.

    (Oblivion is noticeably more generic, apparently; I wonder how playing that will feel after coming-off of Morrowind.)

    (the first two books kind of suck, though -- and the first third of book five desperately needed an editor with balls -- as did the epilogue in book seven... but other than that...)

    Such filthy lies. I agree about the epilogue of book seven. But the first five books were pure excellence. Books six and seven are not as fun and a bit too YA at times, but hey, look at me replying to a four year old post about a book I last read five years ago.

    (Filthy lies.)


  18. Ben: good theory. I'd hypothesized about

    Moriarty wearing a mask, but hadn't made the connection between that and the ending


    "OH MY GOD THAT IS THE WORST FAKE OUT ENDING". It seemed really lame to turn such a prolonged and altruistically motivated tragedy into a wind up.

    I then went and read about The Final Problem on Wikipedia. I really like that

    they're essentially riffing off public demand from over a century ago, and it allows them to do something that would otherwise be a bit lame

    . Heh :)

    Conan Doyle caved-in as well. The result was the fun "The Empty House"

    . This adaptation of it wasn't
