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Posts posted by LOPcagney

  1. I really enjoy it. I like the change in pace from most of Valve's shooters, specifically that it's not completely up to you. The Director does the job of making you feel rushed so as not to get caught in another swarm, while the game-play favors a slower, more methodical approach.

    I've only so far gotten to play single-player, but I imagine it only gets better when you can strategize with friends, especially in the four last stand levels. My only disappointments so far are superficial: I wish they had made better use of the cornfields in Blood Harvest. I wish characters didn't tend to float around at the edge of cliffs.

    I just played this for a bit, and it was fun. I guess you'd need to play with great folks, though, not the average cunt.

    Idle Thumbs server this weekend?

  2. My anticipation for The Fall has been growing ever since it was first mentioned on this thread. My first chance to watch it on a real television is over Thanksgiving break and I'm counting the days. His other movie, The Cell, looks visually interesting as well, although it's not supposed to be as good.

    I've seen and can recommend Mulholland Drive: It's just fucked up. Absolutely weird, though it left me oddly dissatisfied. David Lynch does a good job of keeping you in a state of gripping terror the whole time

    I've also been watching Dexter. I'm on the third or fourth episode of season 3 now, and it's great. Some of the plot-lines are a little melodramatic, but the last 5 episodes of Season 2 were some of the most intense hours of television I've ever watched. Definitely good stuff, but...

    Dokes dies! I was really upset. I love how just when you (I?) start to like him, he dies, although I guess at that point it was the only way for the show to continue. I just wish he'd revealed his identity somehow. I wanted to see how Rita would have dealt with it.

  3. If it's an MMO, even a KOTOR one, I gotta say: "meh."

    I just don't like the genre, and it keeps on irritating me to see worlds that I'm otherwise a big fan of (Warcraft, Dawn of War) being realized in a way that I'm simply not motivated to ever experience. I love KOTOR and want more of it, but single player please. I just can't seem to see the appeal of an MMO.

    I'm with you. It's not that I don't see how people could have fun with an MMO, but I despise monthly charges. I don't think there's any game I would pay monthly to play. Going along with the whole craziness about Spore recently, when I buy something, I want to own it and be able to play it whenever I want on my own terms. Knowing I'd have to shell out $15 just to keep playing would stress me out.

  4. Yeah, this is an incredible game. I'm only on the 2nd world, but the level where

    you have to go over the giant windmill

    is awe-inspiring.

    What is this 6 moon levels thing?

    And Jonathan Blow, please give us PC users Braid!

  5. There's no reason to franchise this game in my opinion. It works so well as a standalone title.

    I'd love to see another "spiritual successor" under the Bioshock name, employing similar utopian principles to a completely new setting and context.

    Of course, I'm one of those crazy people who still thinks the team should be working on rewriting the last 5th of the original game.

  6. Either way, you referred to it as a "flOw rip-off." It's a pretty bold jump to expect people to read that as "the interpretation being inspiring to the creators of the original project." Anyway, whatever! Spore!

    Ugh. Spore did what flOw had done earlier and better, regardless of who thought of what when and while working for whom.

  7. Wait. wasn't flOw announced after (and, if I remember correctly, inspired by) Will Wright's original GDC demo of Spore a couple years back?

    I was under the impression that it was inspired by spore, but that it was an example of the interpretation being inspiring to the creators of the original project. The whole jumping up levels, getting lighter towards the surface, seeing other creatures below you aspects weren't in any early trailers I saw.

    But if he's on the design team, then that's different I guess.

  8. I love both the cell and creature stages, which I've played through as both an aggressive and peaceful creature, but I hate the tribal stage. In fact, I've been unable to get past it. The cell stage works as a flOw rip-off with some interesting ideas. The creature stage is amazing just for the thrill of exploring the planet. However, when you get into a game-style as obviously game-oriented as the tribal stage, Spore's weak design begins to show. I'm having a ball with the editors though, especially the vehicle ones.

  9. It's so ironic, too, because I literally bought the game Sunday after reading the piece on Penny Arcade and making up my mind that, DRM aside, my money was going towards a worthy cause (namely, the survival of computer gaming).

    But I guess the joke's on him. McCain can have my money, but he can't have my vote.