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Everything posted by Nachimir

  1. Ah, pissing away their own money it is then.
  2. The Golden Compass Film WTF?

    I feel mixed on that. You're right, CGI animals can't convince us where CGI objects can, but shots of real animals can't be used to convey drama as easily as CGI. I was very impressed that the sequence of the car crashing into the helicopter in Die Hard 4 didn't use any CGI. All the same, I was watching Groundhog Day this morning, and it was strange, watching such recent pre-cgi cinema, where a spectacle still consisted of a car smashing through a gate There's only so much you can do without it.
  3. How exactly is this supposedly funded? Unless they've found some complete cretins to invest in them or are pissing away a mountain of their own money, there's absolutely no way 3DR can have an adequately sized development team working on DNF. At the length of development that's been going on so far, and assuming it's ever had more than a tiny prototyping team working on it, they would have passed beyond any hope of breaking even years ago. The only past I can see for the project is getting shitcanned and turned into a myth.
  4. $t34md!

  5. It's (technically) Christmas Eve!!!!

    I have remote controlled helicopters coming out of my ass this Christmas.
  6. I think they are just winding people up. I might be wrong.
  7. Who is feeling stressed from Christmas?

    My family go for simple Christmases, so no stress here really. Needing to pick up a couple of late gifts was annoying because town is full of meandering, slack-jawed dawdlers, but it's over now. All that remains is to see friends and family, eat, and play games
  8. I can't believe people still think they're working on DNF.
  9. Wii too wee?

    He's excellent, check his other videos to see some finger tracking he did with a wiimote a while ago.
  10. Zero Punctuation

    Bitching about things without being funny takes even less effort.
  11. In fairness, stills look much stranger than an animated model. Real faces work this way too; try photographing a speaker at a conference and you'll catch them pulling all kinds of weird expressions that are so fleeting you don't notice them while just watching. Very few people are naturally photogenic as a result, even if they're good looking. Quantic did a good job on the body language with the Heavy Rain tech demo, even if they are over-hyping their stuff to the point that they'll inevitably under-deliver.
  12. Holy Shit!

    She was okay, though it's largely the slutty outfits, airbrushing, heavy makeup, photoshoppery, hype and massive tv exposure that did it. I hate airbrushed model pictures. They overdo it so much sometimes that they look more muppet than human.
  13. Opening credits

    I thought it was just me I've never been so impressed with the opening credits of something. Piss poor visuals on this one, but the opening tune for has always stuck with me. The optimism of it coupled with the fountain at Geneva is kind of sweet.
  14. w00t!

    "We Own the Other Team" is the only explanation I've ever seen of it, and I think that goes right back to UT99.
  15. Mr Splashy Pants

    Green peace have been having a vote on what to name a whale. All of the shortlisted names are typical and crap for a whale, except one
  16. Rigby

  17. Merry Christmas, Thumbs!

    It's been a whole day and I still can't stop laughing at this.
  18. Terry Pratchett has alzheimer's

    I read most of the Death and City Watch ones years ago, and they're great. IIRC, the city watch ones kind of have the best of Ankh Morpork because they regularly run into its scumbags. The Death ones just have the best characters and situations. It was around when Masquerade was published that I thought they were getting a bit repetitive and stopped reading them, but maybe I should go back and pick a few new ones.
  19. Terry Pratchett has alzheimer's

    I regret not sending a thank you to Kurt Vonnegut.
  20. Half Life 2: I'm really missing the point

    I thought it was a total cliche, like an extension of 2D platformer aesthetic conventions mixed with 80s kids cartoons like Ulysses (Which I liked, but the floaty space weirdness was not a plus point) and Dali paintings. Meh I also played it after Unreal, which had Na Pali sky castles on flying islands. They too just seemed like a big cliche.
  21. Half Life 2: I'm really missing the point

    There's more depth to the characters in HL2, since they've put a lot of effort into body language and facial animation. I love the HL2 games to bits, but HL1 bored me to tears by the time I reached Xen. A four legged spider with a giant bollock hanging off the bottom, running around a floaty space world made of rock platforms and crystals? Fuck off.
  22. Merry Christmas, Thumbs!

    That's what I'm sending instead of Christmas cards How on earth did you find that?
  23. Greenpeace video game campaign video (LOL)

    Oh my god. I've not seen anything that bad since the 80s.
  24. Mr Splashy Pants

    Well it won: The name may have harpooned the subsequent petition though