
Phaedrus' Street Crew
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Everything posted by baconian

  1. just because

    also because it'd be great to see more of that dialogue in games. Im just doin my bit.
  2. just because

    fuck it. it takes me five minutes to piss 10 euro away at a bar. what? a 20 dollar tip? do you guys (Americans) do that with parcel delivery men?
  3. Nintendo Revolution

    well they could hardly match the ps3 so why bother. All the console hardware is sold at a loss and they make up their money from games, so a lower cost machine could serve Nintendo very well in the coming years. It all depends on the controller whether I'll get one straight away. Some gyro stuff would be interesting.
  4. Ps3

    the controller looks like it's melted or something. Doesn't look very comfy either.
  5. Happy Birthday, Yufster!

    ditto. busy weekend so I just saw this thread...
  6. Blackspotsneakers anti-corporation

    yeah. wear burlap sacks on your feet if you care that much.
  7. Yufster will you marry me?

    here's hoping
  8. Boycott Star Wars III

    now that's where you're plain wrong*. Lucas's idea of taking the reality of mitochondria and using it in his mythology was inspired. It's fascinating to me that these tiny bacteria are somehow intrinsically linked to the genetic evolution of humanity and may in fact be collectively deciding what happens to us. * read as 'wrong'
  9. This guy fucked up

    nah. flaming samboukas are sweet. And you can do the flamethrower thing on purpose and it looks cool. and and fuckin' and.
  10. Boycott Star Wars III

    weellll Ford made them funnier, cause he didnt take any of it seriously, but I really don't see that big a difference in the old and new ones RE plot, character development, direction, cast... the world is better off with star wars in it.
  11. A Conclusion

    or Marek is thus Donnie Darko. and the eggs of the great auk are dutch.
  12. A Conclusion

    Man, bad? BAD?? It's basically a defining moment in time travel when they go back to set up the sandbag, cage, gun, key, and guitar training at the end of 2. And Vai wails.
  13. A Conclusion

    I watched half of donnie darko and then left the room to do something more interesting, like making tea. Jake gyllenhal or whatever is annoying.
  14. I thoroughly enjoyed it and reccommend it. For fans and not.
  15. Heschent

    well, since we're being honest, and since someone did seem to actually click on that last band's link, my band needs a plug: we don't have anything for sale, we don't have any gigs in your are, so don't feel like you're sullying yourself by clicking on that. or you could click on the website link in my profile. nah that's not gonna happen.
  16. Go Team Xbox

    Ninja Gaiden is bloody brilliant. Solid solid game. Difficulty-wise, I think it's perfect. I wouldn't want to try it on very hard mode, though, and I'm only on level 3, but 2 or 3 tries is getting me past each boss. Learning attack patterns and stuff is something that seems to have gone out of fashion. That's a pity. It and outrun is enough for my spanking new xbox at the moment, panzer dragoon will be next. At last, a dragon game that seems like it lives up to the potential.
  17. Psychonauts hate thread

    Murphy's. I'm gonna have to wait for my signed PC copy to arrive, so it'll be at least another month Ah well I've already waited this long..
  18. Read any good books lately?

    Yeah I just read 'The Last Day' of Cerebus. That's some fucked-up shit right there. I don't think you have an emoticon that describes it. Edit: Oh, yeah, I meant to add: Bibble! hahahaha. what a load of twaddle.
  19. nintendo to come with revolution in gaming?

    God yeah. A few years ago I googled around looking for someone building the Millenium Falcon board game, and found a couple different things going on. It's entirely possible. Sony bought up one of the companies that were having a shot, but there's a few different approaches. I can't find any of the websites now. That's a bit telling.
  20. Yet another Psychonauts thread

    That sounds exactly like something Tim would do. In one talk he gave, he said how he liked when you look at Farrah in SandsofTime, after a minute she starts going 'what are you looking at?' and stuff. You know what I'm talking about.
  21. Ron Gilbert

    cool. perhaps. we'll see. tasty.
  22. No Okami thread?

    I know it's early days yet, but the trailers look great to me:
  23. No Okami thread?

    Shouldn't you spell it 'wack' then? sorry, it was just too painfully obvious to let go...
  24. New Zelda details

    hey don't knock it. I spent many an hour messing with my ocarina when I was a lad.
  25. New Zelda details

    I'll be getting it anyway, that's for sure. 70 hours? byebye world.