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Posts posted by loonyboi

  1. Evidently we're in the minority here though, or so the wankosphere would have you believe at least. I mean come on -- how many people can honestly say they've ploughed through all supposed 80 hours worth of gameplay here? The mind boggles.

    80? Dude, I hadn't even finished the main quest at 80.

    I accept that i'm in the minority, but don't claim there's somehow less than 80 hours of gameplay there. I had well over 100 without dipping into replayability (that is, doing the same quests again).

  2. I did it over the course of several months. The problem with the game is that it lets you do too much with one character, killing the replay value, while doing nothing to your characters choice to join groups that do "evil" things.

    It depends on how evil you get.

    I have two characters, one I used to do the thieves guild/dark brotherhood, and one I used for everything else.

    The DB character has a super-high infamous rating.

    I got about 120 hours out of Oblivion across both characters.

    I've gotten about three or four times that out of Morrowind. But then that includes both expansion packs and playing it on both PC and Xbox (to completion!). Also Morrowind was a slower game in general.

    Morrowind is probably my favorite RPG of all-time, so yeah, I don't think Oblivion is as good. But it is awesome. I couldn't have asked for a better next-gen sequel to Morrowind.

  3. tue, i dont think they can keep putting out one a year. they will have to slow down or they might burn out. oh, wait... sorry ¬¬

    That's exactly what happened, actually. Revenge came out last year and 5 won't be out until next year.

    There are refinements that could be made however. The game is all about savouring the visceral effects of a crash - peices of glass, crumpling metal. I would like to see notable crashes slowed down even more, and the physics on cars falling apart improved.

    Sounds like that's what's happening...from the OPM article:

    The physics will have a lot more parts to work with as well. Whereas cars in Burnout Revenge were composed of 12 different parts, cars in Burnout 5 will now have 80 different pieces that can get blown off in a collision

  4. Congrats!

    May the universal law of children* not apply in your case!

    *The universal law of children (as stated, you know...by me) says that children will inevitably dislike anything their parents like, and like the things their parents hate. Therefore my theoretical children will hate comics, movies and games in favor of sports, sitcoms and pop music.

  5. Too late. :oldman:

    And I'll be damned if that's not one fine-looking controller. I bet the game's hard as nails too.

    I know all about A.H. I pre-ordered Accordion Hero the second they announced it.

    After great games like Nazgul Thunder and Cthulhu Karts, I'll buy anything Schadenfreude puts out.

  6. While MTV would now own Harmonix, the creators of that, I think all publishing rights are still owned by Red Octane (who is now owned by Acclaim, a deal they specifically made to get Guitar Hero), so Guitar Hero is becoming this giant corporate ownership orgy.

    RedOctane was bought by Activision, not Acclaim. Acclaim in its current state is just a publisher of MMOs and not in any position to buy anyone.

    I think what this shows is that Activision paid waaaaay too much for the wrong company. They got the Guitar Hero brand and the patent on the plastic guitar, but they failed to purchase the developers of the game.

    If MTV/Harmonix wants to go off and make Saxaphone Hero/Accordion Hero/Bass Master, etc. they can do it with any publisher. They're probably tied into a multi-title deal with Activision/Red Octane, but they're still independent.

    If anything, the MTV deal means Harmonix has better stuff in their future. Before Guitar Hero, they were this small, but pretty cool company making quirky musical games. Now they've got the backing of a major conglomerate, so hopefully we'll see a FreQ style game for handheld systems or something.

  7. Are you human, Jason? Are you human? ;(

    I'm more human than human.

    Other things that might piss you off:

    I don't like Metal Gear Solid, Metroid or WOW.

    I think Beyond Good & Evil is an average game that was shipped in an unfinished state.

    I think Psychonauts was an okay game with funny dialogue, but I completely understand why it didn't sell.

    And so on.

  8. I'm definitely pre-ordering, but I haven't decided on what game(s) to get.

    I'm considering Zelda, but to date, I have never really liked a Zelda game. Link to the Past bored me, as did Ocarina of Time. I finished Majora's Mask, but only because I really wanted to see how close that meteor could get (it was pretty cool, but the gameplay was dull as dirt). Wind Waker made my eyes bleed.

    Excitetruck looks like a lot of fun, but I don't know if it'll be fun after 20 minutes of playing. That's the one I'm leaning towards at the moment.

    Metroid's not a launch title, but even then, I got so bored with Metroid Prime 1 that I'm not sure I'll really be all that interested in it when it does come out. Metroid Prime was a completely lifeless FPS. No character interaction whatsoever, no dialogue, nothing. I need more than that.

    Mario Galaxy is the game I'm *really* looking forward to, but now that's not a launch title either.

    Those planning on pre-ordering, what are you getting?

  9. Tried to watch this again for the first time in ages last week. To no-one's surprise it's aged very badly owing in no small part to its near total dependency on CGI funk, and the entire cast being laughably shite.

    I disagree. I watched the movie about a year (maybe two) ago, and I think it holds up just fine.

    Maybe you're just bitter. ;)

  10. I believe HMV is a purely English-country store... haven't seen it anywhere else in Europe, at least not in the Netherlands, France, Belgium, Spain or Germany. But maybe it has a different name here? In the southern country, the Fnac is probably closest to the idea. Here in the Netherlands the Mediamarkt is growing as a mass-media chain, where once the area was dominated by a multitude of smaller stores called Free Record Shop.

    We have HMVs in the US. I've seen them in NY and San Francisco.

    I'm pretty sure they sell games there, but I've never bothered to actually go in one.

  11. I love bargain bin hunting. You can find tons of great games for $10 or less.

    Once I bought Suikoden for $1.99. (This was pre-PS2, even).

    PC games are the best for bargain bin shopping, since the major chains don't know what to do with excess inventory. And on eBay PC games are never worth anything if they're more than six months old. I picked up The Longest Journey not too long ago at my local gamestop for $4.99.

  12. I like that he's expressing interest in digital distribution. It would be awesome if DF made a few different XBLA or Virtual Console games, just to see if something sticks.

    I don't know if their games (okay, there's only been one) would apply to XBLA.

    XBLA is not (at least right now) for games of any significant length. It's for games where rules are more important than levels.

    Psychonauts would be a bad candidate. A side-scrolling version of Psychonauts, minus the cut scenes? Sure. But I don't know if that's something anyone really wants.

  13. At least this isn't a piece about how "girls play games too!" With lots of profiles of girls playing first person shooters.

    That story got old years ago.

    Many, many, many years ago I was asked to write a story like that for a major magazine.

    I declined. I just couldn't bring myself to do it.

    Since then, I've seen that story more times than I'd care to remember, and it's always lame.

    It's like the obligatory "Bang! Zoom! Sock! Comics are for grownups!" story that hits every couple of years.