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Posts posted by loonyboi

  1. I've only read a bit of it, but so far I really dislike the redesign. Especially the way reviews look now.

    They've been beaten by the ugly stick big time.

    Edge always had that great, clean European look. Now it has that nasty, cluttered European look. It's not as bad as some mags (the UK OPM is fugly) but it's a step down, that's for sure.

    Oh, and that cover's going to drive me nuts. It looks cool, but it makes holding the mag a chore.

  2. I think we're all being a bit harsh here...just because someone voted for Bush doesn't make them a complete idiot.

    Personally, I always thought of myself as being somewhat conservative, until I saw what people who proudly call themselves conservative believe in and so now I'm a firmly Left Wing NutcaseTM.

    Anyway, voting for bush doesn't make anyone an idiot. Believing that terrorism is a global threat doesn't make anyone a complete idiot.

    Believing that capturing Bin Laden and the list of "known" terrorists will "win" the "war on terror"? Yeah, that makes you an idiot. Or at least, an incredibly misguided person.

    Bush Won: :tdown:

    We get four more years of Ann Coulter thinking she's in the majority: :tdown::tdown::tdown:

    We get four more years of great material for left-leaning comedians: :tup: :tup: :tup:

  3. New York and California, which traditionally have been bitter enemies, seem to have come together over this whole thing.

    The plan (as I understand it) is to invade Canada, annex them by simply walking into their unlocked doors and declaring ourselves their new leaders, and then telling the rest of this country to go do something anatomically impossible.

    Various other parts of the northeast will be included. And washington too, because it's in the way between California and Canada.


  4. Behind the scenes in what sense?

    I did a couple of interviews with Todd Howard back in my Shacknews days, but I don't know of anyone that actually did a "making of" kind of article.

    Considering how long the game was in development, that would be pretty hard to do.

  5. I am Jason.

    I live in Brooklyn, New York and work in PR for a video game company that most people have heard of.

    I came here because Jake stalked me. All that rustling in the bushes finally creeped me out enough where I followed his breadcrumbs back to this site. I've been lurking in the shadows ever since.

    I'm 27, which means I'm among the oldest people in my department. A fact which scares me to no end. Plus I'm married and have something of a career. The only thing keeping me from being officially classified as an Adult is the fact that if you open my desk drawer, you'll find a bright green Xbox and a bunch of cables.

    Plus there's that whole Superman thing.

  6. The creeper can buy anything you want, no matter how expensive. It's just a matter of figuring out how to exploit him properly.

    Here's how it works:

    Sell him lots of medium-value items. His gold purse refreshes daily, so sell him stuff, sleep for a day and sell some more.

    Once he's got all that stuff, buy it back, thus giving him an assload of money.

    Then sell the *really* high-value stuff to him.

    Poof! You're rich in no time.