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Posts posted by Redwall

  1. How many games can this be applied to? I'll pick the obvious one.

    Sorry to break the train of thought here but I'll see if I can answer the question. *Ahem* Short answer: If I could go back in time to where I bought it, I probably wouldn't

    The beginning is wrist slitingly blah, the main body is chocked full of awesomeness that Microsoft didn't give Bungie the time to finish, and the ending... isn't there.

    I don't think I've ever thought such a horrible string of obsenities than when I sat through the ending. Calling it an ending is too noble a term.

    So, had they had more time, it would have been a damn near soil myself awesome game. But as it stands, I couldn't recommend it and still look at myself in the mirror.

    So bloody aggrivating, irritating, disapointing.

  2. I also hate games that make me think too much and make up stupid rules you have to learn and that make no sense... so what I am saying is ... I HATE REAL TIME STRATEGY... GOD C&C and all that CRAP!

    This thread was intended for games you have a specific problem with, not genres you don't you like because you don't want to use your the lump of grey matter between your ears that has given rise to our glorious civilization. :finger:

  3. Well, it's just my point of view, but I already know that I will absolutely enjoy re-playing Doom 3 in five and more years. The game has such a solid engine (like every ID games) and feeling that it will still be great. However, I already bet in 5 years everyone will be bored by a game which gameplay is only based around its physic engine.

    I was bored by Doom 3 (admittedly, what little I played of it), but I have already played HL2 twice through completely. I guess we'll have to agree to disagree, because this is so way off topic.

  4. TLJ is good, except for the first chapter or so, which is drop-dead-boring exposition. April is annoying, but it's about as annoying as you'd expect someone dropped into her situation would be, I think, and never really got on my nerves. And I only remember two people cussing in Arcadia (the fantasy world), and they were from Stark (the real/science world).

  5. I'd rather buy 4 good old values for 15$ each than a steamy Half-Life 2 for the same price.

    You know, that would be a lot more effective if you mentioned a recent, much-hyped game that was actually bad. One with a 3 in the title, maybe, but I'm not going to make suggestions.

    And there is other companies that has released old games for free (e.g. Bungie)

  6. I will restrain myself from going off on one about difficulty levels, but suffice it to say that the term 'Easy' is often a downright lie...

    But in Halo, it's not. Halo on Easy it about the most goddamn simple game ever made. I suck at shooters, but I swear you cannot die on Easy. Halo's odd, of course, because it's difficulties run the extremes - easy is piss poor boring, legendary is die-load-repeat ad nauseum.

  7. It was made but it was rather the Ed Del Castillo's version than Richard Garriott's one ... or so people says. I think it was a terrible mess at the time so when Castillo was named producer he tried to release the game as fast as he could (i.e. 6 months after his nomination) and in good shape.

    You could says he didn't succeed.

    Well in that case...

    Monkey Island 3: The Ron Gilbert Edition.