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Everything posted by Redwall

  1. Battlestar Galactica Season 3

    The explanation for the entire Baseship arc, I think, is that Number Three is completely insane. This episode was a little shaky, but the actors did a good job with it IMO.
  2. Gears of War Hype?

    Not because of its gameplay...
  3. Battlestar Galactica Season 3

    Oh boy. I actually liked Torn a lot better than I liked this episode.
  4. Gears of War Hype?

    The game industry could use some pretension.
  5. Specific Lost question

    Yes. (It's not a coincidence that J.J. Abrams' next show was called "Six Degrees"...)
  6. Kotaku: Go to Hell.

    Yes, we have tabloids (and I also know what The Sun is), although I'm not aware of anyone who actually reads them. Most of them are about celebrities and aliens anyway.
  7. Battlestar Galactica Season 3

    It's on SciFi's website, too. For some reason I always laugh at the shot of Roslin at the "...drunk XO..." line.
  8. Jack Thompson is back....

    Are you new to Jack Thompson or something, Wrestle?
  9. Battlestar Galactica Season 3

    "Adama wouldn't lie to me." Oh my.
  10. Idiots argue about next gen consoles

    The sad thing is that that forum is (used to be?) generally intelligent. I really can't believe all the graphics-related comments, considering what kind of stuff that forum is for...
  11. Battlestar Galactica Season 3

    I think the parallels are obvious, but I really don't see the show making the insurgents (at least Tigh and the suicide bombers) the "good guys". Both sides are into morally abhorrent territory at this point. But Adama will come back and set them all straight.
  12. Battlestar Galactica Season 3

    Can we talk about the premier now?
  13. Not that anyone's expecting much from Crytek, but...
  14. Titan Quest

    I couldn't get the damn thing to stop crashing every few hours, so I eventually just gave up. Fun to retread Diablo in a different art style, though.
  15. Alan Wake

    I'll give you Gordon. But FREEMAN?
  16. My first thought was Hideo Kojima.
  17. Know your game designers

    You've scored 18 points! You're batting 720!
  18. Have you had some coffee/tea/mountain dew/cocaine recently, Duncan?
  19. I didn't know what it was either. A WCIII map, apparently.
  20. Battlestar Galactica webisodes

    Yes, I'm still watching both. And no, you're not really missing anything on SG-1.
  21. Battlestar Galactica webisodes

    No, Nora never appeared before the webisodes. Even I (super-obsessed BSG geek that I am) have been forgetting the webisodes, though I usually remember before the day is up at least. The latest one was sort of great and sort of not. Bastard Tigh is awesome, but the whole thing seemed rather off to me.
  22. Battlestar Galactica webisodes

    I do, yeah. But the redhead speaks in this one! She was following Anders around in the last three episodes of last season, and she stood out because of the hair. And that frown smiley gets me every time.
  23. Bad games that are good

    Dreamfall, if I may be so bold.
  24. Battlestar Galactica webisodes

    Jammer is part of Chief's deck crew. He's the one who's always "It's every man for himself!" and gave Cally the idea to shoot Boomer. Duck is a Viper pilot, but he's only been in a couple of episodes. Very peripheral character. Obviously Tigh, Chief, and Cally you know. I know all this because I am obsessed to an unhealthy degree.
  25. Battlestar Galactica webisodes

    Besides Duck's wife, they're not new characters.