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Everything posted by Udvarnoky

  1. Video Game toilets

    Pfft. That is far from complete.
  2. Psychonauts Nominated for Crappy Award Show

    Grim too, of course. That goes without saying! And before I get into trouble: I'm not comparing writing or the games themselves here.
  3. Psychonauts Nominated for Crappy Award Show

    Yeah, I mean, these retarded award thingies don't mean anything to me ( ), but to imply that Psychonauts didn't have the greatest voice acting in a game ever is rather silly. Escape from Monkey Island is the only thing I think that comes close.
  4. Psychonauts Stuff What Never Made It In

    Ever since I first read this ancient interview with Richard Horvitz I would have expected the Coach's "problem" to have been similar to what Edgar's is in the final game. Perhaps ideas were shifted from the Coach's mind to Edgar's, or Horvitz was simply mistaken. Interesting either way, I think. I think if you track down some of those interviews and coverage from the 2002-2003 area you'll find some interesting stuff.
  5. Favorite Psychonauts level

    None of the peasants were voiced by Fred. They were in fact all different actors.
  6. Favorite Psychonauts level

    You don't go into Boyd's mind to fix anything, really. You just set off the implant that Oleander put in his head early. Also I just wanted to say that I love Gloria's Theater. I've noticed that it seems to receive some negative responses but I thought the whole idea of having Gloria's troubled past acted out on a stage depending on her mood was brilliant, and the catwalks section was great platforming fun. And yes, the critic boss fight was great. Anyway, favorite mental level is too hard to choose, but for now I'm going to say Black Velvetopia, for many of the same reasons vimes stated. I think it emphasized the best part of all the game's mental worlds: learning about the character directly through the gameplay. There's a lot of story you can learn just by walkthing through the world, seeing the high school stuff in the sewers, etc.
  7. Nintendo, I love you.

    The concept is still awesome. I just hope Nintendo won't be aiming to rape my wallet too much.
  8. Nintendo, I love you.

  9. Indiana Jones - new in gaming (!)

    Off topic, the new Indy movie is more likely coming out in 2007 and not next year.
  10. Nintendo Revolution

    What do they mean by "other DVD content?"
  11. Random Psychonauts Tidbits (possible spoilers)

    Woah, that's pretty interesting.
  12. Random Psychonauts Tidbits (possible spoilers)

    Why do Milla's nightmares have to be the same as Boyd's?
  13. Random Psychonauts Tidbits (possible spoilers)

    I'm still a fan of the electric-y mental crane thing that was apparently the original levitation. EDIT: Or how about this (not so black velvet)topia? And indeed, the original thought bubble was weirdly awesome.
  14. Tim Schafer on Icons today on G4

    Yeah, agreed, but I'm talking about the differences that time didn't create, like the fact that the games have a totally different style and atmosphere, not that the interface was more streamlined. They go in two very different directions, perhaps even different genres (from a story, not gaming, standpoint).
  15. Tim Schafer on Icons today on G4

    Anyway, Full Throttle is not a Maniac Mansion game.
  16. Tim Schafer on Icons today on G4

    Indeed. And why I wish MM would have been a bigger series. Thanks to DOTT, any third game could be as insane and creative as ever, without having to follow much of a guideline.
  17. Tim Schafer on Icons today on G4

    I'm sure he'd came up with some idea of a sequel, I just didn't realize he actually had something concrete that Grossman and Schafer could go by that resulted in DOTT. The games are just so unbelievably different.
  18. Tim Schafer on Icons today on G4

    Yeah but I never connected the dots. I just kind of assumed it was all part of the obligatory "he created the first game" honoring.
  19. Tim Schafer on Icons today on G4

    Tim offers a couple of amusing tidbits too, such as when he praised Ballblaster, the name for the pirated version of Ballblazer, during his original Lucasfilm Games interview. I also didn't know that DOTT was based, however loosely, on a concept by Ron Gilbert.
  20. Tim Schafer on Icons today on G4

    This thing is actually good. Someone had better be recording it.
  21. Eiji Aonuma QOTM

    Wait a minute, wasn't he like, chief director of Wind Waker? How can he say this garbage? But hey, as said before, this is the guy behind Majora's Mask, which in my opinion had more personality than any other Zelda. I'll excuse him this retarded quote.
  22. Psychonauts = 9.5 from OXM

    Ign Review: 8.7
  23. Psycho Store

    Why that one hasn't been released on DVD yet is beyond me.