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Posts posted by lobotomy42

  1. And what's so bad about releasing it in April? There tends to be a scarcity of games at this time of year, and publishing a niche title like Dreamfall during a busy eriod would be extremely foolish as it would be overlooked in favour of the latest mediocre tv/film tie-in.

    OKay, I'll admit I added that one just to have a slightly longer list. Though I still generally don't associate April releases with big hits. Plus it means that it'll be competing with E3 for press coverage.

    I still stand by the others, though.

  2. So they're releasing

    ...a sequel to an adventure game...

    ...that didn't sell all that great to begin with...

    ...and adding enough action elements to alienate "hardcore" adventure game fans...

    ...but not enough action elements to win over other "hardcore" gamers....

    ...in April...

    ...published by Aspyr, who is best known for Mac ports of two-year-old PC games...

    ...for the PC, where games generally don't sell as well...

    ...and the Xbox, a platform that has been dead for months and already has a successor.

    Not to rain on anyone's parade...but exactly how is this game going to avoid complete disaster?

    Seriously, I've already pre-ordered and I've been following the game pretty much since it was announced. But having any hopes of it doing well at all are...well, I think kinda foolish.

  3. I just got it, and it seems to be an unofficial sequel to Master of Orion II. There are a few things that seem to almost directly reference MOO2, like the Galactic New Network announcing all your technologies and things like that. Since MOO3 was awful, it's as if Stardock went "Hey, we wanted that game to be good, too...let's make our GC sequel the true Master of Orion!"