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Posts posted by Salka

  1. Spoke to the girl. Didn't go well. She didn't say it in these words but my basic take away is that she fears upsetting her current relationship in any way more than she wants to be with me. It's a harsh way to put it but it seems like that's what it boils down to.

    I don't know what to do now. I'll have to figure out if there's a lesser situation that I can handle, or whether I'll have to try to figure out a way to be just friends, or if this means I need to not see her at all. I hate all of the above at this moment in time, so I wish I could stop thinking about them. At least for a while.


    This girl is ass, and so is the situation. There's one very important thing to remember, and that is that no matter how much you think you're in love with her, you'll love someone else one day far times more, because they'll be a right match for you and in the right situation.

    You need to stop seeing her and move on, it will suck and feel unreal and horrible at first but it will open up a door to a much happier future.

  2. I want to snaggle up a decent little camera, but I don't even know where to start looking. One that takes nice, sharp pictures with proper depth and colour would be nice. My current camera is a £100 jobby that takes forever to take a photograph, and then it looks a bit better than a camera phone job.

    It would also be nice if it was some sort of size that wasn't ridiculous to carry around all the time.

    Also though I'm very poor so it would be nice if it wasn't enormously expensive.

    I await your awesome advice!

    EDIT: something like this:,V2F0ZXJwcm9vZi0xNjEzMjctLVllcw==/low-/high-/appliedglobal-false-false-false/

    What would that be like? Waterproof would be an awesome additional feature since there will be lots of water-based action this year... euphemism euphemism euphemism.

    Also something with this level of awesome but a fraction of the price would be sweet ass:

    So like... yeah.

  3. As Thunderpeel says, Pret already does this.

    Apparently there are some supermarkets in the UK who employ security guys to watch the bins to stop people coming and getting food for free. It's really sad.

    Weren't they changing the law about sell-by-dates recently or something? Or replacing them with something else, because it just promotes food waste.

  4. I'm watching the latest Sherlock and they're in a lab and I keep hearing the Gameboy start-up sound, I swear it's the same sample...

    The sex scenes in The Room were unbearable. I don't really know a lot about that guy - where did you read about him being a crook? He is still definitely an idiot though, I wouldn't worry about that. I was really amused by how despite anything that was happening in the 'plot', characters would keep saying things like "oh Johnny is so kind, he works with orphans" and stuff like that... People would randomly go on long monologues about how great and kind he was as a person. His future wife even interrupted a rant about how much she didn't love him, to talk about how great and kind he was. It was so narcissistic! I had to wonder what kind of an idiot would seriously write that dialogue in reference to themselves and not just want to curl up and die of shame.

    I loved how he managed to incorporate so many elements of a drama about the human condition in a way, but did so in a way that totally nullified them. Like you know, you could read it as the story of a young woman pushed into a premature marriage by her conservative mother. So she's struggling with that, struggling with feelings for her fiance's best friend whom she had a drunken accident with, and then finds out her mother is dying from breast cancer. She is crushed, trying to cope with her mother's illness and not wanting to disappoint her by breaking off the engagement, and so begins a downwards spiral of self-destruction due to the depression caused by all these factors. For instance.

    But instead it's just completely nonsensical. The breast cancer is mentioned and then never comes up again, and the characters do a really hammy job of that entire scene. She makes up the thing about the baby not because she's on a spiral of self-destruction, but to make things more "interesting". It's just like he almost understood how to make a story about the lives of some people, but then failed because he doesn't actually understand people or how they work or what emotions are, or acting. I think that was the thing I found most delightful about the entire thing.

    Sorry that was a long post. That movie is still fresh in my head, bewildering me.

  5. To be fair, the books themselves are like that. There's clearly logic underpinning all of it, but often it's like WHAT THE FUCK.

    True fact, but I don't recall them being quite as "WTF". It's been a long time though so maybe my tastes have changed and it just didn't annoy me back then. I don't mind the ridiculous stuff he notices when he meets people, for instance, it's other stuff. Like when

    he gets the code for the safe right and also knows to duck because it will be boobie trapped

    , it feels like it should have been an interesting and clever reveal instead of just confusing and lame and unrewarding.

    Kroms, just to clarify: I don't actually think anyone intended to pander to that fantasy, but it just smacked so hard of that kind of immature storyline nonetheless. I can tell myself she was lying about her sexuality or that the end was

    just her fantasy before she was killed,

    but I think that would just be me trying to make myself feel better about bits of the episode that were lacking. The way it was seemingly intended was that

    she is gay and Sherlock saves her at the end

    , and it doesn't seem to me that it was intended to be looked at in any greater depth than that.

    I also saw The Room yesterday, it was entirely bewildering. I don't know how real it was. It was like a movie-length episode of Darkplace or something.

  6. I was confused - was she actually meant to be gay or not? I didn't think it was sexist so much, but the fact she was gay and HE TURNED HER was just too stupid for words. They could've made her straight or bisexual or something if they wanted her to fall in love with Holmes... It felt like they only made her be a lesbian so they could make her character succumb to someones fantasy of wanting to "turn" a lesbian. It was deeply irritating - that, and the entire ending and loads of the plot.

    I would like to think the final scene was a fantasy too, but it didn't seem to be presented that way to me, and there was so much stupidity in the whole episode that I don't put it past them to have an equally stupid ending.

    I think it also annoys me that, while I like that Sherlock is a bit of a dick, I hate that the conclusions he draws are so fucking ridiculous. They don't even try to make puzzles that will engage the viewer and make it fun to watch the episode and try to keep up with Sherlock, or at least to be able to say "Ahhh I see!". Instead it's just like being tortured, having to sit and watch some total fuckwad goad you because he figured out something that you didn't know, and never could have known, not even if you had all the presented facts and access to google, because ultimately the answer to any puzzle will just be some random shit pulled out of some writers ass.


  7. Hey. You could try downloading AGS to mess around in - it's a free engine in which you can make some pretty solid 2D stuff.

    Also, I second using pen and paper! If you have ever played a tabletop RPG or the like, you'll understand that it can actually be a very amazing, immersive experience with absolutely no art required at all. I once played a game of Vampires: The Masquerade that blew my mind. Designing the gameplay mechanics, balancing everything and creating rules - it's actually some pretty complex stuff, and great fun to get your teeth into and try get to grips with :D

    Check out some of the rulebooks of games like Vampires - gameplay at its core. Sweet!

  8. Yeah, it's wonderful... he meets a penguin expert and the only two questions he asks are about gay penguins, and insane penguins. I love Werner Herzog so much.

    The whole of Grizzly Man seems to be on Youtube too, which I also recommend. Herzog presents it so hilariously, it's some kind of mixture of dark comedy and horror.

    There is also the video of Herzog being shot by a sniper, which is another favourite:

    "It was not a significant bullet"


  9. Upon seeing Johnny English Reborn for a second time in theatres yesterday (agent in distress!), I was once again confronted with the horror that is the 'Happy Feet Two' trailer. This thing is so vile and objectionable that I had to put it in words, but it's surprisingly hard to say what exactly makes it so abhorrent. Here is an attempt.

    1. Pushing adult themes on seemingly baby penguins in a movie for babies kids. These juvenile penguins are singing gangster rap shit about picking up ladies and 'knocking them out', which frankly I don't know what it means but it sounds scary.

    2. Hypersexualizing gender patterns for children. In the trailer there are two groups of kid penguins singing: boys and girls. The boys are all tough and macho, but then the girls come up (visually indistinguishable from the boys) and they all act like three Beyoncé's put together. With high-pitched, breathy moans they sing their stuff, wagging their hips and doing some seductive dance. Then the parent penguin comes up and goes 'oh ho ho, well done son'. It reminded me of those beauty pageants for toddlers where mom dresses them up with lipstick, fake boobs and pink dresses. It's disturbing, wrong, and in a theatre near you.

    3. A movie about penguins with no Morgan Freeman voice over ;(

    Shitting Crikey, I just looked up the trailer and it's hideous. However, if you want a decent movie involving penguins but not Morgan Freeman, you should check out


  10. Wow, I just checked and actually Norway is not that much more expensive than Ireland. I was so shocked when I went back there recently and was paying £6 for a pint of Carlsberg. How do people afford to go out over there??

    Yup, there we go, I just found a list of the most expensive countries and Ireland is only two places below Norway. Also I've been to Denmark and that raped me to death but I survived and got home okay, so hopefully Norway shouldn't destroy me too much.

    I should change the name of this thread or something...?

  11. I really, really fancy Timothy Dalton. He was the best Bond. I really want to go to Tromso now and I still really want to go to Iceland too. I'd love to take LSD and then watch the Northern Lights. Here is my stream of consciousness, I hope you like it.

  12. I like the idea of months of darkness. The thought of never having to worry about the sun coming up on Monday morning at Glastonbury, that is awesome. I bet it would stave off hangovers etc until the summer months, or something. It feels like that's how it should work, anyway.

  13. Thanks dude! Yeah, I really like exploring places, so whether it's museums or pubs or odd little restaurants, it's all good with me. It looks like a pretty magical place - I love walking about and seeing amazing scenery. I really love the dramatic landscapes in Norway/Iceland/places like that. I get so used to soft green hills all over Ireland and the UK, so it's really mindblowing to see some of the landscapes you have over there.

    Predictably, being Irish, I also love: beer. I love Germany for all of the amazing different beers it has. In the UK we have a lot of local ales wherever you go, which is great, but I get sad when I go back to Ireland and most places just have Carlsberg and Guinness.

    Live music is also something I'd love to see.

    Tromso sounds pretty winsome...

  14. I don't know what to write here now because the thread title has it all. I guess I might add that I want to pick your brains. Also do any of you live where the Northern Lights make a regular appearance, that would work for me too - it doesn't have to be Iceland I guess.