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Posts posted by Salka

  1. Well I can't help but think things that verge on a bit of conspiracy. I mean, there's the very obvious fact that nobody gives a shit about rape cases. It's a sad fact, but most rape allegations don't make it to court, or are lost due to lack of evidence or the victim not being a reliable witness to their own rape, etc. That in itself is a huge issue that interests me and saddens me greatly. Many victims are still asked what they were wearing before the rape. The way rape cases are dealt with is horrific, and it's really sad.

    But considering this, it then seems completely implausible that there are police standing outside the Ecuadorian embassy right now waiting for a man who hasn't even been charged with a rape yet, who invited the Swedish authorities to question him over the allegations but within the Ecuadorian embassy and was turned down.

    Apparently a medic has just gone into the Embassy...

  2. Would be really interesting to hear everyone's opinion on this.

    Currently the media seems to reckon he'll be granted asylum but then the UK police will simply storm the embassy and take him.

    I was watching a live videostream but it was fucking appalling and after the guy with the camera told a female police officer to take her clothes off, I decided against watching any further. So if anyone has any better links to share.... New Statesmen has an interesting take.

    If only all rape allegations were investigated this thoroughly, eh?

  3. It's not the sport I object to, although I hate sport, but I love that other people have a thing that they can come together and celebrate. Queens Jubilee, Royal Wedding, whatever - it makes little old ladies party on the street. I can get behind that. Olympics, great, it makes uh, I don't know... I guess it allows people who don't go to music festivals to experience a similar feeling of oneness and an exciting celebration. I don't know. That's great, even if I don't like it personally.

    I still object to everything surrounding the Olympics. The attempted tax-breaks for the horrific corporate sponsors, the security paranoia... my friends went to a gig in Hyde Park to close the Olympics and they weren't allowed bring in any liquids INCLUDING SUNSCREEN that were over 100ml. No drinks or food to be brought inside - apparently one of them had their wasabi peas confiscated. No camping stools allowed etc etc... just sounded dreadful. And paid lots for the privilege no doubt. Oh, and apparently the sound was shit too. The whole thing is just cynical as fuck.

    Also it does kind of sting when you're getting royally fucked over left right and centre by the current coalition but everyone just gets distracted by some fireworks and the Spice Girls. I know it shouldn't matter and I fully acknowledge it has nothing to do with the Olympics really, but it still stings.

    Most importantly though:

  4. My heart rate is still above normal and I still feel twitchy and crap, even thought it's like 9.30pm now.

    Subbes the frustrating thing is I'm pretty much the most chilled person, I don't have negative thoughts or thought patterns, I don't have any enemies or worries or basically anything that could cause anxiety. I don't even worry that I'm going to die when I have these attacks, or worry about death ever. I am always laughing and happy, inside and out, so that's why the idea of it being anxiety seemed unlikely to me. I'm not anxious, I'm excited and happy and content with every aspect of my life right now. I just had an awesome 10 days with my family and a load of time off work.

    I have an awesome boyfriend who is similarly chilled; we never argue or disagree and he is very supportive.

    So if I did CBT they'd have nothing to work with. I already have healthy thought patterns. I don't dwell on problems or anything. That's why anxiety seemed wrong to me. I know people say that you can have it even when you don't feel stressed or whatever, but you know. It feels like there should be SOMETHING causing anxiety for it to be this severe...

    I'm also healthy, I eat lots of fruit and veg, I'm on B12 supplements now because my B12 was slightly down... I drink loads of water and caffeine-free tea (just because I like Rooibos), I am very active (walk and cycle everywhere I go). Anxiety seems like the most bullshit reason for me to be feeling this way. It doesn't make any sense.

    But I'd go on Xanax or whatever it's called, long before I'd ever willingly experience another day like this one :-(

  5. The doctor thought it has nothing to do with B12 either, she just gave it to me to prevent a future problem and also to rule it out as maybe the problem.

    Maybe it is anxiety. Today at work I felt like my heart was going to explode for 5 hours straight. I was twitching, my blood pressure was high-ish when I was sedentary (144/81 I think my new gadget told me, where normally at resting levels it's in the ideal range). It came from nowhere, it felt difficult to breath but I wasn't hyperventilating or breathing fast. In felt, I fact like everything that was happening was an annoying physical thing with absolutely no connection to my state of mind at all. My hands and legs were also shaking.

    I wasn't even worried about it or thought that I was dying, because I am getting increasingly used to it and have read about it to the point where I know that it's not detrimental really, just uncomfortable.

    So I guess on Monday I should ask the doctor for some kind of anti-anxiety doo-dah because there is no way I want to sit through five hours of that again (the only thing that helped was a friend giving me a valium and going to bed to sleep for a couple of hours, although even now I still feel buzzy and crap).

    Exhausting day.

  6. Doctor Thumb, my right leg is now aching and stiff and tingly and has been for about 20 minutes. I've been taking 20,000% of my RDA of B12 every day for a week as instructed by my doctor, during which time the symptoms have gotten worse.


    Can't see my doctor until Monday now, so any advice would be sweet.

  7. The Doctor told me to monitor it but not necessarily rush to the hospital unless it gets stupid bad (and I've had this numbness before). This is the first time it's felt cold though, and sometimes a bit burny :-/

  8. New development... I have an average-looking red patchy rash on my chest, but this time it's tingling. Or burning. I can't quite decide. But it doesn't feel what I'd describe as itchy.

    I hate that this shit keeps developing. Fuck you, body. I keep expecting my symptoms to have reached their peak but then new shit happens. Shit that I hadn't even thought of before. GHraGrhaGHarGHarGHargh.

  9. So...

    All tests came back fine (I'm not diabetic, celiac, anaemic) EXCEPT B12, which was slightly low. The doctor said she said she feels that it's just a coincidence that we found this out during routine tests and that it isn't the cause of my symptoms, because it's not THAT low, however she's told me to take a strong B12 supplement every day for a month and then they'll test my B12 levels again to see if they've improved. Given my diet she also feels that my B12 shouldn't have been as low as it was, but we'll find out more about that in a month I guess.

    In the meantime if symptoms get worse I should go back to her. If my B12 levels are improved by the end of the month but I'm still getting the same symptoms, the next step is a Neurologist.



  10. So, result of blood tests came back and they want me to go back into the GP to see my doctor to discuss. When I pushed for more info she begrudgingly told me it's something to do with my blood test results. Result!

    I know I was tested for vitamin deficiencies and coeliac disease, so I guess it's going to be something to do with those. B12 deficiency symptoms sound about right regarding the breathing difficulties, numbness etc, although not the allergy symptoms, but perhaps they're just two separate things that came to a head at the same time.

    Although I do make an effort to include B12 in my diet so I'm not entirely convinced that I just haven't been eating enough of it. But maybe it's not that anyway so, we'll see I guess. I guess if I have coeliacs then I'd have a b12 deficiency anyway. Also: lupus.

    And why didn't I have coeliacs/b12 deficiency in Berlin, or something? Was it a red herring, thrown in by god to test my faith or something? PS my foot is numb.

    EDIT: Oh: "The symptoms are often intermittent (they stop and then start again)".


  11. Serious question, how do you go to A&E? Do you just rock up in a taxi, or is there some not-so-emergency number you can call to pick you up? I feel like phoning 999 would be a bit dickish, however the next time my lips swell up I'm going straight to A&E.

  12. I think I've narrowed this down to either gluten, or caffeine, and I think it's caffeine. Earlier on I felt brave, I'd had no symptoms in a while so I had a cheeky cup of tea. Now look at me, I'm too hot, my face is tingling and I have a dead leg for no good reason.

    The worst thing about this is that decaf tea and coffee taste abhorrent.

    Also I drank coffee every morning in Berlin so actually it's not coffee ARHGARHG MY HEAD A SPLODE.

  13. I'm just saying, if I HAD to eat an animal, if I was forced at gunpoint or had to choose between my child or an animal, I'd go for the chicken because they're fucking stupid.

    Child is a bad example because I'd go for any animal over my own child. So let's say, if I had to choose between shooting an animal or shooting One Direction, I'd choose... actually... hmm....

  14. New symptom. Pins and needles started in my right foot, and has now worked its way up to just below the knee. A few days of having only slight hives gave me hope that it was a weird thing that would pass. I guess I was wrong.

    Mmm.... brainssss....

    EDIT: now is a good time to mention that I have had tiny tiny little spots of pins and needles in my toes every so often recently, but assumed it was probably just my imagination and so ignored. I should probably stop doing that.

  15. Okay I'll keep you updated on this exciting medical drama. Knowing me all the symptoms will probably now disappear that I've told people about it, so I look like an idiot. I have a fear of being a hypochondriac, oddly, so I usually don't tell people when I'm feeling unwell in case ( a ) it's only in my head and ( b ) they don't believe me and think I'm a hypochondriac. You wouldn't believe how long I can normally tell myself I'm just imagining it for. I once coughed so hard that I tore the muscle from my ribs (apparently a very common injury but holy crap did it hurt). It was only at the point I involuntarily curled up in a ball of agony at a Caribou gig that I realised maybe I should see a doctor, and when I did he told me I had bronchitis too and should have seen him weeks ago. I found this surprising as I had been telling myself quite confidently that I just had a bit of a tickle in my throat... and lungs.

    Which brings me nicely to this: I felt a lot better today. Breathing has been a lot easier (although I have yet to go to bed where generally the breathing thing becomes a lot more difficult...) and I only had one hive on my face all day. I haven't had any caffeine today either.... HMM ¬¬

    But also it's been extremely hot here so I've lost my appetite completely, and therefore didn't really eat anything. I lose my appetite in the heat pretty badly, in fact I barely ate in Berlin while I was there because the heat was too unbearable. I'm Irish, I'm not used to it ;(

    So maybe I'm allergic to too much food.