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Posts posted by Salka

  1. I have never seen most of these movies. What a deprived childhood I have had.

    Also; what is with the university open day thing?! In Ireland, we go to open days in 6th (final) year, too. Which is kinda stupid because we pick our subject choices in 5th year... or as early as 4th year... and a lot of students pick subject choices on the basis of what university they want to go to.


    I went to University open days myself. I have to say, Trinity is one sexy building.

  2. With a voodoo doll.

    But also, Thief: DS is what I will be playing tomorrow.

    Right now, I am destroying a nation in Civilisation III. It's my nation. And technically, I'm not the one destroying it.

    I might try to finish Final Fantasy X some time, but it really does annoy me.

  3. Okay, here's a thread where you can post pictures of the area you live, so other people can be jealous or laugh at you, whichever.

    I live in Waterford. Waterford is crap. Dunmore East is just outside Waterford City, and is that place with the nice blue water.




    And here is the most recent picture I could find of Waterford Quay;


    It hasn't changed much, but it is a lot less brown. And you see that bridge? It's called Timbertoes Bridge. Golden Gate, eat your heart out! Unfortunately, the old, funky, wooden bridge was torn down and replaced with a massive suspension bridge, and the train station has been moved a little and a road has been built over it, and a massive roundabout and a highway, and things like that.

    Here is a shopping guide, in case you ever want to go shopping here;

    Click to activate your Shopping Guide!!!

    That is where I live, or rather, just outside that area. Okay, your turn!

  4. "Fighting With Daughter Over Her Revealing Clothes?

    The Dr. Phil show is looking for a parent who is in conflict with their daughter, age five to ten, over dressing too sexy. Is your daughter obsessed with dressing like Britney Spears or Beyonce? Does your daughter conspire to buy or borrow short skirts or sexy tops to wear BEHIND YOUR BACK? Is getting dressed for school create a BATTLE between you and your daughter? If you want to talk to Dr. Phil about your young daughter's desire to dress beyond her age and are WILLING TO APPEAR ON THE SHOW, please email us your story."

    Straight from the man himself.

    Age 5 to 10?! Ha ha ha ha!!!!

  5. Looks like I was just in the nick of time!

    Well, you may have won this time. But there will be other times. Other newbies. And will you be around to save them?

    You have to sleep some time...

    P.S. I am a billionaire and I own several houses along the west coast of America, which I rent out to Movie Stars!!!

  6. Gasp! I remember those magazines! I used to sit up with my Mom for the whole frikkin' night, copying in code, and then it would crash and we'd have to start over!!! When I was 8, I could make yes/no answer games on the Speccy. But when I was 8 the speccy was old.

    Our first one had like, a massive 1kb of memory!!!

    P.S. I'm 80.

    EDIT: Chris!!! Bastard!!!

  7. So why did you!? Huh?! WHY?!

    For attention. Because I am an Orphan, and I have no mother.

    But also, because I don't want people mistakenly believing that I choose not to participate in this thread because I am somehow offended by my non-existent mother somehow being 'boffed'. I am merely lacking a mother to be boffed. But fear not. Do not be sad for me. For Steve is like a mother to me. A very sexual mother, true... but aren't all mothers pretty sexual? I mean, I wouldn't know, as I've never had one.

  8. I've never owned a joystick in my life... unless one came with the Spectrum that I never used. Oh, wait. And I got a sidewinder with the PC but I gave the awkward little bastard to my brother.

    I did, however, break the Cassette Player for the Spectrum. I can't remember exactly... I think it was a music cassette player or something. But it was a cassette player that had something to do with the Spectrum. Wait. Game cassettes, maybe? So long ago. Anyway, our first one of them I broke by inserting sandwiches into it when I was trying to change Dizzy cassettes and got sidetracked with a sandwich. In my defence, the new cassette player was better than the old one anyway.

    And then I did the very same with the VCR a week later.

  9. So anyhow...

    Where I'm from it's tradition to once a year get together and play many many new and old computer games and hold competitions and get completely out of your skull on various intoxicants to improve or handicap your performance depending on if you're winning or losing.

    Common phrases at this time of year are...

    "Give me that beer, I need more fuel if I'm gonna make a come back"


    "Give a few more beers and you may stand a chance of beating me"

    Oh yeah? And where are YOU from?

  10. Okay, I knew what a ratchet was...

    But I think I saw that movie, and read that book, when I was very, very little. You'll have to forgive my limited movie, and book, knowledge; since I am from Ireland, our heads are too full of information about Potatoes, and Famine, and how to administer doses of Guinness to Cows with Colic, and things like this.

    Now that I know what that Emoticon is about... that reminds me... there's an episode of futurama which I believe is a parody of that movie? And book?

    "Time for your Medication Disks!"

  11. Oh, I love scottish accents. Do you have a scottish accent? I love those.

    I still don't know what this... emoticon is for, but I'm going to use it because it really creeps me out. :ratchet:

    ... What's a 'ratchet'?

    P.S. Buckfast is a certain type of lager they drink in New Zealand, where they're always drinking alcohol. Buckfast is a breakfast lager, to get them started in the mornings. It's a refreshingly light, crisp taste, with a hint of mountain freshness.

  12. Yes, admittedly I do crave attention. In fact, I feel like attention right now.

    And here's how I'm going to get it;

    Okay, first I would like to draw attention to my post count. I think I have posted more times than five. Not that I should be proud of the fact, but if the forum is tampering with posts, what next? Poll votes? Real votes?


    You guys are so gullible. First I tell you I'm jewish, and nobody questioned that even though it's pretty questionable. Then I tell you my parents died on the cross, and nobody questioned that either, probably because you knew I was lying.

    But Buidhean dár sluagh?! Come on, you guys! A baby would probably die if it drank that much alcohol! I can't believe you believed that stuff!

    It's a good thing I only do this for attention, and I'm not filming or documenting you all falling for it. Buidhean dár sluagh. Man. I bet you believed that Midgetgolf one as well...