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Everything posted by Salka

  1. Are YOU a rapist?

    I wouldn't worry too much, it's more of a Brighton thing than a games industry thing (I believe, anyway). Most of us have bad days at work but don't resort to substance abuse. The speed guy was always a bit of a nutcase, his decision to finish the model whilst taking copious amounts of speed had nothing to do with anyone else. The cocaine guy does cocaine in his spare time, it has nothing to do with the games industry. These two examples are not reflective of the games industry. You're going to find undesirable individuals in every industry, so to think twice about entering the games industry just because one or two people you meet are gonna be douches, seems a bit over the top to me. I've met far more douches when working outside of the games industry.
  2. Reasons to dislike the British press #343

    What's especially cruel is that they got people from within their community to speak out against them. I'm pretty sure the journalist manipulated them into saying things with clever wording, and the resulting quotes must be so hurtful to those kids. Really unbelievable.
  3. Are YOU a rapist?

    Sorry, I hate to unblow your mind but it happened after work hours, not during work. Although that said, I have heard tales of bags of cocaine being tucked away under peoples keyboards... and once an artist I know stayed up for an entire weekend on speed, in order to get the model he was working on finished...
  4. Are YOU a rapist?

    The thing that annoys me is that the moral of that rape story is that Ulrikka is a blameless victim. She says she had to learn not to blame herself. FALSE. Women aren't helpless little puppets, we're perfectly capable of saying NO when we don't want to have sex. She didn't do this, she didn't give a reasonable indication that she didn't want sex - the guy didn't even know he'd "raped" her. So therefore she does have a certain amount of blame. She's responsible for herself, it's not up to the guy to make these decisions for her and she shouldn't let him if she doesn't want to have sex with him. She should have been stronger and there doesn't seem to be a reasonable excuse as to why she wasn't. Whether or not she thinks or feels she got raped, she DOES shoulder some blame for being such a pussy about it and letting it happen when it was utterly preventable - all she had to do was say no thanks, I don't want sex. It annoys me to see someone claim they got raped under such easily avoided circumstances and then claim that they are blameless. I work in the games industry, I'm usually one of the few girls in an office full of men with varying degrees of autism or social failness. If I had a penny for every time a guy got a little bit carried away with me - even just hugging me a little too long or trying to kiss me on the cheek one too many times (or trying to trying to feed me wine and cocaine, whatever), I'd be a millionaire. I'm the least confrontational person ever (in real life ¬¬) but I still managed to politely and firmly handle those situations. If I had have given in to the the persistent and pushy methods of the cocaine guy, and had sex with him, then I would really have only had myself to blame if I felt bad about it afterwards. It wouldn't make him less of a dick, but it would still be my fault I'd just had sex with someone. EDIT: Actually I'd have about 10p, but the hyperbole helped me make my point.
  5. That is the most awesome thing I have seen this year Can you plz plz all sign one and give it to me? Marek plx? Plx?
  6. Google Streetview UK launches

    THE HELICOPTERS ARE COMING TO GET ME. oxsENcS548Q TV, Radio, anything that's too noisy, just because I've not had it for such a long time, IT CONFUSES ME. EDIT: hahaha I love the internet: AfghansWorld (1 day ago) Show Hide alllllllllll racist people MUST die like JADE WOODY >zwilson08 (1 day ago) Show Hide Jade GOODY u knob atleast get her name right for god sake, Who r u to say all racists must die? your not god, u have no right! its up to god no matter wot religion you are that god is the only one. so shut up u ignorant arse. >>AfghansWorld (1 day ago) Show Hide you fucking jack-pot or you fucking toss pot.... her name is JADE WOODY u ignorant COW!
  7. Google Streetview UK launches

    JADE GOODY IS A BEAUTIFUL YOUNG WOMAN, LEAVE HER ALONE, HER LEGACY WILL SAVE MILLIONS!!!11 and she is BRAVE!!1 I was watching stand-up comedy in Brighton a few weeks ago and one of the comedians started a joke about Jade Goody, but very very quickly shut up when audience cries of "oh leave her alone!" started.
  8. Yeah I'm not a designer or artist but it looks shit. That's amazingly bad. It really makes me think - I could probably get through my entire life and be quite successful if only I could master the art of bullshitting effectively.
  9. Awesome! I wish it was actually a movie )
  10. One logo - multiple emotions... all those emotes display the same emotion don't they? Is this real or a joke?
  11. [youtube] now exists

    Jesus I don't know how to do fucking anything. Never mind.
  12. [youtube] now exists

  13. Can I sleep on your sofa?

    Hello, I got a bit bored of sitting at home and applying for jobs in vain, so I asked my friends if they wanted to buy a car and drive through Europe and to my surprise they said yes, because they are also bored and jobless. We don't have much of a plan so far, except that we want to drive through France, Spain and Portugal and maybe somehow swim to Africa or something. The two guys who'll be accompanying me are very lovely, both worked at the NCsoft dev studio and were made redundant at the same time as the rest of us. One is ex-Bullfrog/Lionhead, so you will enjoy picking his brains. The other is "souveran", which I think means "sauve" in German. Both are cool and if you have a sister who is single, I will try to set her up with one of them as payment for your kind deeds. Marek would probably be accompanying us except that he has a job now. Anyway, just wondering if any of you have sofas to give up for a few days at some point. We might not be going your way, or we might, I don't know yet, but it would be cool to get some idea of the amount of sofas that are available to crash on, and where those sofas are in the world I will repay you with sweet music on the guitar we'll be taking on. Also you can help paint flowers on our car. Ken will let you wear his favourite jumper, and Rene will give you brownie points, and I will be your best friend forever.
  14. FF8 cosplay fight

    I'm almost ashamed to admit it but I love this.
  15. "Dear Blizzard"

    Jake and Spaff ftw! I was actually pretty shocked when I saw how Spaff's department was treated for continuing to produce awesomeness. You would assume that was something to be revered right? But it wasn't. It's incredible how some people aren't even just accidentally mediocre, they aim to be mediocre. Before I ever had a job I would not have believed that such an attitude existed. "Let's just get it out the door people!" <-- I have heard this wayyy too many times considering that I haven't been in the industry long.
  16. "Dear Blizzard"

    I've failed more job interviews than I've been successful at, so I wouldn't use me as an example...
  17. "Dear Blizzard"

    I once said that my worst quality was that I am always late, and I got the job anyway. Then in another interview I said "I hate that question, can I skip it?" and the interviewer said "yes" and I also still got the job. Woo!
  18. "Dear Blizzard"

    On a vaguely related note, I once received a cover letter at NCsoft that started, "Dear Blizzard,"
  19. The Science Museum presents: Launchball

    Family love Science Museum! Here is my favourite thing about the Science Museum though, Here's my favourite thing about (the?) Natural History Museum:
  20. Can I sleep on your sofa?

    Hey Karimi, it's fine for you to sleep here although we're in Brighton, so you'll have an hour commute to get to London I have yet to ask the London thumbers though, so I'll do that now...
  21. The last song you got stuck in your head.

    You know when you have a song SO stuck in your head that you wake up and your first waking thought is that song? and Damn those songs.
  22. Can I sleep on your sofa?

    Oh PS Karimi, I'll ask if it's okay if you can stay here, and i'll also ask London thumbers who may not have seen this thread. Unfortunately I'm in Brighton so it may be a bit inconvenient... What dates are you here?
  23. Can I sleep on your sofa?

  24. Dude harsh :'( I'll keep an eye out for things. Willing to relocate?